Water Systems

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◦ Water systems are the hidden heroes of our daily lives.

They deliver clean, safe water to our homes, businesses,
and industries. In this presentation, we will explore the
different components of a water system, from source to
Types of Water Systems
◦ Public water systems: Provide water to a large number of
people through a network of pipes.
◦ Private water systems: Serve individual homes or
businesses, such as wells or rainwater harvesting systems.
Components of a Public Water System

◦ Source: Water source, such as a river, lake, or groundwater.

◦ Treatment: Treatment plant removes impurities and contaminants
from the water.
◦ Storage: Storage tanks hold treated water before it is distributed.
◦ Distribution: Network of pipes that deliver water to homes and
Water Treatment Processes
• Coagulation: Chemicals are added to cause impurities to clump together.
• Flocculation: Clumps of impurities settle out of the water.
• Sedimentation: Clumps of impurities sink to the bottom of a tank.
• Filtration: Water is passed through filters to remove remaining impurities.
• Disinfection: Chemicals are added to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
◦ Water treatment is a multi-stage process that removes impurities and contaminants from the water.
Common treatment processes include coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.
Each process plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and quality of our drinking water.
Indoor Water Conservation Tips
◦ Indoor Water Conservation Tips
• Fix leaky faucets and toilets. Even a small leak can waste gallons of water per day.
• Take shorter showers instead of baths. A five-minute shower uses significantly less water than a full bath.
• Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing dishes. Every drop counts!
• Wash full loads of laundry and dishes in your dishwasher or washing machine. This will help you to use
water more efficiently.
• Collect the rinse water from your fruits and vegetables and use it to water your houseplants.
Outdoor Water Conservation Tips
◦ Water your lawn and plants early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid
◦ Use a broom to clean your sidewalks and driveways instead of a hose.
◦ Wash your car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose.
◦ Choose drought-resistant plants for your landscaping. These plants require less
water to thrive in the Philippine climate.
◦ Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering your plants.

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