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Unit 2.

Efficiency and Market

2.1 Pareto optimality and market failure in the presence of
2.2 Property rights and the Coase theorem
2.3 Public goods/ bads and market failure
Welfare Theorem
• An allocation is Pareto Optimal if there is no way to
rearrange production or reallocate goods so that someone
is made better off without making someone else worse off.
• i) We say allocation/arrangement X is Pareto superior to Y
if all individuals are at least as happy with X as with Y, and
at least one individual is happier.
• ii) Consider the case of three boys who will earn (5,5,7) if
they do chore X together or (6,6,7) if they do chore Y
together. the two tasks are equally onerous, and the
employer is indifferent between the two chore-payment
arrangements. Then doing chore Y is Pareto superior.
First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare
• If all traders have monotonic selfish utility functions,
and if (x,p) is a competitive equilibrium, then x is in
the core, and is therefore Pareto optimal as well.
• What this says is that the price system from a
perfectly competitive economy, induces selfish
individuals independently maximizing their private
well-being, to bring the economy to a socially optimal
state. Prices rise in response to excess demand, fall in
response to excess supply - adjust on their own.
Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare
• With convex indifference curves, there will be a set of prices such that
each Pareto efficient outcome is a competitive market equilibrium.
• This postulates that when IC’s are convex to their origin, every
efficient allocation (every point on the contract curve for exchange) is
a competitive equilibrium for some initial allocation of goods or
distribution of input (income).
• The significance of the second welfare theorem is that the issue of
equity in distribution is logically separable from the issue of efficiency
in allocation.
• This means that whatever the redistribution of income that society
wants would lead to the exhaustion of all possible gains from
exchange under perfect competition, pareto optimality does not,
therefore, imply equity.

• Markets thus use prices to communicate the wants and limits

of a diffuse and diverse society so as to bring about coordinated economic decisions in the most efficient
manner. The power of perfectly functioning market rests in its decentralized process of decision making and
exchange with no omnipotent central
planner needing to allocate resources. Rather, prices ration resources to those who
value them the most to achieve what is best for the society as a collective. Optimal
private decisions based on mutually advantageous exchange lead to optimal social outcomes.
• Market failure occurs when the private decisions based on such prices, or in their lack, do not generate an
efficient allocation of resources. Inefficiency, in this sense, implies that the resources could be reallocated to
make at least one person better-off without making any one else worse-off.
• On the consumption side, Market failure usually involve goods that have characteristics of ‘publicness’ or
involve externalities.
Environment as a Public good
• Public goods are defined to have two fundamental characteristics viz.non excludability and non rivalry.
While ‘non excludability’ has to do with whether it is possible to use prices to ration the selective use of
the good,
‘non rivalry’ has to do with whether it is desirable to ration such selective use through prices or any other
• Environmental quality and ecological services, like many other public goods, are not exchanged in markets
because of the problem of market failure in the sense of fixing a due price for it i.e. the price do not
communicate society’s desires and constraints to protect the environment accurately. Some markets can
fail due to the nature of the goods being exchanged having the attributes of non excludability.
• This can cause under-investment because developers cannot see much benefit to make
the development effort worthwhile. This can also lead to resource depletion in the case
of common-pool resources, where, because the use of the resource is rival but nonexcludable, there is no
incentive for users to conserve the resource.
• An example of this is a lake with a natural supply of fish: if people catch the fish faster than they can
reproduce, then the fish population will dwindle until there are no fish left for future
• Consider an important ecological service like biodiversity which has manifold tangible
and intangible benefits.
• However, the threat to biodiversity exist because many of the services are non-rival and
non-excludable. As a result, biodiversity by itself has no value reflected in market prices.
• In contrast, the commodity resources of the habitat (e.g. minerals, timber, non-timber
products, chemicals, game, etc.) are valued in the market, and their supply and demand
reflect the relative scarcity of these goods.
• There is thus a pressure to harvest these commodity goods at the expense of biodiversity.
• This lack of complete market (or incomplete market) implies that the unintended effects
of private economic decisions can create biodiversity loss to a socially inefficient level.
• To arrest this, three elements of policy are required for an effective global response.
• The first is the pricing of carbon, implemented through tax, trading or regulation.
• The second is policy to support innovation and the deployment of low-carbon
• And the third is action to remove barriers to energy efficiency, and to inform, educate and
persuade individuals about what they can do to respond to climate change

• Externality is said to exist, if the consumption or production activity of an individual or

firm affects another person’s utility or firm’s production for which no compensation is
made (i.e. where the condition of Pareto optimal resource allocation is violated).
• A good or service could also have significant externalities where gains or losses
associated with the product (or its production or consumption) differs from the private
cost .
• If external costs exist (such as in environmental pollution where the victims are not
compensated), more of the same might be produced than if the producer were to
compensate for such external damages to the victims.
• For the purpose of such assessments, the overall cost and benefit to society is defined
as the sum of the imputed monetary value of benefits and costs to all parties involved.
• Thus, unregulated markets in goods or services with significant externalities generate
prices that do not reflect the full social cost or benefit of their transactions.
• Such markets are therefore inefficient and become instances of market failure.
• A firm producing steel pays for the resources (inputs) used at the prevailing market price
with the costs incurred reflected in the final market price of steel.
• If the firm also pollutes the atmosphere when making steel, and is not made to
pay for pollution abetment cost, then such a cost will have to be borne by the society.
• Hence, the market price for steel will fail to incorporate the full opportunity cost to
society of its production.
• In this case, the market equilibrium will not be optimal.
• More steel will be produced than would be the case when firms are made to pay for
such damages.
• Consequently, the marginal social cost of the later units produced would exceed the
marginal social benefit. An external cost thus exist when the following two conditions
• (i) an activity by one agent causes a loss of welfare to anotheragent;
• (ii) the loss of welfare is uncompensated. If the loss of welfare is accompanied
by a compensation by the agent causing the externality, the effect is said to be
Pareto Optimality:

• Although the ultimate interest might be eliminating pollution, the

laws of thermodynamics convey that there can be no such thing as
non polluting product as to achieve zero pollution we should have
zero economic activity. Further, the physical
presence of pollution does not mean that economic pollution
• Moreover, even if economic pollution exists we may not need to
eliminate it unless it is in excess of the nature’s absorption
• Thus, corresponding to an optimum level of economic
activity, Q*, the optimal amount of economic damage (i.e. the
optimum level of externality) is defined as the point at which the
‘marginal net private benefit’ is equal to
the ‘marginal external cost’ i.e. MNPB =MEC i.e. the area B =
OYQ* (Figure 2.2).

• Thus, OYQ* (the point of equality of MNPB and MEC) is the

point at which the price equals the marginal social cost (MSC).
• Hence:
MNPB = MEC = P – MC (where MC is the marginal cost of
producing the polluting product).

Thus, P – MC = MEC
Or, P = MEC + MC = MSC
Therefore, price equal to the marginal social cost (MSC) is the
condition for Pareto optimality
Incomplete Market

• Market failure with environmental assets is generally linked to incomplete markets.

Markets are incomplete because of the failure or inability of the institutions to establish
well defined property rights – the phrase used to indicate the right to use a resource.
• In case of environment, lack of well defined property rights for clean air makes it
difficult for the market to be complete.
• Thus, people who live downwind from a coal fired power plant suffer from the
pollution effect but cannot halt the harm the plant does to their health unless the right to
claim a compensation from the operator of the upwind plant exist.
• With incomplete market of undefined rights, the operator lacks an economic
incentive to control emission by switching over to less polluting practices.
• This inability of the government to assign rights so that markets are complete provides
the rationale for government to intervene for the management of environmental
• A solution to this situation, provided by Coase (1960)

• If markets are complete, it will send the right signal about the socially optimal level
of pollution.
• But for many physical systems, the marginal benefit and cost are not well
• Thus, marginal cost may at first increase with increased pollution, but may
subsequently decrease.
• This is referred to as non-convexity implying that there may be
more than one locally optimal level of pollution.
• This is opposite to a complete market situation where the equilibrium level of
pollution not only exists but is also unique.
Asymmetric Information

• Markets are generally incomplete due to information asymmetry – a situation where full
information about the agents and their action are not completely known to all players
involved in a market transaction.
• In such cases, two types of problems, referred to as
moral hazard and adverse selection arise.
• In the case of moral hazard, markets are
‘confounded’ due to the hidden actions of an agent in a manner unobserved by the
other. The adverse selection problem, on the other hand, ‘depresses’ the markets
because an agent cannot again observe a ‘hidden quality’ of goods or services.
• Both the tactics (hidden actions and hidden quality) retard the operation of market constraining
the efficient use of resources.
Moral hazard implies that a regulator cannot well monitor pollution abatement. The
firm has thereby an incentive to shirk the control costs in return for some benefits. The
outcome implies more pollution relative to the economically efficient level.
• Moral hazard can also lead to an inefficient pooling of environmental risks.
• However, environmental
risks being unavoidable, it is better to find a market where those who are less willing to
bear the risk could sell the risk to those who are willing to buy it.
• Given that accidental spills or storage of pollution can create potential
financial liabilities (e.g., clean up costs, medical expenses), a firm would like to
pay to pass these risks on to an agent such as an insurer. But since there is a
trade-off between risk-bearing and incentives, the market for pollution liability
insurance will be incomplete.
• As a result, the market will end up producing an inefficient allocation of risk.

• Adverse selection too affects environment. The policy of sustainable

production in an eco-friendly manner requires the adoption of methods of
production which are more expensive.
• If the buyers are not convinced of the sustainability standards of the product,
they have no incentive to pay the price premium.
• If buyers with greater willingness to pay disappear, the sellers too disappear
and the market collapses.
• Preventing such collapse require a voluntary or government sponsored
certification scheme.
Public Goods and Bads

• The characteristics of a commodity being a public good or bad can be a

reason for
market failure.
• A public good is a special form of externality distinct from private good
with its non-excludable and non-rival characteristics. Here, a distinction is
made between
pure and impure public goods.
• A pure public good is both non-rival and nonexcludable.
• An impure public good, on the other hand, might be either non-excludable
or non-rival, but not both.
• Climate change protection, ozone layer and biodiversity are examples of
pure public good in which the benefits accrue to all those across the globe.

• Common property and club goods like rivers, local parks, lakes are impure public
goods because the benefits are excluded from the non-members of the group who
the resource.
• Of these, climate change protection is the most obvious form of
environmental public good since no nation can be excluded from the emission
effort of another nation.
• Likewise, biodiversity preservation is another example of
public good as no person can be excluded from the benefits created by a stable
created by preserving the different species.
• If people derive value simply from the
existence of a species, its exclusion is impossible. This holds for many environmental
resources. Figure 2.3 illustrates common situations where the two criteria of rivalry
and excludability are jointly and separately applied.
• The relevance of these properties for
the socially optimal provision of
public goods, avoiding a situation of
market failure, is the potential
problem of ‘free riding’ arising out
of the non-excludability property.
• Each person, therefore, has an
incentive to let someone
else provide the public good thereby
demonstrating the incentive to free-
ride off the
efforts of others.
17.5 Allocating Property Rights to Reduce
• A property right is an exclusive privilege to use an asset.

• Instead of emissions fees and standards, an indirect approach to

dealing with externalities is for the government to assign a property

• If nobody holds a property right for a good or bad, the good or bad
is unlikely to have a price.
• Nobody has property rights to the air we breathe and pollution, a
bad, has no price.
• A well defined property right system has the following four
 Comprehensive – All resources are either privately or
collectively owned and all entitlements are defined, well known
and enforced.
 Exclusive – All benefits and costs from use of a resource should
accrue to the
owner, and only to the owner, either directly or by sale to others.
This applies to
both private and common property resources.
 Transferable – Property rights should be transferrable from one
owner to another
through a voluntary exchange. The owner thus has incentive to
conserve the
resources beyond the time he or she expects to make use of it.
 Secure – Property rights to resources should be secure from
involuntary seizure
or encroachment by other people, firms, and the government.
Security provides
the owner with the incentives to improve and preserve a resource
while it is in his or her control rather than exploit the assets
Common Pool Resource

A common-pool resource, also called a A common-pool resource typically While the core resource is to be
common property resource (CPR), is a consists of a core resource (e.g. water or protected or nurtured in order to
type of good consisting of natural or fish), which defines the stock variable, allow for its continuous exploitation, the
human-made resource system (e.g. an while providing a limited quantity of fringe units can be harvested or
irrigation system or fishing grounds), extractable fringe units, which defines consumed.
whose size or characteristics makes it the flow variable.
costly (but not impossible), to exclude
potential beneficiaries from its use. Unlike
pure public goods, due to rivalry,common
pool resources face problems of
congestion or overuse.
Because their core resources The dilemma exists when Common property regimes (or Common property regimes
are vulnerable, common-pool people find that their individual systems of management) arise typically protect the core
resources are generally subject incentives lead them to when users acting resource and allocate the
to the problems of free-riding the worst outcome possible – independently threaten the fringe resources through
leading to congestion, overuse, both for themselves and the total net benefit from the community norms of
pollution, and potential society. common-pool resource. In consensus decision-making.
destruction unless harvesting order to maintain the resource
or use limits are devised and system, such regimes
enforced. Free-riding can lead coordinate their strategies to
to what is commonly called the keep the resource as a
classic case of the common property instead of
prisoner’s dilemma, also called dividing it up into bits of
tragedy of the commons. private property.
• In the common property regimes, the resources are not public goods and access to
the resource is not free. There is relatively free but monitored access to the resource
system for community members with mechanisms in place to allow the community
to exclude outsiders from using its use.
• Thus, a common-pool resource appears as a private good to an outsider and as a
common good to an insider of the community. The resource units withdrawn from
the system are typically owned individually by the appropriators.
• A common property good is rivalled in consumption.
• Common property regimes typically function at a local level to prevent the over
exploitation of a resource system from which fringe units can be extracted. In some
cases, government regulations combined with tradable environmental
allowances (TEAs) are successfully used to prevent exploitation. In other cases,
however, excessive use or pollution continue
• Elinor Ostrom identified eight
‘principles of design’ which are prerequisites for a stable CPR arrangement. These
• (i) clearly defined boundaries;
• (ii) congruence between appropriation and provision
rules suitable to local conditions;
• (iii) collective-choice arrangements allowing for the
participation of most of the appropriators in the decision making process;
• (iv) effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the
• (v) graduated sanctions for appropriators who do not respect community rules;
• (vi) conflict-resolution mechanisms which are cheap and easy to access;
• (vii) minimal recognition of rights to organize;
• and (viii) in case of large CPRs allowing for formation of organizations in the form of
multiple layers of nested enterprises, with small, local CPRs as their bases.
Coase Theorem
• Statement: Assume a world in which some producers or consumers are
subject to
externalities generated by other producers or consumers.
• Further assume
• (1) everyone has perfect information,
• (2) consumers and producers are price takers,
(3) there is a costless court system for enforcing agreements,
• (4) producers maximise profits and consumers maximise utility,
• (5) there is no income or wealth
effect and (6) there is no transaction cost.
Coase Theorem

• Coase Theorem (Part I): When there are well-

defined property rights and costless bargaining,
then negotiations between the party creating the
externality and the party affected by the externality
can bring about the socially optimal market
• Coase Theorem (Part II): The efficient quantity for a
good producing an externality does not depend on
which party is assigned the property rights, as long
as someone is assigned those rights.
• Firms pollute a river enjoyed by individuals. If firms ignore
individuals, there is too much pollution
• 1) Individuals own river: If river is owned by individuals then
individuals can charge firms for polluting the river. They will
charge firms the marginal damage (MD) per unit of pollution. Why
price pollution at MD? If price is above MD, individuals would
want to sell an extra unit of pollution, so price must fall. MD is the
equilibrium efficient price in the newly created pollution market.
• 2) Firms own river: If river is owned by firms then firm can charge
individuals for polluting less. They will also charge individuals the
MD per unit of pollution reduction. Final level of pollution will be
the same in 1) and 2)
• Consider 2 agents: Polluter(P), located in upstream of
the river,
• Victim(V),located downstream of the river
• The polluter is engaged in some polluting production
process, discharging the untreated polluted water to the
• The victim who is located in the downstream of the
river, is also engaged in some production activity but
gets severely affected by the polluted water.
• While both have the right to the water flown through
the river, the emission of the polluter reduces the return
to the victim.
• The Net Private Benefit to the
• NPBp decreases as the output,Q
• Thus, the area under MNPB is the
polluter’s total net private benefit
and the area under MEC is the
victim’s total external costs.
• Thus, socially optimal level of
pollution is at the level of production
Q*, where MNPB equals MEC.
• But the market being incomplete,
there is no opportunity for the agents
to trade for alternative levels of
water quality, even though both of
them could be better
off with trade
• Let’s consider, victim has property rights to clean water.
• If Victim prefers pollution level=0, the polluter wont be
able to produce anything.
• by moving to point ‘d’ from ‘O’, the polluter would
gain Oabd in total profit,
• victim would lose Ocd.
• as Oabd> Ocd,
• the polluter has the incentive to compensate the victim
by an amount ,Z, Oabd >Z> Ocd and earn profit>0.
• Under this bargaining the move to d is, therefore,
Pareto improvement since at least one party is better
off and no party is worse off.
• But,any move to the right of Q*would make the
polluter’s net gain become less than the victim’s.
• Hence the polluter cannot compensate the victim to
move beyond Q*. Thus, if the
property right belongs to the victim, and if we start at O,
there is a natural tendency to
move to Q*which is the social optimum
• Thus, if the
property right belongs to the victim, and if we start at O,
there is a natural tendency to
move to Q*which is the social optimum.
• Now consider the property right
belongs to the polluter.
• For Q=Qn, both the parties have the
option to bargain
• Consider the move from Qn back to
• Here, the victim can compensate
the polluter to give up a certain
amount of activity.
• If the victim agrees to pay an
amount K,fhiQn>k>fgQn, the
polluter will accept.
• This movement is also Parato
• The potential for bargain again
exists and further movement
towards Q*might be achieved
Limitations of Coase Theorem

• Recall that MNPB is defined as :


• at socially optimal level of pollution,


• Thus, we have,
P = MC + MEC = MSC
• Under imperfect competition
• MNPB = MR – MC.,
• MR is not equal to P because the demand curve is above the marginal revenue
• It thus follows that the bargaining
solution does not apply under imperfect competition.
• The existence of imperfect
competition provides the basis for a serious critique of the Coase theorem.
• The assumption of two bargainers with zero transaction costs implies that an efficient
agreement will be reached before the two agents are left with no more incentives to
bargain and they quit bargaining.
• But this framework is unlikely to be extended in a multi-party bargaining scenario since the
large number of parties will make bargaining costly and complex.
• Moreover, the zero transaction cost is a hypothetical situation,
difficult to match in reality.
• Such transaction costs include those of bringing the parties together, identifying often widely
distributed and difficult to identify sufferers, organising
the actual bargaining itself, etc.
• If the transaction costs are high, so that any one party’sshare of it outweighs the expected
benefit of bargain, that party might withdraw from bargain, or not even agree to come
• Further, the transaction costs would fall on the party that does not have the property rights.
Letting T = transaction costs, B = gains from the bargain for the party bearing the
transaction costs, G = costs of government intervention, there are three possibilities:
 If T < B, a bargain might take place.
 If T > B, a bargain will not occur, but some other regulatory approach might work.
 If T > G > B, government regulation is likely to occur, and it will be efficient
• The Coase Theorem highlights the importance of the
wealth effect, which states that wealthier individuals have
more rights, leading to higher demand for goods.
• bargaining may not occur if transaction costs are less
than benefits, as long-lived pollutants like toxic chemicals
and radioactive waste can affect future generations.
• Identifying polluters and sufferers is also challenging,
especially in open access resources where no individual
has an incentive to reduce access. The likelihood of a
socially efficient bargain is low due to the need to identify
damage and distribution among sufferers.

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