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Name : E. Sunil Kumar
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : A.E.I.E
Institute : K.D.R.G.P.T, WNP,MBNR
Semester : V
Subject : Process Control
Subject code : AEI-504
Topic : Introduction to Control System configuration
Duration : 100 mts
subtopic : Characteristics of Adaptive Control
Teaching Aids : ppts, Animations, Diagrams

AEI504.64 TO 65 1

• List the types of adaptive control

• Explain open loop adaptive control (OLAC)

• Give an example for OLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages of OLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 2
• Explain closed Loop adaptive control (CLAC)

• Give an example of CLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages CLAC

• Comparison of OLAC and CLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 3
Block Diagram

1 OLAC Parameter 2
2 CLAC Rules

1 Disturbance

Set Point
Controller Process

Adaptive Control
AEI504.64 TO 65 4

• Adaptive control can be achieved by two ways

1. Open loop adaptive control (OLAC)

3. Closed loop adaptive control (CLAC)

AEI504.64 TO 65 5
• Open loop adaptive control (OLAC) which is often
referred to in practice as gain scheduling control or
programmed adaptive control

• The environmental changes or disturbances such as

flow rate, throughput, level, valve position, etc., which
are highly correlated with the process parameter
variations, are measured (generally called gain-
scheduling reference signals) and are used to adjust
the dynamic controller parameters based on look-up
AEI504.64 TO 65 6
OLAC (contd)

• The design of the adaptive control consists of three tasks

• The first is the determination of suitable gain-scheduling

reference signals

AEI504.64 TO 65 7
OLAC (contd)

• The second is the division of the operating range

into a finite number of regions, each
characterized by certain values of the gain-
scheduling reference signals

• The third is the determination of the optimal

controller settings for each region for use in the
look-up table

AEI504.64 TO 65 8
OLAC (contd)

• Note that the feedback control loop is still closed

in the OLAC scheme during operation; only the

adaption is performed in open loop

AEI504.64 TO 65 9
Example for OLAC

• Level control of irregular tank

• The process gain of the level control loop of a tank that

has an irregular shape and hence variable cross-

sectional areas, e.g., in a spherical tank, may vary

greatly at different levels.

AEI504.64 TO 65 10
Example (contd)

Controller with Fixed Parameters

AEI504.64 TO 65 11
Example (contd)

• As shown in figure with fixed PID controller parameters

tuned at 50% of the process output, the level control

becomes very oscillatory at a higher process output

owing to significant increase in the process gain.

AEI504.64 TO 65 12
Example (contd)

Controller with Gain Scheduling

AEI504.64 TO 65 13
Example (contd)

• Using the level measurement as the gain-scheduling

reference signal, almost invariant responses are

achieved by adaptive control

AEI504.64 TO 65 14
Advantages of OLAC

• The major advantages of OLAC are

• Its high speed of adaption

• Simplicity in design

• OLAC does not have a dynamic adaption loop that

will slow down the adaption speed and introduce a
complex problem of stability assurance in the face
of varying opoerating conditions

AEI504.64 TO 65 15
• With some care, OLAC may be applied to control a
highly nonlinear process, such as the pH control loop, by
treating it as a piece-wise linearized system with
parameters that vary with the measurable reference

AEI504.64 TO 65 16
Closed Loop Adaptive Control

• When the open-loop adaptive control technique is not

feasible or not effective, the closed loop adaptive control

(CLAC) may be applied to maintain the desired control

loop performance because the process or disturbance

dynamics vary over wide range

AEI504.64 TO 65 17
CLAC (Contd)

• Examples of this type of dynamic variations are those

caused by un measurable variations in the incoming raw
material, wear and tear of moving parts, reduced heat
transfer caused by coke formation in furnace tubes or
deposits in the heat exchanger etc.

AEI504.64 TO 65 18
CLAC (Contd)

• As shown in the basic block diagram, in CLAC,

the actual control performance is measured
explicitly or implicitly and compared with the
desired performance; any deviation is then used
to adjust the controller parameters to null the

AEI504.64 TO 65 19
Example for CLAC

• Example of a desuperheater temperature loop in a

steam treatment process for wood chips.

• In this a self-tuning controller uncovered a poorly tuned

loop response as shown in figure and was able to retune
the PID parameters to match the process dynamics

AEI504.64 TO 65 20
Example (Contd)

• Another example was found in the temperature control in

a distillation column in the chemical industry.

• The process was slow, making it a very time consuming

job to do manual tuning.

• After auto-tuning the new settings gave very stable yet

fast temperature control

AEI504.64 TO 65 21

Temperature Control of Desuperheater

AEI504.64 TO 65 22
Disadvantages of CLAC

• A major design problem of CLAC is that of ensuring

convergence of the adjustable parameters and the
transient stability of the resultant nonlinear and time
varying system

• Other problems may include the need to have sufficient

excitations and priori information on the structure of the

AEI504.64 TO 65 23

• In OLAC, such as the gain scheduling approach,

adaption is performed in open-loop by using an external
reference signal that is highly correlated with the process
parameter variations.

• It has the advantage of high speed of response,

simplicity in design, and stability.

AEI504.64 TO 65 24

• The disadvantages are that extra measures must be

taken and more process knowledge is necessary.

AEI504.64 TO 65 25

• In CLAC, less process knowledge is needed and

unpredictable process parameter variations can be

• However, it is more complex, and adaption transient

could be much longer

• When necessary, a combination of OLAC and CLAC

may be used to solve a difficult control problem

AEI504.64 TO 65 26

• With some care, OLAC may be applied to control a

a) highly nonlinear process

c) Linear process

e) Less nonlinear process

g) Highly linear process

AEI504.64 TO 65 27
2) OLAC has the advantage of

a) high speed of response

b) simplicity in design

c) Stability

d) All

AEI504.64 TO 65 28

3) ………. is more complex, and adaption transient could

be much longer




g) DAC
AEI504.64 TO 65 29

We have discussed about

• Types of adaptive control

• Open loop adaptive control (OLAC)

• An example for OLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages of OLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 30

• Closed Loop adaptive control (CLAC)

• An example of CLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages CLAC

• Comparison of OLAC and CLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 31
Frequently asked questions in Examination

• List the types of adaptive control

• Explain open loop adaptive control (OLAC)

• Give an example for OLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages of OLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 32
Frequently asked questions in Examination

• Explain closed Loop adaptive control (CLAC)

• Give an example of CLAC

• Advantages and disadvantages CLAC

• Compare OLAC and CLAC

AEI504.64 TO 65 33

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