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Mahinay, Mary Grace B.
There are scrambled letters before each item. Read
the sentence that defines the word and arrange the
scrambled letters to form the correct word that best
described in each sentence.

1. ITME LLAOTNTME - Refers to the

allocation or assignment of a specific amount of
time for a particular activity, task, or event.
2.TIONALINSTRUC EITM - Refers to the
amount of time students spend engaged in
learning activities guided by educators within
the school day.
periods within a school day or academic
schedule when formal instruction is not taking
4.TIGRADEMUL SSCLA - Refers to an
educational setting where students of
different grades or age groups are combined
into one classroom and taught by the same
5.GRADEMONO SSCLA - Refers to a
traditional classroom setting where all the
students are at the same grade level or age
What was our lesson last
If you are a teacher while also being a
mother and a businesswoman at the same
time, how could you manage your time or
Managing Instructional Time
Group 1
Direction: Create a list of activities that you typically do in a
classroom setting. Beside each activity, you will estimate how much
time is spent on that activity in a typical day.
Activities in the classroom Time Spent
Group 2
Direction: The group will be given a list of different classroom
activities and will estimate how much time they typically spend on
each activity.
Activities in the classroom Time Spent


Role playing


Group discussion

Guide Question:

1.How did you find the activity?

2.How do the time allocations for various

classroom activities impact learning
Effective classroom organization and management
includes efficient use of instructional time. Establishing
routines, participating in group activities, working on
independent tasks, and other essential classroom activities
all involve time management.
Setting priorities and structuring the day around the
most important tasks is the first step in managing time in
Setting priorities can assist teachers in completing their
daily objectives, even when unexpected events arise.
Instructional time refers to the period of time
during which students receive instruction from a
teacher and the school is accountable for them. It
encompasses classroom activities during regularly
scheduled time when student are expected to be
actively engaged in a learning activity. In most cases,
educational policies or regulations specify the
instructional time.
Below is the time allotment per subject area prescribed
by the Department of Education in the Philippines.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that the schedule
for a multigrade class may differ from that of a monograde
class. It should take , into account the students’ varied needs
and capabilities as well as the teacher’s experience and
expertise. Therefore, a multigrade teacher needs to be
knowledgeable on timetabling. A timetable is a relevant tool to
manage time and organize resources. In a multigrade
timetable, usually, a subject is scheduled at the same time for
the entire class, however separate groups may be working on
different things within that time.
Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when making a

Determine how much instructional time is available each day.

To do this, subtract the non-instructional time (routines,
transitions, socializing) from the amount of time students are
in school. (allotted time)-(non-instructional time)=
(instructional time).
Specify the subjects to be taught as well as their
competencies for each grade level as set forth by the
Department of Education.
Determine how much time is required for each
subject per week.

Identify the available resources and teaching
strategies needed for each subject.
Here are two common timetabling approaches that can be
utilized in a multigrade class(Hyry-Beihammer&Hascher,
a. Split timetable or Subject stagger approach
In a multigrade class, each grade level studies different subjects
simultaneously. The teacher prepares different lessons and teaches the
group in turns.

Time Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
8:00 - 8:50 Math Science English
8:50 - 9:40 English Math Science
10:00 - 10:50 Science English Math
b. Common subject approach
The students in each grade level will study the same
subject at the same time, but will work on different

Time Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
8:00 - 8:50 Math Math Math
8:50 - 9:40 English English English
10:00 - 10:50 Science Science Science
Tips for timetabling in multigrade class:

Math and other subject that need more concentration

should be taught in the morning.
Consider the students’ maturity and attention span. Younger
students have shorter attention span and may need to change
activities more often.
Allow adequate time to teach and supervise all the grade
levels may it be in whole class or small groups activities.
The timetable should be posted clearly and be made familiar
to the students.
What is the significance of effective
timetabling in a multigrade classroom,
and what strategies can enhance
instructional time management?
Direction: Choose your preferred
timetabling approach and create a one-
day timetable for multigrade class.
I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is instructional time in a classroom?
A) The time students spend socializing
B) The time students receive instruction from a teacher
C) The time students spend on independent tasks
D) The time students spend on group activities

2. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for making a timetable in a multigrade

A) Determining instructional time available each day
B) Specifying subjects to be taught as per Department of Education
C) Identifying available resources for each subject
D) Ensuring all students have the same timetable
3. Which timetabling approach involves teaching different subjects to different
grade levels simultaneously?
A) Split timetable or Subject stagger approach
B) Common subject approach
C) Both approaches
D) Neither approach

4. What is the purpose of determining instructional time available each day when
making a timetable?
A) To calculate the teacher's workload
B) To identify non-instructional time
C) To ensure all subjects are covered equally
D) To manage time effectively
5. When scheduling math and other concentration-intensive subjects, what time of
day is recommended?
A) After lunch
B) In the afternoon
C) In the morning
D) Before recess

6. Which factor should be considered when determining the duration of subjects

per week in a timetable?
A) Students' favorite subjects
B) Department of Education regulations
C) Availability of teaching resources
D) Weather conditions
7. In a common subject approach timetable, what do students in each grade level
do during the same subject time?
A) Study different subjects
B) Work on different activities within the same subject
C) Have a break
D) Complete homework assignments

8. What should a multigrade teacher consider when determining the timetable?

A) Only the teacher's preferences
B) Students' maturity and attention span
C) Department of Education guidelines
D) Random selection of subjects
9. Which of the following is NOT a tip for timetabling in a multigrade class?
A) Posting the timetable clearly
B) Considering students' attention span
C) Teaching all subjects at the same time
D) Allowing adequate time for supervision

10. What is the purpose of using a timetable in a multigrade class?

A) To ensure every student has the same schedule
B) To organize instructional time efficiently
C) To limit students' activities
D) To increase non-instructional time
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if FALSE write correct word to
correct the statement.

1. In a split timetable approach, each grade level studies the same subjects at the same
2. The common subject approach involves students in each grade level studying different
subjects at different times.
3. Math and other subjects requiring intense concentration should be scheduled in the
4. Younger students generally have longer attention spans compared to older students.
5. It's not necessary to familiarize students with the timetable as it might confuse

1-3 List three guidelines for making a timetable in a multigrade class.
4-5 Name two common timetabling approaches for a multigrade class.

Direction: Study in advance the topic

“Preparing the curriculum”

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