(GE) Collocation

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General English

What is collocation?
A group of two or more words that are often used together to convey a
specific meaning, without changing the actual meaning.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kolokasi adalah dua atau lebih kata dalam bahasa
Inggris yang sering terletak bersandingan.

Collocations are used to make a phrase sounds more reasonable and to

make your English sounds more like a native.

Collocations are divided into two types. The first one is by combining
different types of word, and the second one is by making a collocation
from certain word.
Collocation by - Noun + noun
Contoh: Can I have a cup of tea? (Bisakah saya minta secangkir teh?)
combining - Noun + verb
Contoh: The sun rises in the east. (Matahari terbit dari timur.)
different type of - Verb + noun

words Contoh: I do the dishes every morning. (Saya mencuci piring setiap
- Verb + adverb
Contoh: You need to speak loudly to stop the riot. (Kamu harus bersuara
dengan lantang untuk menghentikan kerusuhan.)
- Verb + preposition
Contoh: Jill always depends on her parents. (Jill selalu bergantung pada
orang tuanya.)
- Adjective + noun
Contoh: Lidya had bad luck yesterday. (Lidya mengalami kesialan
- Adjective + preposition
Contoh: My little brother is afraid of cats. (Adikku (laki-laki) takut
terhadap kucing.)
- Adverb + adjective
Contoh: She is incredibly smart. (Dia (perempuan) sangat pintar.)
Collocation by - Ask
ask permission, ask for advice, ask a question, etc.
using some - Take
words take a break, take an exam, take time, etc.
- Make
make an appointment, make a noise, make
money, etc.
- Do
do the homework, do your best, do your hair, etc.
- Have
have a drink, have a good time, have a haircut, etc.
- Keep
keep in touch, keep quiet, keep a secret, etc.
- Time
Leisure time, free time, spend time, etc.

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