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Name of the faculty : D Saritha
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : AEIE
Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, Kothagudem
Year/Semester : IV Semester
Subject : Process Instrumentation –II
Sub-Code : AEI-405
Topic : Level Measurement
Duration : 50min
Sub-Topic : Inductive Level Indicator
Teaching Aids : Diagrams

AEI-405.50 1

Upon the completion of this topic you would be able

to know about
Inductive type of level Indicator
• Principle of operation
• Construction and working principle
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Applications

AEI-405.50 2

In the last class we have learnt about :

• Resistive type of level transducer

AEI-405.50 3
Inductive type of level indicator

Principle :
• This is an electrical method where the liquid level
position is converted to an electrical signal

• Mainly used for measurement of level of conductive


• The conductive liquid level changes the inductance of

the coil changes

AEI-405.50 4
Inductive type of level indicator with variable
permeability method

Fig. 1

AEI-405.50 5

• Two coils L1 and L2 wound around a steel tube

containing the liquid

• The coils are connected in series through a resistance

• The circuit is energized by an alternating current source

• The inductance of each coil is 250µH

AEI-405.50 6

• Coil L1 acts as the search coil which is set at a

predetermined level

• As the conducting liquid moves into the plane of the coil

the inductance of the search coil changes

• The output voltage produced across the search coil L1 is

thus proportional to the liquid level

AEI-405.50 7

• Suitable for liquid metals which are good electrical


AEI-405.50 8

We have discussed about :

• Inductive type of level indicator

• Principle

• Application

AEI-405.50 9

1. The inductive level transducers are mainly used for

measurement of level of

a) Conductive liquids

b) Non-conductive liquids

c) solids

d) None of the above

AEI-405.50 10
1. In The variable permeability type of inductive level

indicator the inductance of the coils initially are

a) unequal

b) equal

c) None of the above

d) Cannot say

AEI-405.50 11
1. As the conducting liquid moves into the plane of the

coil the inductance of the search coil

a) Remains constant

b) decreases

c) increases

d) None of the above

AEI-405.50 12
Frequently asked questions

1. Explain the working of a inductive type of level

indicator using variable permeability method with a

neat sketch

AEI-405.50 13

AEI-405.50 14

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