Survey Question's

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Survey Question’s/Answers:

• 1. Do People face Fear of Trust in contributing in public and Private sector?

• Answer: 55.6% of people face fear of trust while 16.7% do not face fear of trust while 27.8% face
partial impact.(Psychological Barrier)

• 2. Does the Level of Status/class effect the communication in public or private sector?
• Answer: 99.4% agree that Level of Status/Class effect communication in Public or Private sector
while 5.6% do not agree.(Socio-Economic)
Survey Question’s/Answers:
• 3.Do Different language effect in communication in corporate sector. If yes then what’s the ratio?
• Answer: 16.7% said 100-90% and 44.4% said that 60-70% and 27.8% said 50-40% while 11.1%
said NO.(Language Barrier)

• 4. Have you experienced any Challenges in accessing information or resource due to physical
• Answer: 16.7% said Yes, frequently and 33.3% said No, never while 16.7% said Yes, occasionally
and 33.3% said No, rarely.
Survey Question’s/Answers:
• 5. Do cultural differences impact communication within team or organization?
• Answer: 38.9% strongly agree while 22.2% Agree and 11.1% Disagree while 27.8% are Neutral.

• 6.In Your Opinion, how much do communication barriers contribute to workplace stress and
• Answer: 55.6% said 80-70% and 22.2% said 50-40% and 16.7% said 100-90% while 5.5% said 20%
or less(Interpersonal Barrier).
Survey Question’s/Answers:
• 7.Do Body language and gestures have an impact on business output?
• Answer: 88.9% said YES while 5.6% said NO and 5.5% said there is partial impact.

• 8.Does Professional knowledge have impact on business-in-question?

• Answer: 50% of them said 90-80% while 50% of them said 60-50%.
Survey Question’s/Answers:
• 9.How workplace be redesigned to improve the communication skills?
• Answer: 33.3% said by Suggestion box while 33.3% said by meeting while 27.8% said by Survey
and 5.6% said by E-Mail.

• 10.Do u face lack of family support in collaborating in different sectors?

• Answer: 72.2% said NO while16.7% said 60-70% and 5.6% said 80-90% and 5.5% said 20-30%.

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