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Name : M. Vani
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : AEIE
Institution : Dr. B. R. Ambedkar GMRP,KNR
Year/sem : IV-SEM
Subject : Process Instrumentation-II
Subject code : AEI-405
Topic : Nuclear Instrumentation
Duration : 100 minutes
Sub topic : ionization Chamber
Teaching aids : PPT, Visuals

AEI405.82 & 83 1

In the previous class we have learnt about :

• The detection of nuclear radiations

• Geiger Muller tube for detection of radiations

AEI405.82 & 83 2

On completion of this topic you will be able to

know the following :

• Working of Ionization chamber

AEI405.82 & 83 3
Working of Ionization chamber

• This is similar to G-M tube as shown in Fig.1.

• The ionization chamber is a metal cylinder (outer

electrode) sealed at one end by a window

• The other end of the cylinder is closed and a metal rod

( the central electrode ) placed outside the cylinder on
this end

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Diagram of Ionization chamber


AEI405.82 & 83 5
• The central electrode is grounded through resistance R

• The resistor ‘R’ has a very high resistance

• A large +ve potential is applied to the outer electrode

• The chamber contains a gas which may be air, carbon

dioxide, nitrogen, argon or methane

AEI405.82 & 83 6
• Consider the chamber is filled with air

• When a nuclear radiation enters the chamber through the

window, some of the atoms of the air ionized
• The resulting ions travels towards their respective

• That means the +ve ions towards the central electrode

and the –ve ions towards the outer electrode

AEI405.82 & 83 7
• In the process of rushing electrodes these ions collide
with other atoms of air causing ionization of these atoms
• This action is instantaneous

• As the +ve ions collect on the central electrode, the dc

potential of this electrode is increased

• This increased potential which is the output signal of the

chamber may be amplified and measured

AEI405.82 & 83 8
• Since the increase in this potential is a function of the
number of radiation particles that have entered the

• The intensity of the nuclear radiation may be determined

• This chamber is used to detect and measure alpha


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AEI405.82 & 83 10
AEI405.82 & 83 11

we have discussed about the

• Working of ionization chamber

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1. Ionization chamber is used to detect the ----


a) alpha
b) beta
c) Gamma
d) All of the above

AEI405.82 & 83 13
Frequently asked question

1. Draw the diagram of ionization chamber.

3. Explain the working of ionization chamber.

AEI405.82 & 83 14
Thank you

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