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Name : K.Sambaiah
Designation : H.A.E.I.E.S
Branch : A.E.I.E
Semester : VI
Subject : Industrial Electronics, PLC and SCADA
Subject code : AEI-602
Topic : PLC Programming
Duration : 100 min.
Sub topic : Control system flow charts
Teaching aids : ppts,Diagrams

AEI602.51 TO 52 1

On Completion of this topic you will be

able to know…

• Control system flow charts

AEI602.51 TO 52 2
Programming Language

• A programming language is designed to help processes

certain kinds of data consisting of numbers, characters
and strings and to provide useful output known as

• The task of processing of data is accomplished by

executing a sequence of instructions called program.

AEI602.51 TO 52 3

• An algorithm is a well-defined list of steps for solving a

particular problem.

• Algorithms can be written in ordinary language or using

formal procedures in programming languages.

AEI602.51 TO 52 4

• The following are the steps involved on development of


» Inputs

» Outputs

AEI602.51 TO 52 5

• Definitions

• Finiteness

• Effectiveness

AEI602.51 TO 52 6
• They are explained as:

• Inputs: An algorithm may specify the quantities which

are to be read

• Outputs: An algorithm must specify the quantities which

are to be displayed or pointed

AEI602.51 TO 52 7

• Definitions: Each instruction must be clear and


• Finiteness: An algorithm should be terminated after finite

number of steps

• Effectiveness: An algorithm must be effective which

means that all operations are executable.
For ex: we must avoid the cases like division by zero etc.

AEI602.51 TO 52 8
Problem Solving

The following are the steps involved in solving the


• We need to study and understand the existing practices

and the new requirements.

• Then we can think of designing a computer based

systems, for the above said requirement

AEI602.51 TO 52 9
Problem Solving…

• After designing an algorithm translated by programmers

into a computer program

• The program is compiled and made an error free, then

the programs are tested for their validity.

• After testing they are implemented at the customer site

AEI602.51 TO 52 10
System Analysis and Design

• The process of analysis design, coding, testing and

implementation is also known as system analysis and

• The above stated or explained steps can be simply

written as:

1. Requirement analysis

AEI602.51 TO 52 11
System Analysis and Design…

2. Design of problem

3. Coding of problem

4. Testing

5. Implementation of the above steps

AEI602.51 TO 52 12
Difference between Algorithm and Flow

• The use of a computer for solving the problems needs

the algorithm to be converted into a computer program.

• The usual practice introduces another intermediate step

prior to the preparation of a computer program.

• This step is drawing of a flow chart.

AEI602.51 TO 52 13
Difference between Algorithm and Flow
• Thus an algorithm is a finite step by step of well-defined
instructions for solving a particular step and the calculate
of an algorithm is exposed by using a flow chart.

• Flow chart is the pictorial representation of the various

steps involved in solving the problem, that is the step by
step algorithms are arranged with the various symbols
like oval, rectangle, rhombus, diamond, connectors etc. ,
in flow chart.

AEI602.51 TO 52 14
An Algorithm To Find The Largest Of Given
Three Numbers

• Step 1: start
• Step 2: read x,y,z
• Step 3: if x>y and x>z then write x
• Step 4: if y>z and y>x then write y
• Step 5: if z>x and z>y then write z
• Step 6: end

AEI602.51 TO 52 15
Symbols Used in Flow Charts

OVAL Start or End of the Program

Computational steps (Expressions)


Input or Output Instructions.


DIAMOND Decision making and branding

(condition check)

Connector or joining of two parts of

CONNECTOR n n program.

AEI602.51 TO 52 16
Using Flow Charts find the largest of three
distinct numbers x, y, z.


read the
v aluesof
x >y

Yes Yes
is is
x > z No x > z No

print x print z print y


AEI602.51 TO 52 17
Using Flow Charts find the Summing of N
given numbers

read N

p ut S = 0
a nd I = 1

read A

S = S + A

Modification I = I + 1

is No
I > N


w rite S


AEI602.51 TO 52 18

2) What are the steps involved on development of


a) Inputs
b) Outputs
c) Definitions
d) Finiteness

Ans) all

AEI602.51 TO 52 19
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Give the different steps involved in problem solving?

3. Define the different steps involved in algorithm


5. Develop an algorithm for simple problem?

7. Give the significance of symbols used in flow charts?

AEI602.51 TO 52 20
Frequently Asked Questions…

4. Draw the flow chart to choose the largest of these

distinct numbers x, y and z?

5. Draw the flow chart to show the summing of n given


6. Distinguish between an algorithm and flow chart?

AEI602.51 TO 52 21

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