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an opinionated discussion

Grad Student, MIMS’14 seekshreyas some slides adopted from and inspired by Scott Schacon’s
We’ve all been here ...
We’ve all been here ...
We’ve all been here ...

• multiple versions
• many contributors

• ...
git + Github
a better workflow

git is an open source, distributed

version control system designed
for speed and efficiency

git is an open source, distributed

version control system designed
for speed and efficiency

git is an open source, distributed

version control system designed
for speed and efficiency

git is an open source, distributed

version control system designed
for speed and efficiency

(almost) everything is local

No Network needed for

• Performing a diff

• Viewing file history

• Committing changes

• Merging branches

• Obtaining any other revision of a file

• Switching branches
(almost) everything is local

git is an open source, distributed

version control system designed
for speed and efficiency

More Advantages
.. and

• No .svn directories

• Independence
installing git
getting setup ...

$ git config --global “<YOUR_NAME>”

$ git config --global “<YOUR_EMAIL>”

or edit them in ~/.gitconfig

lets dive in..

• Creating New Repo

• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• InspectionCloning a
lets dive in..

• Creating New Repo

• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git init
• Committing
$ mkdir workspace
• Branching/Merging
$ cd workspace
• Inspection $ ls -al
$ git init Initialized empty Git repository in ../workspace/.git/
• Cloning a Repo
$ ls -al drwxr-xr-x 10 Shreyas staff 340 Jan 15 17:22 .git

• Updating
Git Commands
$ cd .git
• Creating New Repo $ tree -a

• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
$ cd ..
$ touch
• Creating New Repo

• Committing $ git status

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection
branch name
• Cloning a Repo
staging area
• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git add <filename>
• Committing $ git status

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo
staging area
• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git commit
• Committing $ git status

• Branching/Merging
your commit msg
• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git reset
• Committing (undo add)

• Branching/Merging
changes staged
• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
changes unstaged
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git reset --soft HEAD^
• Committing (undo a commit and redo)

$ git reset --hard HEAD~3

• Branching/Merging

• Updating
Rewind the branch to get rid of last three commits

• Inspection

• Cloning A Repo learn more here :

also refer
git revert :
git stash :
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git rm <filename> remove a file from the
• Committing repo
as expected, you will need to commit the change
• Branching/Merging

• Inspection
$ git mv <filename>
• Cloning a Repo move/rename a file from the repo
as expected, you will need to commit the change
• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git branch list of branches

• Committing

• Branching/Merging
$ git branch <branchname> new branch

$ git checkout <branchname>

• Inspection
• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
branch list
• Committing new branch dev

• Branching/Merging

switch branch
• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo
$ git merge <branchname> merge branches
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo
branch merge
• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo $ git log
• Committing --graph text-based graph :)

• Branching/Merging --decorate
• Inspection --abbrev-commit
• Cloning a Repo --all
• Updating --pretty=oneline
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo ~/.gitconfig
• Committing [alias]
• Branching/Merging l = log --pretty=oneline -n 20 --graph
• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Git Commands
• Creating New Repo $ gitk
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
Working with others...
• Creating New Repo github
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo create an account
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo add ssh key
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo $ git clone <url> <name>
• Committing
• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo Fork a repo
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo $ git pull = git fetch + git merge

$ git push
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
• Creating New Repo GitHub Pull Request
• Committing

• Branching/Merging

• Inspection

• Cloning a Repo

• Updating
GitHub Ninja Features

Markdown for documentation

Pages for project hosting

Gist for project hosting

Service Hooks ‘do something’ on commit

may the Force be with you

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