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By Anthony Ybarra

How does it apply to class?

This carrier of zoology applies to this class because in the science world biologist and zoologist need to study animals get information and risk of animals in the future

Education needed

To be a zoologist you usually need doctoral degree and major in either zoology or biology Takes a total of 8 years of college to become a zoologist Many people can find a job right away because of the high need of zoologist

Job description

Zoologist are biological

scientist who study animals

Zoologist study both animal species and habitats

Zoologist study all types of animals from elephants to killer sharks


a zoologist in the united states make a average salary of 64,857 Benefits generally include paid holidays and vacations, insurance, and retirement plans.


The biggest risk in any zoology career is that of injury or illness. Many animals bite, sting, scratch or kick. Some larger animals such as elephants can cause crushing injuries When working in the laboratory, zoologists face a risk of cuts or scratches from damaged equipment

Interesting facts

The biggest bird in the world is the ostrich, which can grow up to nine feet tall. A cheetah can reach a top speed approaching 70 mph. The leech has 32 brains Elephants have been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.


Zoology is the branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life including the study of structure

development classification of animals.


Apply To Class

Entomology applies to our class because entomology feeds a lot of know information to other science departments like biology and zoology


year of college


people get a degree in zoology or biology then switch to the study the insects

Job Description

An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects study the ways insects interact with their environment categorizing many different species of insects


of March 2010, the average annual salary for entomologists is $62,000


Many insects can bite which causes the risk for a poisonous bites from some insects like The Asian hornet The kissing bug


Beetles make up the largest order of living things with about 290,000 species known worldwide. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breath out from our mouths. Scorpions can live for more than a year without eating.





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