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1. The Consumer Market(Clifford Rodriguez)
2. Situational Influences on Consumer
Behavior(glaiza bahasuan)
3. Psychological Influences on Consumer
Behavior(ashly tubil)
4. Socio-cultural Influences on Consumer
Behavior ( mark jhon gemina)
5. Personal Influences on Consumer
Behavior (zanro kim Tabat)
6. Economic Influences on Consumer
Behavior (JENBABE maranguit)
7. The Business Market (fatima caracas)
8. Buying Situations in the Business
Market( jalila kibad)
9. Participants in the Business Buying
Process (gerald alpanta)
10. Business Buying Process ( lexie arellano)
Clifford Rodriguez
- refers to the market where people buy products for
personal use and are not intended for further sale to other
-we are called “ Individual Consumers”.

- buyers in the consumer market are very sensitive to

price change.

- The motivation of an individual to act is based on the

importance of each need. Maslow's hierarchy of needs fully
explains the different needs of individuals; basic needs,
security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-
actualization needs.
- is the sequence of steps that a consumer will need to
undergo in order to arrive at the final purchase decision.

- according to Philip Kotler there are 6 stages of a typical

buying process.
- a customer must first have a problem before a purchase
can happen.

- identification of unmet needs.

- result of internal or external stimuli.

- also creates an opportunity.

- interested consumer will undertake to search for

*personal sources
*commercial sources
*public sources
*experimental sources
- selecting the best that provides utmost satisfaction.

- Benefits
- Qualities, features or attributes, and performance
- price changed
- past record
- attractiveness, image or reputation
- product- related services
- accesibility of brands and dealer rating
- offers maximum benefits or satisfaction in relation to
price, is chosen.

- attitudes of others
- unanticipated situational factors
- consumers percieved risk
- this stage is where the costumer will buy or not.


- from whom they should buy
- when to buy
- time during which the consumer might choose against making the
purchase decision.
- the costumer would evaulate whether he/she made a
good decision or not.

- erronous decision leads to the possibility of return.

- no assurance of a total satisfaction.

Consumer’s action that must be consider by the marketers :

* Post-purchase satisfaction
* Post-purchase action
* Post-purchase use and disposal
# fully use the product right after buying
# store the product for use in the future
# resell or trade it
# discover new uses of the product
# present the product to other people as a gift
#consider the product worthless and throw it away
Glaiza Bahasuan
Situational influences on Consumer

- The motivation to buy my rely on several factors that

cannot be controlled by the consumer or the marketer.
Some buyers often experience that their buying behavior is
influenced by their situations.
Temporal Perspective

- Time is the focus of temporal perspective. The standpoint

on time could mean time allocated for shopping, time of
the day for shopping can be in the morning, afternoon, and
evening season, time of the year, time of the festival in
related factors that may be identified with time.
Three forms on how time can affect shopping:
1. Time Pressure -Time is essentials for comprehensive
problem solving.

2. Time of year- Buying decision could also be affected by

changing season or a particular period in the year.

3. Time of day- Every individual has his own body clock.

Purchase Task
- Purchase task means the buying intentions or reason
behind the purchasing decision of a certain product or
Some people buy products and services for:
* self-consumption
* gift for special occasions

- Marketers make use of the different occasions as marketing

opportunities to push their products.
Social Surrounding
- Often times a purchase is influenced by the presence of
the other member of the society while in a shopping
activity. The opinion of these people and use of products
affects buying decisions of consumers.
- Being with society elite people in a shopping activity may
make a customer spend money for premium and branded
- In the sales people perspective, buyers who are into
shopping alone are easier to convince. Items
recommended by friends even not their own liking.
Atmospherics in the Physical Surrounding
- The concept of atmospherics includes the physical
surroundings, the music and the handling of the crowd.
The physical surroundings act as stimuli and through the
five senses that may catch the attention of customers.
- consumer may react either as pleasure or displeasure and
lead him to a respond to a particular purchase decision.
Detailed explanation of some observations
and used atmospherics:
1. Point-of-purchase display- the place it can draw attention to a certain product or a particular
bond and generate a greater chances of purchasing the product or brand.
2. Color- different culture have particular meaning to color whether physical or virtual must have
complete understanding of colors and their message. Most of the times, color affect customers
unconsciously when stimulates one's energy.
3. Smell- a store with bad smell would drive away customers and would not shop longer.
4. Music- influences a customers mood.
Slow tempo music calms the customer and becomes the basis for them to stay longer in the
fast tempo music may be best for stores that require fast turnover of their items.
besides tempo, the type of music most well much the store a native theme restaurant with a
track more customers with folk music rather than pop music
Detailed explanation of some observations
and used atmospherics:
5. Crowds- based on some studies overcrowding in store leads to negative shopping experience.
- other studies have showed that a certain degree overcrowding can have a positive
impact on a person buying experience the experience is often know to us heard behavior.
6. Promotional deals- this is a about offering a price purchase incentives.
7. Stuck out- it means that a store has not restock the product this can cause brand switching or
store switching there are some things a customer would do in the circumstances
a. purchase a substitute products at the original store however this may replace the
intended brand for future purchase
b. where to buy until the intended product is obtainable
c. do not buy any
d. the intended plan at another store
Antecedents States
- Everyone involved in marketing knew that when the buyer
is in the mood, he is more likely to purchase good.
- Antecedent states are featured of the individual
person that are not lasting or relatability in during
a. Momentary moods- these are such things has provenational states
of depression or high estimate mode are shortly feeling that are not
attached to a specific event or object
b. Momentary condition- these are such things has being tired, feeling
ill, and so on.
Ashly Tubil

- The human psychology has an important role to play in

manipulating the consumer's preferences and likes or
dislikes for a specific product or services.
1. Physiological needs consist of hunger, thirst, and other basic
drives. Physiological needs are universal and persist
throughout nature.
2. Safety & security include physical and financial security. It
involves a nonstop fulfilment of physiological needs.
3. Love & belonging involves individual's relations to with others
and the need to be accepted as part of social group, big or
4. Esteem consists of the need to experience goodness about
oneself, to be treasured and appreciated by others,besides a
positive self-image.
5. Self-actualization is the need humans feel to accomplish their
highest potential and to achieve all that they can with their talents
and abilities.
- is the process by which the individual chooses, sorts out and takes
meaning to the information in drawing a significant conclusion.


1.Selective Attention - refers to the process where individuals give
high attention to information that is useful to them or their
direct family members.
2.Selective Distortion - consumers are inclined to perceive
information in a manner which would be in harmony to their present
ideas & beliefs.
3.Selective Retention - consumers retain information which would
be helpful to them, and the rest they forget as time passes.
- is a process that changes the behavior of an individual. It
depends on skills, knowledge, and intention. Skills are
developed through practice while knowledge and intention
are acquired through experience. There are two types of
conditional learning, a person develops a specific
reaction towards a situation after being exposed to it
cognitive learning, an individual applies all their
knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and beliefs to find the
answer to a problem.
- Learning can take place with or without physical
participation. Consumer decisions can be influenced by
both experiential and non-experiential learning. Marketing
relies heavily on non-experiential learning by using
customer testimonials, case studies, and blogger reviews to
teach new customers through the experiences and opinions
of others. Consumers themselves seek out resources for
non-experiential learning when they read book and product
reviews on Amazon, film reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, and
restaurant reviews on Yelp.
- Consumer beliefs and attitudes towards products influence
their purchasing decisions and form the brand image that affects
buying behavior. Marketers aim to understand these attitudes
and modify them through marketing campaigns. Beliefs are
promises a person holds about something, while attitudes are a
constant view that includes beliefs, emotional feelings, and
related behaviors. When consumer attitudes pose a challenge,
marketers can either change the product to match attitudes or
change consumers' attitudes to align with their product.
However, altering attitudes is complex as they are intertwined
with beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Therefore, it is easier for
marketing to make parallels with existing attitudes rather than
trying to change them.
4. Socio-Cultural
Influence On
Consumer Behavior
Mark Jhon Gemina
Social & Cultural Factors
Man is social animal living in a complicated environment
among people with different buying behavior

the social factors that common in the society when a

consumer resides. On the other hand, cultural factors are
the factors that an individual learns while growing up due
to socialization within family and other key institution
Reference Groups
A Reference group is a group with which n individual likes
to be associated with, and be called as a member of that
1. Initiator – He initiates the buying decision
2. Influencer – His opinion influences the buying decision
3. Decision-maker – Has the authority to take the purchase decision.
4. Buyer – He ultimately buys the product
Roles and Status
Status is the position a person occupies in a
particular situation. Everyone occupies several
statuses and perform the roles that may be
occupied with them.

Role is the set of norms, values, behaviors, and

personality characteristics connected to a status.
One’s preferences and behavior are highly influenced by
family members. It is within family an individual grows,
develop his personality and shape his values.

1. Influences the personality, attitude, beliefs, and

characteristics of a person
2. Influences the decision-making of a person on the
acquisition of some goods and services
In reality, a person passes through two types of families,

1. Family of Orientation – This is the family wherein a person

has taken birth and his parents have a strong influence on his

2. Family of Procreation – This is the family created by a person

with his spouse and children and such the preferences are
likely to change with the influence of his spouse.
Family Life Cycle
Stage of life cycle Meaning Pattern of Buying Behavior

They tend to be more

Single people like student fashion and recreation
unemployed youth oriented spending on
Single/Bachelor stage
professionals at their age clothes, music alcohol,
tend to have low earnings eating out holidays, leisure
pursuits and hobbies
They still spend similar
things to the singles, but also
Newlyweds without children
have the highest proportion
Newly married couples are usually dual-income
of expenditure on household
house holds
goods, consumer durables
and appliance.
Family Life Cycle
Stage of life cycle Meaning Pattern of Buying Behavior

The baby creates new needs,

When the first child arrives,
which alter expenditure
one parent usually stops
patters: furniture and
Full Nest I working outside the home,
furnishings for the baby,
so family income drops
baby food, vitamins, toys,
nappies and baby food.
Consumption patters are still
heavily influenced by
The youngest child is over 6, children: bicycles, drawing or
Full Nest II so often both parent will swimming lessons, large size
work outside the home. packages of breakfast
cereals, cleaning products
Family Life Cycle
Stage of life cycle Meaning Pattern of Buying Behavior

Family purchases might be a

Family income improves, as second car, replacement
Full Nest III
the children get older furniture, some luxury items
and children’s education

Often go for luxury travel,

restaurants and theatre, so
Children have grown up and they need fashionable
Empty Nest I
left home. clothing, jewelries, diets,
spas, health clubs, cosmetics
or hairdressing.
Family Life Cycle
Stage of life cycle Meaning Pattern of Buying Behavior

Expenditure is more health

oriented buying appliances
Main breadwinner has retired
Full Nest II for sleep, over the counter
so some drop income.
(OTC) remedies for
If they still are in the They may spend more
workforce, widows and money on holidays, as well
Solitary Survivor
widowers enjoy a good as the items mentioned in
income empty nest II.
Same general consumption They have special needs for
pattern is evident as above, love, affection and security,
Retired Solitary Survivor
but on smaller scale due to so may join local clubs for
reduced income. aged etc.
Social Class
The influence of the social class is very strong in
the buying decision of a customer. Social class is
where an individual belongs in the society.

The society normally has three social classes

namely upper class, middle class and lower class.
Culture and Subculture
The culture refers to the beliefs, customs, rituals
and practice that a particular group of people
The culture can be further divided into subculture
wherein people are categorized more particularly
based on their shared customs and beliefs.
Zanro Kim Tabat
- Males and females have different needs in fashion and
lifestyle, influencing their buying choices.
While different in many aspects, both genders may share
similarities in food and entertainment preferences.
Some products and services cater specifically to one gender,
leading to differing choices.
Women are often involved in impulse buying, and they often
control product preferences in Filipino households.
Advertisements are often targeted at specific genders, with
certain products appealing more to one gender than the other.
- Education influences outlook on surroundings and
impacts judgment in buying decisions.
It is a determinant of social status and affects preferences
in purchasing.
Educated individuals spend more time making purchasing
Education influences fashion choices, television
preferences, and reading material.
Highly educated consumers base buying decisions on
information and evaluate choices carefully.
- Occupation directly influences buying behavior, as it dictates
the products and brands individuals choose.
Professionals tend to buy products that enhance their
professional image and role in society.
Example: Lawyers' buying patterns differ from doctors,
teachers, businessmen, and other professionals.
Managers are expected to wear stylish, high-quality clothing to
reflect their seniority and professionalism.
Job designation and nature of work impact buying decisions;
e.g., low-level workers are unlikely to purchase business suits
and ties.
Lifestyle is how an individual lives in society, proposed by Alfred Adler in 1929.
Some people prioritize wearing branded clothes, while others are not brand
conscious or loyal.
Individuals in upscale areas often prioritize maintaining their status and image.
Lifestyle includes style, attitude, perception, social relations, and immediate
Consumer buying behavior is influenced by lifestyle.
Lifestyle includes interests, values, opinions, and activities reflecting how one
lives in society.
For example, someone with a healthy lifestyle might avoid junk food and consume
more organic products.
6. Economic Influences
on Consumer
Jenbabe Maranguit
Economic Influences on Consumer

- are the features that speak about the level of

sales in the market and the financial position
of the consumer.

- The income of the person influence his buying patterns. It

is the income of a consumer that dictates his purchasing

- In terms of marketing channels, there is a certain

distinction dictated by income.
- refers to the combined sum of the income of all the family

- low-income families have lesser demands while

contented and affluent families with high income have
more demands.

- An individual's anticipation about his increase income

level in the future influences his buying behavior today.

- The credit facility obtainable to the consumer also

influences his buying behavior. If the credit terms are
liberal, then the customers are likely to spend more on the
extravagant items, durable goods, and shopping goods.
- The liquid assets are the assets that are easily
redeemable into the cash.

- The amount of savings out of the personal income also

influences the consumer buying behavior. (the money you
keep, esp. in a bank or other financial organization).
7. The Business
Fatima Caracas
The business Market

- Marketing refers to the activities pursued by a company

to promote its products or services to the target market.
The goal of marketing is to draw the consumers' attention
to the company's products and create a relationship with
existing customers.
Types of business Market
•Industrial Market

- The industrial market (also called the producer

market or business market) is the set of all individuals and
organizations that acquire goods and services that enter
into the production of other products or services that are
sold, rented, or supplied to others.
Types of business Market
•Resale Markets

- The clothing resale industry, also known as secondhand or

pre-owned fashion, involves the buying and selling of used
clothing and accessories. This can be done through various
channels, such as thrift stores, consignment stores, online
marketplaces, and even high-end luxury resale platforms.
Types of business Market
•Government Markets

- Government markets consist of federal, state, and local

government entities that procure goods, services, and solutions
to fulfill their operational needs and deliver public services. These
markets include government agencies, departments,
municipalities, and other government bodies.
Types of business Market
•Institutional Markets

- a market consisting of schools, universities, hospitals,

charities, clubs and similar organisations which buy goods and
services for use in the production of their own goods and
8. Buying Situations in
Business Market
Jalila Kibad

- Bussines buyers face loads of decisions in making a

types of business buying Situation:


When a business buys an exact product or service for

the first time ,then this case is called new task buying.
types of business buying Situation:


A certain business wants to change its order in respect

of specification of product, its price or terms and so on.
This more needs partaker in the decision making process.
types of business buying Situation:


The prior routine order is made by the industrial

business buyer without any adjustment..
9. Participants in
the business
buying process
Gerald Alpanta
Initiators - Are the people within the organization who first
see the need for the product.

Influencer - businesses partnering with individuals with a

significant social media presence to market their products
and services.

Decider - The decider is the person who makes the final

purchasing decision.
User - An end user is a person or other entity that consumes or
makes use of the goods or services produced by businesses.

Buyer - is an environment in which buyers have an advantage over


Gatekeeper - is the person who intercepts marketing and sales

professionals before they speak to a business owner or company
10. Business
Buying Process
Lexie Arellano
Problem Recognition
• In the first stage of business buying process, a certain
problem is identified by someone in the organization. The
problem can be recognized through either internal and
external cues.
• An internal factor would be the awareness of not having
adequate capacity, so the new equipment must be bought or
it may be product returns from customers meaning that its
machine is not manufacturing quality products. While
external on the other hand, may be in the form of any latest
idea of a product at a trade show or seeing new
advertisement or any positive offering by a salesperson and
so on.
Description of General Need

• This stage begins when an obvious need has been

recognized by the organization.
In this step, description about general need has been set
which explains the general characteristics and the quantity
of the needed product.
Specification of the Product

• In this stage, the organization that is involved in the

business buying process organizes a comprehensive list of
the technical specifications of the preferred product
through value analysis.
Search of Supplier
• In this stage of the business buying process, the buying
organization looks for the suppliers to buy with the best
one. For this intention, a list of competitive vendors is
readied by the buying organization with the use of supplies
directories, aid of the internet, or getting in touch with the
other organization for getting recommended names.
Proposal Solicitation

• In this stage the suppliers are asked to submit their

proposals. In some cases, some suppliers send only their
salesperson or simple catalogs. However when the desired
product is expensive and complex than proper formal and
presentations, detailed written proposals are required from
the qualified suppliers.
Selection of Supplier
• At this stage the final supplier is chosen from the list of possible
suppliers who have submitted their proposals to the buying
organization. Following are some of the main attributes that serves as
the basis for the selection of potential suppliers.
1.Quality of product
2.Delivery time
3.Ethical corporate behavior
4.Reasonable price
5.Honest communication
6.Past performance and reputation
7.Repair and maintenance services etc

- the order-routine specification are prepared in this step

which contains the order having a final list of the
specifications,the selected supplier, delivery time, quantity
required , price and repair and maintenance service etc.

-This is the last stage of business buying process in which

the performance of the supplier is reviewed by the buying
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