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Part 3

Overview of part 3 essay:

Text type:

Marks: Stated in
20 marks the
Part stimulus

limit: Language:
200 -250 Formal
When writing the response, candidates
may be asked to:
• Explain advantages and/or disadvantages of:
(i) ideas
(ii) plans
(iii) arrangements
• Explain the main points for and against an idea or argument
• Express and respond to real or imagined opinions and feelings
• Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several
paragraphs on familiar and some unfamiliar topics
Writing an
article for
SPM English
(1119/2) paper
Analyse the Question:

• Read and understand what is required by the task

• Underline the keywords in the situation given
• Highlight the three points required in the
• Note the tense used in the stimulus and the
• Pay attention to the word limit
Plan Your

• Decide on an appropriate style

• Decide on a suitable title
• Decide what to write for the introduction
• Brainstorm for ideas for all the three prompts
• Elaborate with supporting details
• Organise your points into paragraphs
Write Your Answer
• Write in the format of an article
• Write a title. You may use the title given in the stimulus
• Include the writer’s name
• Write a brief introduction
• Write in at least three paragraphs
• Begin with the first prompt followed by the second and
third prompts
• Develop each point in a paragraph
• Use cohesive devices
• Use the correct tense consistently
• End with a short conclusion
Sample Question 1
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style
You see this notice on the board outside the school library.

Articles wanted!
Our School Library

• What types of reading materials would you like to have?

• What special facilities should your library have?
• How can you improve you library?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be displayed on our website.

Write your article

Step 1: Analyse the Question Requirement of the task:
Word limit: 200 -250 words
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style on Essay style to be relevant to
this question paper the question

You see this notice on the board outside the school library.
Identify the style:
Text type: Article
Articles wanted!
Our School Library Identify the task:
1. Write an article about
your school library
• What types of reading materials would you like to have? 2. Answer the three
• What special facilities should your library have? questions given
• How can you improve you library?
Identify the audience:
School magazine readers
Write us an article answering these questions.
Tense to use:
The best article will be published in the school magazine. - present tense

Writing style:
- formal
Write your article
Step 2: Plan Your Response The task requires you to
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style on write an article for your
school magazine, so
this question paper remember to write in formal
You see this notice on the board outside the school library. style using the article format

Articles wanted! Respond to all questions:

1. Types of reading
Our School Library materials?
- Popular books and
• What types of reading materials would you like to have? 2. Special facilities?
- A comfortable reading area,
• What special facilities should your library have? a safe
• How can you improve you library? 3. Improvements?
- Involve all students to take
care of the library
Write us an article answering these questions.
Organise your points into
The best article will be published in the school magazine. paragraphs

Write your article

Step 2: Write Your Answer

Model Answer

Our School Library 1

By Lina Harun 2

The library is an important place in school as it makes an essential contribution 3

to a student’s success. Hence, the reading materials, facilities and environment
provided by our school library are vital.

Firstly, more popular books and lifestyle magazines should be included in our
school library. This is because popular books such as the Harry Potter series, the Wimpy 4
Kid series and the Maze Runner series would definitely attract more students to read.
Besides that, various lifestyle magazines that provide different aspects of life should
also be included. Students can learn the multitude lessons of life through those
Secondly, our school library will be more conducive for reading if it is
equipped with comfortable reading area and a café. Comfortable armchairs, sofa
and bean bags would definitely entice readers to sit there and read longer. If this
reading area is further complimented with a café, then it would definitely be the
best hang out area for many students.

Finally, all students need to play their roles to keep our school library in
good condition. Every library user should handle all books and facilities in the 6
library with care. For instance, we should clean the table and tidy up the reading
area before we leave. We can also volunteer our services to be the librarian.

In conclusion, a good library should not only contain books and magazines,
it should be well-managed and well-utilised by its visitors too. It is hoped that our 7
school library will be a popular hang-out place for students one day.

(250 words)
What’s in the essay…
1. Begin your article with a suitable title (you may make use of the title given in the stimulus)
2. Write the writer’s name. It could be your own name, or a pen name.
3. Give general introduction to your topic – school library
Link it to the points you are going to discuss – reading materials, facilities and environment.
4. Respond to the first prompt by stating your main point – more popular books and lifestyle magazines
Elaborate your main point with details/reasons – attract more students, learn life lessons
Give examples, if possible – Harry Potter, Wimpy Kid, Maze Runner series
5. Respond to the second prompt by stating your main point – comfortable reading area and café.
Elaborate your main point with details – entice readers, best hang out place
Give examples, if possible – armchairs, sofa, bean bags
6. Respond to the third prompt by stating your main point – involve all students to take care of the library
Elaborate your main point with details – handle books and facilities with care, volunteer services
Give examples, if possible – clean table, tidy up area, become a librarian
7. End your article with a brief conclusion – conclude all your points
You may add what you hope the library will achieve.

Check that you have used the appropriate style and the correct tense
Sample Question 2
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style
You see this notice on the board outside the school office.

Articles wanted!
Enhancing Students’ Safety outside School

• What are some of the dangers students face?

• How can students keep themselves safe?
• How can the school authorities help keep students safe?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be displayed on our website.

Write your article

Sample Answer

Enhancing Students’ Safety outside School

By Sherry Jay

Students’ safety is of utmost importance. While it is perhaps

easier to maintain safety in school, do not forget that safety outside
school is just as crucial.
There have been many incidents where students have been
attacked or badly hurt on their way to or from school, and some have Dangers students
even proved to be fatal. Students have been kidnapped, sexually face
assaulted or involved in accidents.
Students can keep themselves safe by taking some simple
precautions. Firstly, there is always safety in numbers. Never walk or
cycle alone. Instead, go in a group as this will ward off any untoward
incidents. Remember, never stop to talk or take a ride from a stranger. If
How students
they do approach you, keep walking or run as fast as you can to a can keep
crowded area. If you are taking the bus, always wait in line for the bus. themselves
Ensure the bus has come to a complete stop before boarding or alighting safe
from the bus. Also, do not jostle, as you may fall and hurt yourself. If you
are waiting for someone to fetch you from school, wait patiently at the
The teacher on-duty and the security guard have to ensure the
students do not run on the road. They should wait at the gate until the What school
last student has left. The mere presence of a teacher or security guard can do
can foil unwanted incidents
These measures may seem simple, but it goes a long way in enhancing
students’ safety.
SPM Practice
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style
You see this notice on the board outside the school canteen.

Articles wanted!
Stop Smoking!

• How does smoking affect the lungs?

• How does smoking affect the heart?
• How does smoking affect our general health?

Write us an article answering these issues.

The best article will be displayed on the school’s bulletin board.

Write your article.

That’s all…

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