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Basic Concepts of


2. NGGIR RUSMANTO 41421020
ESL (English as a Second Language)
 In this global era, English has successfully placed its  Starting from free trade, more and more foreign
position as a language in multicultural and companies are established in Indonesia, so that the use
communication, as a language in international business of international language, English, is increasingly
communication, and as a language in the international widespread, of course for prospective entrepreneurs and
language of research (Rintaningrum, 2016). job seekers it has become a must to be able to master
English in order to master English.

 English is estimated spoken by 400 million people as a  Even though Indonesian is the mother tongue, English
mother tongue and an additional 2 billion as a second must also be taken into account as a second language in
and/or foreign language (Demont-Heinrich, 2007). everyday life. However it should be noted that English
should not completely replace Indonesian, because
speak Indonesian properly and correctly in everday life
in Indonesia is one form of nationalism.
The Meaning of Learning English as a Second
Language (ESL)

 English as a second language  Learning language per say  So, from the combination of these 2
also refers to specialized takes strategies, and according understandings, Learning English as a
Second Language is a learning method
approaches to language to Wenden and Rubin, that refers to specialized approaches to
teaching designed for those learning strategies can be language teaching designed for those
whose primary language is not defined as actions, steps, plans whose primary language is not English,
English (Nordquist, 2019), for or routines taken by the like Indonesia, where in the learning
example in Indonesia. learners in processing the process it can be through as actions,
information they received steps, plans or routines taken by the
learners in processing the information
(Hashim, 2018). they received
The factors that make Indonesians
citizens still not able to apply English as
a Second Language.
Why should we learn
English as a Second  Environment factor
 Lack of motivation to learn English as a
Language? second language
 Too monotonous learning model
 There are some English materials that
We should learn English as a second are difficult for some people where the
language because at this time, English is an mother tongue is not English
international language which is the language
of communication to connect us with the
development of the outside world.

Source: Nuriska, S. (2021), Learning English as a

Second Language, ResearchGate, Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh November.
Characteristics of Young Learners
(Pinter, 2006)

 Children are at pre-  Generally, they are more  They have limited reading
school/in the first concerned about & writing skills even in
couple of years of themselves than others. their first language.

 Generally they have a  They have lower levels of  They enjoy fantasy,
holistic approach to awareness about themselves imagination, & movement.
language, which means that as language learners as well
they understand as about process of
meaningful messages but learning.
cannot analyze language
Characteristics of Young Learners (Pinter, 2006)

VYL (Under 7 th) YL (7 – 12 th)

Not able to read or write in L1; important to recycle language Are learning to read and write in L1
through talk and play

Love playing with language sounds, imitating, and making Are developing as thinkers
funny noises

Learn things through playing; they are not consciously trying Understand the difference between the real and the
to learn new words or phrases – for them it’s incidental imaginary

Not able to organize their learning Can plan and organize how best to carry out an activity

Acquire through hearing and experiencing lots of English, in Can be reliable and take responsibility for class activities
much the same way they acquire L1 and routines


EYL (English for Young Learners)
In the teaching-learning process, the English teachers must know the kinds of language
learning resources for young learners, as follows:
a. Learning resources are not additional materials for pleasure
b. Learning resources for children must be appropriate for children’s aptitude, will, and world
c. There must be a clear distinction between technique and resource.

In teaching English to children (young learners) at elementary school, the English teachers
need to comprehend language learning principles, which, according to some experts, are as
a) Children learn through experiences by manipulating surrounding objects. Piaget in
Hudelson (1991: 256) states that children in primary or elementary school are usually in
what is called the concrete operational stage of cognitive development.
b) Children learn through social context, in groups in which they know with one another.
Vygotsky in Hudelson (1991: 257) states that children learn in social contexts, in groups
where some group members know more than others.
EYL (English for Young Learners)
c) Acquisition takes place when learners comprehend how the language is used. Vygotsky
in Hudelson (1991: 257) states that acquisition occurs through learners figuring out how
the language works, through learners making and testing out hypotheses about the
d) Acquisition takes place in social interaction. Vygotsky in Hudelson (1991: 257) states
that language acquisition occurs through social interaction.

Teaching English to young learners is not merely a matter of setting them loose on a
plethora of authentic language tasks in the classroom. To successfully teach young
learners a second or foreign language requires specific skills and intuitions that differ from
those appropriate for adult teaching.


IN DESIGNING THE MATERIALS, Sukarno (2008), Jurnal Ekonomi & Pendidikan
. English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

A foreign language is a language that is not

commonly used by people living in a particular
area: for example, Indonesian is considered a
foreign language in Australia.
any foreign language besides English: Mandarin
language Spanish, Arabic and others


For language learners in Indonesia, where English

is not spoken in the society, accuracy is really the
focus in learning English. It is not the case when
people learn English in countries where English
is spoken in the society, such as in the United
States or Malaysia.

EFL Skills
.. Basic EFL Skills :
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing

EFL Specific Skills :

1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar
3. Pronunciation
4. Social interaction skills

Why is EFL Important?

1. EFL opens the door to global communication,

international careers, and cultural understanding.
2. It is an important tool in international trade,
tourism, and diplomacy.

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