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Developing an

Developing an Enterprising Mindset

Seminar 1: Attributes, behaviours, and skills of

having an enterprising mindset

Case studies on leading entrepreneurs
Sensitivity: Internal
Sensitivity: Internal

• Menu for success

• Introduction to CMI resources

• The art of reflection

• Conduct an enterprising mindset self-analysis
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Menu for Success
• Attendance – NOT GHOSTING online sessions
• Punctuality
• Supplementary reading – reading list(s) apply RAVEN
• Review materials on course resources
• Take notes in lectures/seminars
• Fail to plan and you will plan to fail – manage your time and plan your assignments
• Share and learn from others – use the discussion board posted under social learning on
course resources
• Critically evaluate and investigate different perspectives – critical thinking
• Reflect, evaluate and adjust – adopt a positive mindset and take personal responsibility for
your continuous development
• ……others??
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R eputation

A uthor’s ability to see

V ested Interest

E xpertise

N eutrality
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The Chartered Institute of Management
• Your programme is mapped to the CMI professional standards.
• Alongside your degree you will work towards a Level 5 Diploma in
Management and Leadership from the CMI.
• Access the CMI website at:
• Accessing Management Direct:
Sensitivity: Internal
Sensitivity: Internal
The Art of Reflection
Sensitivity: Internal
Sensitivity: Internal
• Reflection is a simple form of mental processing
– closely related to thinking and learning. In the
academic context, there is likely to be a
conscious and stated purpose for the reflection,
with an outcome stated in terms of learning or
An ‘academic’ clarification. Academic reflection is likely to be
preceded by a description of the subject matter
definition of of the reflection.
reflection • The process of reflection is applied to relatively
complicated or unstructured ideas for which
there is not an obvious solution. In the
academic context, the outcome of reflective
work is likely to be written and to be seen by
others and both may influence its nature
(Moon, 2001)
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Differences between ‘academic’ writing and reflective
• Essay writing Reflective writing
• The subject matter may be
• The subject matter is
diffuse and unstructured
likely to be clearly
defined • The subject matter is likely
to be personal
• The subject matter is not
likely to be personal • The subject matter is
determined by the writer
• The subject matter is
likely to be given • There may be a purpose but
it is more of a direction
• The purpose of the (rather than a title) that
writing is set in advance predicts the outcome
usually in a title/topic
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Differences between ‘academic’ writing and reflective
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Schon (1991) Two approaches
• Reflection-in-action is concerned with practicing critically. So, a
physiotherapy student working with a client on an exercise programme is
making decisions about the suitability of particular exercises, which
exercise to do next, and judging the success of each exercise at the same
time as they are conducting the activity.
• Reflection-on-action on the other hand, occurs after the activity has taken
place when you are thinking about what you (and others) did, judging
how successful you were and whether any changes to what you did could
have resulted in different outcomes. This is usually the type of reflection
which you are asked to write about as part of your studies.
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Other kinds of reflection
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Types of Reflection
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Types of reflection
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Gibbs’ Model of Reflection
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Your Task – self analysis
Are you an enterprising person? - Take the test and find out
Go the following web link and complete the survey:
Print screen your results. You will need them for coursework 2.

Download your results and analyse them. This self analysis will form part of your reflective journal/diary
for coursework 2.
Sensitivity: Internal
Test results: self-analysis & reflection
How did the test make you feel?

Are the results right for you?

What are your strengths?

Do you recognise areas for development?

Do you have any attributes that you could call ‘enterprising?’

Start your reflective journal/diary covering these issues.
Sensitivity: Internal
Thinking critically – what is it?

• ‘Thinking about your thinking.’

• Not jumping to conclusions.

• Considering all aspects of an issue before making up your mind.

• Applying sound intellectual standards to your work.

• Not allowing personal bias or opinions to influence your work*
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Being a critical thinker
• Look for key ideas, themes and concepts in your research.
• Compare and contrast and link ideas.
• Understand and apply these ideas to questions or problems to show
• As you progress through university, add your own ideas to the debate.
• Question everything that you read – apply RAVEN –is the author’s
reasoning sufficiently explained; are there alternative
perspectives/arguments; have you read anything that contrasts with the
text you are reading?
Sensitivity: Internal
Review the academic literature
• In groups of 4/5: find and review four/five academic sources per group
and define the following terms:
• enterprise,
• enterprising,
• entrepreneurial,
• entrepreneur
• Intrapreneur
• Present your group findings in a Padlet and post to the discussion
board under social learning. Include evidence from different sources.
Access Padlet:
• Reference your work according to Harvard referencing conventions.
Sensitivity: Internal
Practising critical thinking
Using the journal article you selected for the last activity evaluate the
article using the following checklist:
• Clarity: is the argument clearly explained.
• Accuracy: is it true? Can you check it?
• Precision: is there enough detail in the article to support the claims?
• Relevance: is the information related to the aims of the article?
• Depth: is it informative or superficial?
• Breadth: Are there any issues left out – often journal articles will
clearly state areas for further research.
• Logic: does it makes sense and flow?
Post your analysis to the discussion board: Word document/table.
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Case studies
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Individual Task - Application

• Research task: Select an entrepreneur and provide a summary of their

enterprising behaviour, attributes, and skills. You must cite your research
sources in full in accordance with Harvard referencing. Aim for between
200-400 words. You may use images and text.

• Post your summary on the discussion board.
Sensitivity: Internal
• Cottrell, S. (2017) Critical Thinking Skills 3rd edn. UK: Palgrave. (ebook)
• Cottrell, S. (2019) The Study Skills Handbook 5th edn. (ebook)
• Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016) Cite Them Right 10th edn. UK: Palgrave.
Also available online.
• For sourcing journal articles – use the online library and search for articles
from 2015 onwards.
• You are advised to review the sources posted on the lecture slide for
additional perspectives – see next slide.
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Bridge S. and O’Neill K. (2018) Understanding Enterprise: Entrepreneurs & Small Business,
5th Ed., London: Palgrave
Burns P. (2016) Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Start-Up, Growth and Maturity, 4th
Ed., London: Palgrave (core text)
Caird S. (1990) “What Does It Mean to be Enterprising?” British Journal of Management,
Vol. 1, pp137-145
Caird S. (1991) “Testing Enterprising Tendency In Occupational Groups” British Journal of
Management, Vol. 2, pp177-186
Cromie S. (2000) “Assessing entrepreneurial inclinations: Some approaches and empirical
evidence”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 2, Iss. 1, pp7-30
Deakins D. and Freel M. (2003) Entrepreneurship and small firms, 3rd Ed. Maidenhead:
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References/Useful Resources
• Lord Young (2014) Enterprise for all: The relevance of enterprise in education [online]
available at:
, accessed 15/1/2021
• All‐Party Parliamentary Group for Micro Businesses (2014) An Education System fit for an
Entrepreneur: Fifth Report by the All‐Party Parliamentary Group for Micro Businesses.
England: The Stationary Office.
• Target Jobs (2023a) Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Skills: Seizing Opportunities and Seeing
Them Through [online] available at:
, accessed 15/1/2021
• Target Jobs (2023b) Your Graduate Job Hunt Starts Here [online] available at:, accessed 15/1/2021
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References and Useful Reading on Reflective
• CMI (n.d.) Gibbs Model of Reflection. Available at: Models - ManagementDirect
• CMI (2020) Checklists - 280 Reflective practice skills. Available at: Checklists -
ManagementDirect (
• Cottrell, S (2003) Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook
London: Palgrave Macmillan
• Moon, J.A. (1999) Reflection in learning and professional development London: Kogan
Page Ltd.
• Schon, D.A. (1984). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action.
London: Basic Books.
• Schön, D. (1991) The Reflective Practitioner. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
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