Watercraft Rulan

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• Fishermen are one of our primary sources of food in terms of fish and seafood products.

With 7,100 islands, the Philippines has the world's longest discontinuous coastline. Over a
million Filipinos are engaged in marine fishing. Of these, an estimated 800,000 are small-
scale fishermen using tradition, low-cost techniques, notably net fishing from small boats
and the fish corral (Blitz, n.d.). In our province, Catanduanes, it is very evident that our
fishermen are living a very poor life and often cannot even afford to eat their self-caught
• With this situation in mind, we, the researchers, plan to develop a boat that is not only cost
effective but also environmentally friendly. We are going to develop a watercraft that will
lessen burden of fishermen financially with its durability and affordability. Our watercraft
will use an engine with smaller cubic capacity (CC). Therefore, it will be low-cost and low
maintenance at the same time and they will have an affordable option for a vehicle for
fishing. This is our way to give back to our fishermen for providing a meal in every
Catandunganon household.
• Like in the Philippines which does not have a very durable boat made of fiberglass, this is
more needed by poor fishermen considering the boat as a most important transportation in
fishing. Filipino fishermen widely used wood as the main material in constructing boat. If
they would adapt the use of fiberglass in constructing the main vessel, this will be more
Budgetary Requirements

Budget Item Amount Quantity Sub. Total

Fiberglass (set) 500 2 kilos 1000.00

Welding Rod 100 1 kilo 100.00

Polly Tuff 200 2 Litters 400.00

Propeller Shaft 500 1 unit 500.00

Propeller Blade 700 1 unit 700.00

Total 2,700.00
Financial Plan

A. Personal Services

1Welder/Fabricator (@500 php per day x 2 days) 1,000.00

B. Maintenance and other Operating Expenses (MOOE)

Supplies & Materials

Materials 2,700.00

Motorcycle Engine (Junked) 2,500.00

Fuels 300.00

Total Cost of the Project 6,500.00

Gantt Chart

Task Name Oct.2021 Nov.2021 Dec.2021 Jan.2021





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