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• Data models serve as the blueprint for organizing
and structuring data in database systems and
information management.
• If well-designed, they can facilitate the efficient
storage, retrieval, and manipulation of
• The three main data model types—
– The relational data model,
– Hierarchical data model, and
– Network data model
Hierarchical data model
• Hierarchical data model is the oldest type of the
data model.
• It was developed by IBM in 1968.
• It contains nodes which are connected by
• The topmost node is called the root node.
• If there are multiple nodes appear at the top level,
then these can be called as root segments.
• Each node has exactly one parent.
• One parent may have many child.
Hierarchical data model
Network data model
• It is the advance version of the hierarchical data
• To organize data it uses directed graphs instead
of the tree-structure.
• In this child can have more than one parent.
• It uses the concept of the two data structures
i.e. Records and Sets.
• The network model supports many-to-many
relationships, providing greater flexibility than
the hierarchical model.
Network data model
• Network models are often used in scientific
research to represent complex relationships in
fields such as biology, chemistry, and social
• Also, network modeling is common in
telecommunications and telephony, where
network models can represent intricate
network topologies in telecommunications
Network data model
Relational data model
• In the relational model, data is organized into
tables (relations) consisting of rows (tuples) and
columns (attributes).
• Each table represents an entity, and
relationships between entities are established
through keys.
• This model allows for normalized data storage,
where redundancy is minimized, and data
integrity is maintained through the use of
primary and foreign keys.
Relational data model
• Relational databases offer the most flexibility
among the three models.
• They can handle various types of relationships,
including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-
to-many, through the use of keys and join
Relational data model
Difference between Hierarchical,
Network and Relational Data Model
S. No. Hierarchical Data Model Network Data Model Relational Data Model

In this model, to store data It organizes records to one It organizes records in the
1. hierarchy method is used. It is another through links or form of table and relationship
the oldest method and not in pointers. between tables are set using
use today. common fields.

2. To organize records, it uses It organizes records in the It organizes records in the

tree structure. form of directed graphs. form of tables.

It implements 1:1 and 1:n In addition to 1:1 and 1:n it In addition to 1:1 and 1:n it
3. relations. also implements many to also implements many to
many relationships. many relationships.

Pointers are used to establish A linked list is used to The logical representation is
4. relationships among records establish a relationship used with rows and columns
physically. among records physically. to depict relationship among
Difference between Hierarchical,
Network and Relational Data Model
Insertion anomaly exits in
5. this model i.e. child node There is no insertion There is no insertion
cannot be inserted without anomaly. anomaly.
the parent node.

Deletion anomaly exists in There is no deletion There is no deletion

6. this model i.e. it is difficult to anomaly. anomaly.
delete the parent node.

Update leads to Updating a record is easy and

inconsistency problems No such problem as only one simple with the process of
7. because of the existence of instance of records exist. normalization, the redundant
multiple instances of a child data gets removed.

8. This model lacks data There is partial data This model provides data
independence. independence in this model. independence.

9. No such facility for querying No such facility for querying SQL-based declarative
database is supported. database is supported. querying is supported.

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