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Forest Management in

Forest and forestland are important roles and sources of
livelihood for the population living in or near forests and in
mountainous areas of Vietnam.
Tropical evergreen rainforests is A
type of forest with a large area, widely
distributed throughout Vietnam, located
in the tropical belt, usually distributed at
altitudes of 700 m (North) and 1000 m
(South) or lower.
Tropical evergreen rainforests with a
dense vegetation and rich biodiversity
Natural coniferous forest is a group
of needle-shaped evergreen trees with
straight trunks and very tall, even more
than 100 meters. There are also smaller
species, which are shrubs reaching a
height of 25 cm.
Deciduous forests is a typical forest
type dominated by trees of the broad-
leaved Dipterocarpaceae family and is
only found in Southeast Asia. This type
of forest is often distributed in regions
with climates divided into two rainy
seasons. – dried.
Evergreen forests on limestone
mountains, holding the characteristic
indigenous flora of northern Viet Nam
and southern China
It has 2 layers of wood, the upper layer
is discontinuous, 15–20 m high,
sometimes up to 25 m. Forest trees grow
relatively slowly, have exposed roots
that hug large rock layers and penetrate
deep into cracks.
Mangrove forests in Vietnam is about
200,000 hectares. With this area,
Vietnam is one of the top countries in
mangrove forest area worldwide.
Vietnam has about 3260 km of coastline
and runs along provinces and cities, that
is why mangrove forests in Vietnam are
distributed throughout the S-shaped
Bamboo belongs to the group of
green plants, has a woody stem, has
clustered roots, and has a hollow
inner stem. Bamboo plants live
everywhere. From dry places in the
mountains to along rivers and
streams. There are everywhere
everywhere over 1000 different
Tropical semi-deciduous moist forests in
mountainous areas with high rainfall, but with
a dry season of 1 to 3 months.
• production forests The Categories Of Forests
including both natural
forests and forest
• protection forests
mainly for protection
of water sources, soils,
and environment 31.8 53.4
• special use forests
mainly protected areas
such as national parks
and nature
conservation areas production forests protection forests special use forests
(MARD, 2020).
The Need To Protect And Develop
Forests Sustainably
The Need To Protect And Develop
Forests Sustainably
Protect and preserve Protect and improve Forests keep the
biodiversity: soil: atmosphere clean: With
Forests are habitat for Planting forests will help its important role, the
many species of prevent floods and keep forest is a natural
animals and plants. soil from eroding and biological factory that
They provide shelter, landslides. regularly receives CO2
food and growth for a In addition, they also and O2 water.
wide range of species, help improve soil by When global warming is
while protecting and retaining nutrients and causing the greenhouse
preserving the planet's promoting biological effect, the role of forests
biodiversity. decomposition. in reducing CO2 is
extremely necessary.
The Need To Protect And Develop
Forests Sustainably
Protect and preserve Protect and improve Forests keep the
biodiversity: soil: atmosphere clean: With
Forests are habitat for Planting forests will help its important role, the
many species of prevent floods and keep forest is a natural
animals and plants. soil from eroding and biological factory that
They provide shelter, landslides. regularly receives CO2
food and growth for a In addition, they also and O2 water.
wide range of species, help improve soil by When global warming is
while protecting and retaining nutrients and causing the greenhouse
preserving the planet's promoting biological effect, the role of forests
biodiversity. decomposition. in reducing CO2 is
extremely necessary.
The Need To Protect And Develop
Forests Sustainably
Protect and preserve Protect and improve Forests keep the
biodiversity: soil: atmosphere clean: With
Forests are habitat for Planting forests will help its important role, the
many species of prevent floods and keep forest is a natural
animals and plants. soil from eroding and biological factory that
They provide shelter, landslides. regularly receives CO2
food and growth for a In addition, they also and O2 water.
wide range of species, help improve soil by When global warming is
while protecting and retaining nutrients and causing the greenhouse
preserving the planet's promoting biological effect, the role of forests
biodiversity. decomposition. in reducing CO2 is
extremely necessary.
Actual Situation Of Vietnam’s Forest Resources

The actual situation of national forests in Vietnam in 2021

- Area of ​forested land, including open canopy forests: 14,745,201 ha, of which:
+ Natural forest: 10,171,757 ha.
+ Planted forest: 4,573,444 ha
- The area of ​forest land eligible for calculation of the national forest cover rate
was 13,923,108 ha, the forest cover rate was 42.02%
Vietnam’s forests are unevenly
distributed. The Central Highlands,
the Northeast and the North Central
Region have over 2 million hectares
of forests.

The Southeast region and the Central

Coast region have from 1 to 1.5
million hectares of forests.

The Northwest, the Mekong River

Delta and the Red River Delta are
the regions with less than 1 million
ha of forests.
Forest Management Meeting the
Requirements for
Sustainable Development in

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