Innova 2000, 2100IQ, 3100 & 4100 Database

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2000, 2100IQ, 3100 & 4100

Database Issue & Resolution
“Select sequences will not send”



BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #1

Select patient will not send, “FAILED” is
displayed almost immediately. All other
patients send OK. If exam is ended and
restarted any additional sequences from
this patient may send.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #2

Error log will show:
“Software problem during networking”
Debug text will indicate JobID number.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #3

nwServer.log will show:
“Invalid value for this tag’s VR”
Indicating that a DICOM header field
has a value that is not supported.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #4

This is something we can Fix!
In about 25 min.
• Need an InSite connection, Broadband preferred.
• An FE on site to enable VNC and provide other support.
• Patient name. (Date and time also useful)
• Uninterrupted time on the system (No active patient).
• Permission from the customer to allow us access to patient data.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #5

Ten Steps to Resolution
1. The system needs to be in DL applications mode
2. FE on site turns on VNC
3. Site is accessed using VOLC tools
4. Database is backed up as a precaution
5. Database Editor is started
6. The offending data is identified
7. Command the database to fix the data
8. Verify the sequences transfer
9. Delete the backup
10. Turn off VNC

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #6

1.– 3. Setup
1. Verify system is in applications
• Make sure we have permission from the customer to
access patient data information
• It’s best to have all other patients archived and deleted
2. Have the FE turn on VNC
• Reference the VNC presentation
3. Access the system using VOLC tools
• Start Exceed on your computer
• Select VNC from the Innova tools pull down
• FE may need to do a Ctrl/Esc key sequence to allow
remote access to the Windows menu bar.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #7

4. Backup
• Access Explorer
– Right click on Start and select Explorer
• Create a new folder, C:\DB_Backup
• Copy the contents of directory c:\ifmxdata to
the new folder.
– The sub directory “ol_(computer name)” contains 5
files, about 500 Meg total
– Make sure they are copied and not just moved.
• Copy directory:
c:\program files\ge medical systems\dl\VarData
To C:\DB_Backup
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #8
5. Start the Editor
• Navigate to C:\informix\bin
• Double click on the program “sqleditor300.exe

• Pull down the right menu and expand

• Click on the computer name
• Enter password of “innova”
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #9
5. Start the Editor
• Again, pull down the right menu and expand
• Click on the database
– Starts with “db_dl@ol_

• You are now ready

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #10
6. Find the Data
• If this is the only patient in the database the next
several steps can be bypassed. Go to slide 13.
• Find the patient’s database item ID
• In the editor, type the command
– Select * from t_patient
– Click the checkmark and then the right arrow.

Execute commands
Verifies syntax

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #11

6. Find the Data
• Click on the Output1 tab
• Find the patient’s name in the listing
• Record the ‘patient_item_id’ number
– This will be used to identify the correct files

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #12
6. Find the Data
• Click on the SQL tab
• Type or edit the command
– Select * from t_series
– Click the checkmark and then the right arrow.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #13

6. Find the Data
• Click on the Output1 tab
– All Sequences for this patient will have the
‘study_item_id’ number with the same base as the
‘patient_item_id’ number that was recorded earlier

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #14

6. Find the Data
• As a verification, scroll to the right and find the
column ‘sent_flag’
– This is only marked ‘YES’ if the sequence was sent.

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #15

6. Find the Data
• Look through the fields for the obvious
– Slash marks or other special characters
– Especially the perf_phys_name field

• This is the most recent and common occurrence

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #16

6. Find the Data
• May need to look at the fields in any of the
following data sets:
• t_patient
• t_study
• t_series
• Could be any non-standard character or even a
space in the wrong place
• If you don’t know, STOP! Get out of the editor.
– Have the FE copy the contents of the C:\DB_Backup
directory to a CD and send to you for forwarding to
– Place the site on Escalation
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #17
7. Fix the Data
• Once the bad data is identified

• Click in the field to highlight it

• From the Edit menu, select ‘Copy’
– Remember, when using VNC that CTRL is not passed
to the remote station. Can’t use ‘CTRL-C’
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #18
7. Fix the Data
• Click back on the SQL tab
• Enter the following command
– Update t_series set perf_phys_name=null where

Data set Offending field Offending data (pasted from Edit Menu)

• This command will set the data to empty

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #19
7. Fix the Data
• Verify the command with the ‘Check mark’
• Run the command with the ‘Right arrow’
• When done the editor should respond with
how many rows were updated:

• Verify your changes by using the

‘select * from t_series’ command again.
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #20
Finish Up
8. Transfer the Sequences
– Do not turn off the editor, yet
– Click back on the DL’s browser
– Select the patient that did not transfer
– Transfer it by clicking on ‘network’
– Verify transfer using the ‘Net’ button
– Close the Editor
9. Delete the Backup of the Database (C:\DB_Backup)
– Close Explorer
10. Turn off VNC and reset the system

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #21

What if it did not work?
• Have the FE burn a CD with the Database files
from the DB_Backup directory
• Copy the database files back to their original
• Have the FE reset the system and verify normal
• Place the site on Escalation
• Have the CD sent to you to forward the files to

BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase Slide #22

Slide #23

Innova Database Issue Fix

Quick Guide
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase

• Verify the issue.

• DL error 2800036
• nwServer error “Invalid value for this tag’s VR”
• Have FE on site start VNC
• Access site using VOLC tools
• Backup current Database
• C:\ifmxdata
• C:\program files\ge medical systems\dl\VarData
• Start the Editor
• C:\informix\bin\sqleditor300.exe
• Log into the database
• Find the corrupted data, t_dicommap
• Select * from t_patient, t_study
• Select * from t_series, t_image, t_frame, t_pixels
• Fix the data
• Copy the bad data
• Update t_series set perf_phys_name=null where
perf_phys_name=“bad data”
• Transfer the sequences
• Delete the backup
• Turn off VNC
Slide #24

Innova Database Issue Fix

Alternative Fix Procedure
BGW, 9/7/2005 DataBase

• Access the system using VOLC tools

• Copy the database
1. CD to C:\ifmxdata
2. Record the Database name ie; ol_dlxxx
3. Xcopy * db_ol_dlxxx
• Compress the files
1. CD db_ol_dlxxx
2. Gzip *.*
• Transfer the files
1. VOLC FTP tool, to OLC server
2. Site Data Explorer to desktop
• Rename the files
Remove the date added by VOLC tools, from .gz to .gz
• Transfer to DL
Desktop to stand-alone DL c:\ifmxdata
• Decompress files
Gunzip *.*
• Kill all processes using the database files
1. Log on as administrator
2. Use NT Task Manager to kill all task using the database
3. Remove the existing files in the database
• Replace Database files on Stand-alone DL
Copy new files into the database directory
• Reset
• Review the database to find the issue
• Create the scripts to resolve the issue
• Test the scripts
• Access the system using VOLC tools
• Re-create the scripts on the system
• Run the scripts
• Ask the customer to transfer the patient
• Verify

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