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Sidik Maulana
Student ID. 220120230029
Supervisor team
Prof. Kusman Ibrahim, BSN., RN. MNs., PhD. (FoN UNPAD, Indonesia)
Iqbal Pramukti, BSN., RN., MSc., PhD. (FoN UNPAD, Indonesia)
Wei-Ti Chen, RN., CNM., PhD. FAAN. (School of Nursing UCLA, USA)
Rudy Wicaksana, MD., Sp.PD., KPTI., PhD., (1) Laili Rahayuwati, Dra., MHSc., MPH., DrPH., (2) Chandra Isabella
Purba, BSN., RN., MNs., PhD, (2) Yen Chin Chen, RN., MNS., PhD. (3)
(1) Faculty of Medicine, UNPAD – RSHS, Indonesia (2) FoN, UNPAD, Indonesia (3) School of Nursing, NCKU, Taiwan
Background: High prevalence of HIV and Challenge of
Progress toward HIV Care Cascade
The widespread of ART effect on HIV-
Despite. HIV mortality are decrease. The HIV related morbidity and mortality has
prevalence/transmission are increase across the significantly decreased, turning HIV into a
globe, over the year. manageable chronic condition (Januraga et
al., 2018).
ART has been reduced the risk of HIV
Since 2010, the mortality rate has decreased by 51%. transmission to sexual partners(Chou et al.,
Since the peak of the HIV epidemic in 2004, also 2019; Lundgren et al., 2015).
decreased by 69% in 2022 (WHO, 2023). Therefore, ART has to be strategy as a
primary method in prevention and treatment

However, despite significant efforts, global ART

coverage only reached 76% by 2022, falling short of
the 95% target. In Southeast Asian countries,
coverage reached only 63%.

Various studies have identified gaps in the HIV care cascade

(continuum of care).

Progress towards achieving coverage in the HIV care

cascade has shown suboptimal performance in various
WHO regions (WHO, 2023).
According to the 2022 annual report on HIV/AIDS by the
Indonesian Ministry of Health: 81% screening and diagnosis,
41% linkage to care, and 17% viral suppression
Background: Evaluation on Progress Toward HIV Care
Cascade in Indonesia

Linkage to Care:
89% Yogyakarta, 80% Bali, 62% Bandung.
Specifically in Kediri:
6.4% testing, 74.9% on ART, and 9,9% viral suppressed.
(Januraga et al., 2018; Ssekalembe et al., 2020)

ART initiation:
75% female commercial sex
73% Man Sex with Man
Limited source of
70% Transgender
evaluation on
67% Needle drug users
The HIV Care Cascade in Indonesia per progress toward
Viral suppression:
Key Population: UNAIDS 2030 by
47% Man Sex with Man
MSM group more favorable than other group
30% Transgender
group. However, the progress toward
25% Female sex worker
UNAIDS target showed sub-optimal.
22% Needle drug users

The continuing evaluation of progress toward UNAIDS target and analysis by key population are needed
To enhance the strategy in achieving UNAIDS target 2030
Background: Multilevel factors may influencing the
Progress toward UNAIDS target related HIV Care cascade
Studies conducted in the Southeast Asian region have
shown multiple factors related to the success of each Further exploration is needed that explore
WHO Southeast Asian Region

element of the HIV care cascade. The progress in the barrier and facilitator factors related the
cascade largely correlates with demographic factors (such HIV care cascade in Indonesia using the
as education, employment, marital status) and clinical factors
socio-ecological model framework (Mcleroy
(such as CD4 count, coinfections, and clinical stage) (Eng et
al., 2021; Januraga et al., 2018; Musumari et al., 2020; Ovari et al., 1988). The socio-ecological model
et al., 2022). provides a comprehensive framework for
The Progress of the care cascade is also determined by understanding the factors influencing the
social and community support factors, easy access to HIV care cascade, taking into account
services (both in terms of distance and cost), and policies various levels of influence that interact from
(Fauk et al., 2018; Hendricks et al., 2021; Manurung et al.,
individual to broader system levels.
2020; Sujianto & Aisyiyah, 2021).

However, most studies evaluating the success of the care cascade

mainly assess its relationship with demographic and clinical factors.

In Indonesia, there is still insufficient evidence that identify the

factors associated with the HIV care cascade across all levels of

the system (Januraga et al., 2018; Manurung et al., 2020;

Megasari & Wijaksana, 2023; Nepomuceno et al., 2023; Ovari et
al., 2022; Pradnyani et al., 2020; Setiyawati & Meilani, 2021;
Suryana et al., 2019; Yunita et al., 2023).
Objective and benefit Benefit

• Enhancing HIV care strategies in Indonesia, particularly by

Objectives strengthening the coverage and effectiveness of the care

• Providing a framework for nurses in care strategies to
1. Analyze the coverage of the HIV care improve access and adherence to care and treatment for
cascade PLHIV who have been screened.
2. Analyze the coverage of the HIV care • Providing evidence-based policy recommendations to assist
cascade per key population group policymakers in developing more effective strategies for
3. Analyze the relationship between managing HIV.

• Providing a foundation for policy stakeholders or program
demographic and clinical factors with
implementers in designing and implementing more
the coverage of the HIV care cascade effective HIV care and treatment programs.
4. Explore barriers to the HIV care • Enhancing healthcare services for HIV patients by ensuring
cascade that these services are responsive to their needs.
5. Explore facilitators of the HIV care
• Provides theoretical benefits on the dynamics of the HIV
cascade care cascade
6. Explore the needs of people living with • Enhances understanding of how the socio-ecological model

HIV (PLHIV) and healthcare providers can be applied in the HIV context, offering data to strengthen
regarding HIV care cascade this model in public health research
• Offers a multidimensional view of HIV care, incorporating
medical, psychosocial, and healthcare system perspectives,
contributing to the academic literature on this disease.
Conceptual framework
Facilitator factors
• Clinical (History of risky • Demographic (Age,
behaviors, Having multiple,
sexual partners) • Clinical (Cholesterol levels,
• Demographic (Occupation,
Type of ART, Smoking status,
Education, Gender, Age)
• Clinical (Clinical stage, History of amphetamine use,
• Knowledge
Co-infections, CD4 count, CD4 count)
• Perceptions of vulnerability
Mode of transmission, • Open disclosure • Demographic (Age,
• Self-efficacy • Involvement in prevention
Body weight, Service • Self-efficacy
• Motivation programs Education)
location) • Psychological health • Clinical (Clinical stage)
• Dependence on services • Clinical (Use of

• Demographic (Education, • Quality of life • Time of ART initiation.

• Family support amphetamines)
Gender, Age) • Health function

• Healthcare provider support

• Counseling • Family support
• Attending physician • Stigma-free environment
• Peer support • Having a provider in primary
• Support from significant others
• Education and information • Access to services
• Ease of access to services
• Telecounseling


Screen and
Linkage to care

diagnosis Retention in care Adherence Viral suppression


• Demographic (Occupation)
• Clinical (Mode of • Clinical (Risky sexual behavior,
• Demographic
transmission, Having Time of diagnosis, Healthcare
• Clinical (Late diagnosis, (Gender, Age,
multiple sexual partners, facility where diagnosed, Smoking,
History of needle drug use) Erectile dysfunction, Alcohol Income)
Low practice of safe sex, Co-

• Demographic (Education, • Clinical (CD4 count,

infections, Location of consumption, CD4 count)
Age, Marital status) Not available • Open status Co-infections, Drug

• Differences in screening • Low information availability resistance, BMI,

• Demographic (Age,
and treatment services • Self-care issues Comorbidities)
Education, Ethnicity, Income
• Interpersonal conflict • Psychosocial problems • Time of ART
below minimum wage
• Service distance • Partner not taking ART initiation when CD4
standards, Unemployment)
• Low social relationships is low
• Low participation in services
• Barriers to accessing services
Barrier factors
A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method
Paradigm Post-positivism

Quantitative Qualitative
Sampling Convenience sampling Purposive sampling

Sample People living with HIV and Healthcare providers in HIV care service in Bandung City

Research Quantitative Qualitative data Qualitative

procedure data analysis collecting data analysis

Data cleaning Transcription

Coding Reduction
procedure Tabulation
Coding and categorizing

analysis Developing into themes

Evaluation HIV Care Cascade Barrier and facilitator

Coverage and correlation analysis of factors in a level
demographic and clinical factors system
No Variable Definition Measurement Output Scale
1 Quantitative Dependent variable
1 Screen and PLHIV known their The number of PLHIV screened for Percentage Numeric
Retrospective cohort (2020-2023) diagnosis status diagnosis divided by the estimated
number of PLHIV, multiplied by 100.
2 Linkage to care PLHIV referred to The number of PLHIV referred to services Percentage Numeric
Setting services with CD4 or with CD4 or VL examination at least once
VL examination at within 12 months of knowing their status,
Secondary data by Sistem least once within 12 divided by the estimated number of PLHIV,
Informasi HIV/AIDS (SIHA)/ months of knowing multiplied by 100.
Information Health System their status.
for HIV/AIDS 3 Retention in care PLHIV who attend The number of PLHIV who attend routine Percentage Numeric
routine visits to 2 or visits to 2 or more HIV services within a
more HIV services 12-month period, divided by the estimated
within a 12-month number of PLHIV, multiplied by 100.
Population period.
4 Treatment/ PLHIV on ART The number of PLHIV on ART treatment Percentage Numeric
Adult people living with HIV Adherence treatment. divided by the estimated number of PLHIV,
that receiving care and multiplied by 100.
treatment in Bandung 5 Viral suppression PLHIV with an PLHIV on ART treatment divided by the Percentage Numeric
undetectable viral estimated number of PLHIV, multiplied by
according SIHA data
load. 100.

Independent variable: (1) HIV care service location (2) Age (3) Key population (4) Education (5)
Sample Employment (6) Marital status (7) Clinical stadium/stage (8) CD4 count (9) ART

Non-probability (Convenece Instrument Data analysis

sampling) of PLHIV who SIHA data, accessed Univariate using descriptive analysis, Bivariate using
reported by SIHA data through Bandung City spearmen correlation, and Multivariate using logistic
Health Office regression. Also, sub-analysis by group.
1 Qualitative
Variable Definition
Barrier factors related HIV Participants' opinions on factors hindering
care cascade HIV prevention and treatment efforts at the healthcare interview
individual, interpersonal, community, and professional who
Setting healthcare service and policy levels, from had experienced in
the perspective of individuals at risk of HIV providing HIV care
HIV health service across the and PLHIV. service in Bandung
level healthcare setting (primary,
secondary, tertiary). Pasundan 2 Facilitator factors related Participants' opinions on factors supporting PLHIV and Semi-structure
PHC, Teratai OPD – Hasan HIV care cascade HIV prevention and treatment efforts at the healthcare interview
Sadikin Hospital, Bandung individual, interpersonal, community, and professional who
healthcare service and policy levels, from had experienced in
General Hospital
the perspective of individuals at risk of HIV providing HIV care
and PLHIV. service in Bandung
3 HIV care cascade need Participants' opinions on hopes and needs PLHIV and Semi-structure
Purposive sampling. Include
assessment for HIV care at the individual, interpersonal, healthcare interview
PLHIV > 17 y.o. has been community, healthcare service, and policy professional who
received at least 1 year across levels, from the perspective of individuals at had experienced in
key population. Exclude PLHIV risk of HIV and PLHIV. providing HIV care
with 4th clinical stage, EoLC, and service in Bandung
severe mental health problem
Credibility Member checking
Data analysis
Transferability Thick description
Human instrument Thematic analysis worthi
Additional: tape record, field (Braun & Clarke, 2006) ness Dependability Triangulation
Confirmability Reflexivity
Collecting data procedure Ethical clearance

Respect for human dignity

Literature review and Inform consent directly to participant
research proposal

Review and curation of Respect for privacy and confidentiality

research proposal Anonnymeous; SIHA data will removed in our folder until data was
analyzed and published in form as academic article; Thesis document only
saved in Bandung Health Office and UNPAD library

Ethical clearence
Respect for Justice and inclusiveness
Selected participant will choice with justice and without any discrimination;
Quantitative collecting Every participants have equal rights to voice their perspective.
Beneficence and non-maleficence
This study will benefit and inform a better understanding in the progress
Qualitative collecting toward UNAIDS target related HIV care cascade and factor influencing;
data there is no potential harm in this study, all of the activity in this study will
adhere to the agreement between researcher and participant
Thank you very much 

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