Ethics Moral Theories Part 4 Utilitarianism

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Moral Theories

• an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on
outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism.
• Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will
produce the greatest good for the greatest number (the ends justifies
the means).
Jeremy Bentham
• An English philosopher formulated the utilitarian system where the
greatest good that we should seek is happiness (hedonistic
• The actions whose result increases happiness or dimmish pain are
good or have “utility”
Principle of Utility
• A principle of Bentham where when a person is in a moral dilemma
that persons goal must be when you think of “maximizing
pleasure(happiness) while minimizing the pain” it gives us.
Ethical Judgments in Utilitarianism
• The result or the consequence of an Act is real measure of whether it
is good or bad
• This theory emphasizes Ends over Means
Types of Utilitarianism
• Act utilitarianism
• Rule utilitarianism
Act Utilitarianism
• An action is right if and only if it produces the greatest balance of
pleasure over pain for the greatest umber (Jeremy Bentham)
Rule Utilitarianism
• An action is right if and only if it conforms to set of rules the general
acceptance of which would produce the greatest balance of pleasure
over pain for the greatest number. (John Stuart Mill)
Applications of Utilitarian Theory
• An Attempt to help an elderly man across the street. He gets across
• Conclusion: the act was a good act
• You attempt to help an elderly man across the street you stumble as
you go and the old man god knocked into the path of a car and is hurt
• Conclusion: the act was a bad act
Application of utilitarian theory
• If sacrificing 100 soldiers as a decoy in war, and thereby attack an
enemy force and kill several hundred enemy soldiers, that is a morally
good choice even though you will be losing 100 soldiers
Application of utilitarian theory
• Ford Pinto Case: a defective vehicle would sometimes explore when
• Ford paid the liability lawsuit than to have a model recall of the defective cars
Bentham’s theory: a Criticism
• Bentham’s theory could mean that if 10 people would be happy
watching a man being eaten by wild dogs
• It would be a morally good thing for the 10 men to kidnap someone
and throw the man into a cage of wild hungry dogs.
Adjustments of Utilitarianism by John Stuart
• Mill argues that we must consider the quality of the happiness, not
merely the quantity
Mills Quality arguments
• “It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied;
better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool,
or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know
their own side of the question. The other party to the comparison
knows both sides”
Criticisms of Utilitarianism
• If the aim is to bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number,
not putting my own happiness above others that may lead to a
Criticism of Utilitarianism
• Bernard Williams an English Moral Philosopher, Criticizes the
“doctrine of negative responsibility” in Utilitarianism.
• Example: a thug breaks into my home and holds six people hostage,
telling us he will kill us all. “However, the thug says “ if you kill the two
of your family, I will let you and the others live”
• Utilitarianism plays fast and loose with God’s commandments. If lying,
stealing or killing could lead to an increase of happiness for the
greater number, then we are told we should lie, kill or steal. And that
is contrary to God’s Command.
Mill’s Answer to the Godless theory Criticism
• What is the nature of God?
• Does God make arbitrary (random) rules just to see if we will obey?
• Does God make rules that He knows will lead to our happiness?
• If the latter statement is true, doesn’t it make sense God would want
us t use God – given reason to look at the situation?
Mill’s Answer to the Godless theory Criticism
• “ if it be a true belief that God desires, above all things, the happiness
of his creatures, and that this was his purpose in their creation, utility
is not a godless doctrine, but more profoundly religious than any
other. Whatever God has though fit to reveal on the subject of morals
must fulfill the requirements of utility in a supreme degree”
Second Criticism of Utilitarianism
• If one must decide the probable outcome of an act before knowing
whether it is good or bad, how can children learn to evaluate acts,
since they know so little of what consequences might arise from their
Rule Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill)
• “Mankind must by this time have acquired positive beliefs as to the
effects of some actions on their happiness; and the beliefs which have
thus come down are the rules of morality for the multitude, and for
the philosopher until he has succeeded in finding better”

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