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Key Take Aways

STS Instructional Module Week 3

Science & Technology and Nation-Building Part1
Nation-building is the process of unifying people within a state so that the state
remains politically stable and economically viable (Stephenson, 2005).

Nation-building is intertwined with the Urbanization is the process through

processes of industrialization, which society is transformed from one
urbanization, and social mobilization that is predominantly rural in economy
(Mylonas, 2019). to one that is mainly urban.

Industrialization is the process by which Social mobilization is the process that

an agrarian-based economy is allows people and communities to
transformed from one based on the collectively think and act upon their
manufacturing of goods through factory development.
system and industries.
Components of Nation-building

Economic development is the process whereby Political development is the increase in national
simple, low-income national economies are political unity, political participation, and political
transformed into modern industrial economies. stability.
The use of computer technology can now Provision of science-based policies and
automate the processes of factories and industries regulations have been seen to have viable and
which can result to larger supply/output. sustainable impacts to society.

Social development is about uplifting the well- Institutional development refers to the processes
being of every individual in the society so they that improve the capacity of social institutions to
can reach their full potential. The success of achieve its goals and objectives.
society is related to the well-being of its citizen. (e.g. health, education, religion)
S&T have been used by poor people to cut their
way out of poverty.
Key Sectors in a nation that have greatly
For instance, the use of improve variety of seeds
benefited from the breakthroughs of S&T:
have helped farmers increased their yield
resulting to more income. (energy, agriculture, fisheries, communication,
transportation, education, health)
Evaluation Question :
STS Instructional Module Week 3
Science & Technology and Nation-Building Part1

Discuss the importance of S&T to a nation’s sectoral development.

Provide specific examples.
Key Take Aways
STS Instructional Module Week 4
Science & Technology and Nation-Building Part 2
Provisions to Science and Technology

SECTION 10. Science and technology are essential SECTION 12. The State shall regulate the
for national development and progress. The State transfer and promote the adaptation of
shall give priority to research and development, technology from all sources for the national
invention, innovation, and their utilization; and to benefit. It shall encourage the widest
science and technology education, training, and participation of private groups, local
services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate,
governments, and community-based
and self-reliant scientific and technological
capabilities, and their application to the country’s organizations in the generation and utilization of
productive systems and national life. science and technology.
SECTION 11. The Congress may provide for SECTION 13. The State shall protect and secure
incentives, including tax deductions, to encourage the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors,
private participation in programs of basic and artists, and other gifted citizens to their
applied scientific research. Scholarships, grants-in- intellectual property and creations, particularly
aid, or other forms of incentives shall be provided to when beneficial to the people, for such period as
deserving science students, researchers, scientists, may be provided by law.
inventors, technologists, and specially gifted
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

• Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and

Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
The Department of Science and Technology is
• Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
the primary science and technology agency of (PHIVOLCS)
the Philippines.
• Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging
DOST is responsible for providing central Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD)
direction, leadership, and coordination of all • Philippine Council for Health Research and
scientific and technological activities, Development (PCHRD)
formulating activities, programs, and projects to • Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and
support national development. Natural Resources Research and Development
• Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI)
• Forest Products Research and Development Institute
• Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)
• Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)
AmBisyon Natin 2040: The Vision, Our Ambition

• On October 11, 2016, President Rodrigo R. • On the kind of life that they want for
Duterte signed Executive Order No. 5, s. 2016 themselves, Filipinos want a life that is
approving and adopting the 25- year long- strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure:
term vision entitled AmBisyon Natin 2040 as matatag, maginhawa, at panatag.
a guide for development planning. • The terms “strongly-rooted, comfortable, and
secure” used to describe the life envisioned by
• AmBisyon Natin 2040 represents the Filipinos by 2040 reveal middle-class
collective long-term vision and aspirations of aspirations.
the Filipino people for themselves and for the • They include home ownership, a steady
country in the next 25 years source of income to support family and self,
college education for the children, a motor
vehicle, stable finances to cover daily needs
and contingencies, savings for retirement, and
time for vacation and travel
Evaluation Question: Module 4

Discuss the salient provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution to

S&T in our country.
Key Take Aways
STS Instructional Module Week 5
The Human Person Flourishing In Terms of S & T
Part 1
Philosophical Views on Technology
The current conception of technology, according to which it is a means to an end and a human activity, can therefore be called the instrumental and
anthropological definition of technology.

 Aristotelianism  Technological Optimism

According to Aristotle, technology is basically a This philosophy believes that technology can alleviate
means to an end. It is organizing techniques in order to all the difficulties and provide solutions for problems
meet the demand that is being posed by humans. It is that may come. Technological problems may arise but
primarily concerned with the product and will be technology will still be the solution. Technology is the
judged as either good or bad based on the value given supreme authority on everything.
to the product which is based on its use and effect to  Existentialism (Martin Heidegger)
the society.
This is the view on the article read above in the activity.
 Technological Pessimism This view basically investigates on the meaning of
existence or being and is always faced with the selection
(Jacques Ellul – French Philosopher, 1912-1994) Ellul
one must make with which the existent will commit
believes that technology has become a way of life. The
himself to.
said techniques have become a framework which
humans cannot escape. He has several pessimistic It believes that the real essence of technology lies in
arguments, such as technology progress having a price “enframing” - the gathering of the setting which
to pay, it creates more problems, damaging effects, challenges man to bring the concealed to unconcealment.
and as well as unpredictable devastating effects. In other words, technology is a way of revealing.
Martin Heidegger’s Views on Technology
Three Claims: • Martin Heidegger (1889-1996) is a well-
known German philosopher. He questioned
1. Technology is not an instrument; it is a way
of understanding the world. the Aristotelian and Ellulian definitions of
technology (a means to an end, a human
2. Technology is not a human activity; but activity).
develops beyond human control
• Technology has been instrumentally viewed as
3. Technology is the highest danger, risking us the same in all periods of time, geared towards
to only see the world through technological meeting a human need.
• It invites man to a continual desire to master it
which unconsciously making it go out of
• Everything depends on manipulating
technology in a proper manner as a means.
For Heidegger, the real essence of technology is found in enframing. It is the continuous bringing
forth of the concealed to unconcealment - a non-stop revealing. It continues to demand for
something to be brought out into the open. The concealed is calling out for someone to set upon and
act upon to unconceal the concealed.

• Heidegger viewed modern technology as setting • However, there are also dangers in non-stop
upon challenges or demands on nature in order to a) revealing.
unlock and expose, carrying the idea that nature will
not reveal itself unless challenge is set upon it; and • A danger is when man falls into a
b) stock pile for future use, aiming to meet the future misinterpretation of that which is presented
demands. into him. That is, when he sees himself in the
object before him rather that seeing the object
• What is the essence of technology? This gathering of itself. This happens when he starts to believe
the setting-upon which challenges man to bring the that everything in the human condition can be
concealed to unconcealment, called enframing by answered by technology and that even man’s
Heidegger, also shows the essence of technology. happiness is dependent on the continuous
• Enframing is basically putting in order whatever is modernization of technology.
presented to the man who sets upon the concealed. •
Man cannot set himself upon unconcealment without
concealment’s call and the concealed will not go into
unconcealment without the man responding to its
Evaluation Questions : Module 5

1. It is said that technological advances provide immense improvements in our lives, but often with
hidden cost. Explain and give an example.

2. Technology as a way of revealing has something to do with the concept of unlocking and
stocking. Explain and give an example.

3. How can you as a student help spread awareness about the dangers of technology in such a
way that technology is not condemned in the process?
Key Take Aways
STS Instructional Module Week 6
The Human Person Flourishing in Terms of Science
and Technology (Part 2)
Human flourishing is an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within
the context of a larger community of individuals each with the right to pursue his or
her own such efforts.

• Humans have innate abilities and • Aristotle believed that human beings have a
characteristics that let them sustain their natural desire and capacity to know and
function and survive in a given environment. understand the truth, to pursue moral
But in the very center of a human being is an excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the
unquenchable thirst for happiness, serenity, world through action.
and fulfilment. • These actions are geared towards one’s proper
and desired end - flourishing, happiness, or
• The Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested “eudaimonia”- a Greek word which refers to a
that each man’s life has a purpose, and the state of having a good indwelling spirit, or
function of one’s life is to attain that purpose. being in a contented state of being healthy,
happy and prosperous. That is our ultimate
desire for living.
• Happiness is the highest desire and ambition
of all human beings. To achieve it, one must
cultivate the highest virtues within one’s self.
Evaluation Question : Module 6

1. Watch the short film titled 2. Write a short essay on

‘Village of the Watermills’ how the content of this short
One of the short films called ‘Dreams’ by
film relates to Aristotle’s
Akiro Kurosawa Uploaded by James Roy philosophy about human
Lesidan flourishing.
Key Take Aways
STS Instructional Module Week 7
The Good Life
The Good Life

• The most familiar view among • Steve Mueller (2016), the founder
people is that of Socrates, who of the Planet of Success defined a
good life as:
said, “the unexamined life is not
worth living for”.
“…a (desirable) state that is primarily
characterized by a high standard of
• Aristotle viewed the good life as living or the adherence to ethical and
a life of relationships. It is man’s moral laws… As such, the term can
both be understood as the quest for
nature to seek good life with and wealth, material possession or
for others rather than luxuries and the quest to create a
experiencing it by himself. worthwhile, honest and meaningful
The Good Life

• Martin Heidegger dealt more on how • One of the concepts studied in positive
we live an “authentic life” rather than psychology which may explain
dealing with the “good life”. different views is the one of values
which are argued to be one of the
drivers to reach the good life.
• For Heidegger, living an authentic life
means living with deep acceptance on • Values such as power, security,
the facticity of “death” and resulting to tradition, or benevolence are a
a “life lived according to what it has collection of principles that guide the
clearly decided as its meaning and selection or evaluation of actions,
purpose.” events, and people and what deem to
be correct and desirable in life
(Schwartz, 1992). Values may, to a
certain extent, codetermine what
people consider the good life.
In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he examines one of the most central
themes to man, the nature of goodness itself.

He asserts that virtue is essential to happiness and to achieve it, man

must live in accordance with the “doctrine of mean” (the balance
between excess and deficiency).

It is right to choose the mean and to avoid excess and deficiency, and
that the mean is prescribed by the right principle.
Ten Golden Rules by Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas
3. Treasure friendship, the reciprocal attachment that
1. Examine life, engage life with vengeance; fills the need for affiliation.
always search for new pleasures and new Friendship cannot be acquired in the marketplace but
destinies with your mind. must be nurtured and treasured in relations imbued
Living life is about examining life through reason with trust and amity.
which is nature’s greatest gift to humanity. Reason
lets human beings participate in life; to be human 4. Experience true pleasure.
is to think, appraise, and explore the world, Avoid shallow and transient pleasures. Keep your
discovering new sources of material and spiritual life simple. Seek calming pleasures that contribute to
pleasure. peace of mind. True pleasure is disciplined and
2. Worry only about the things that are in your 5. Master yourself.
control, the things that can be influenced and
changed by your actions, not about the things that Resist any external force that might delimit thought
are beyond your capacity to direct or alter. and action. Stop deceiving yourself, believing only
Since people cannot control all of the outcomes what is personally useful and convenient. Complete
they seek in life, they certainly can control the liberty necessitates a struggle within, a battle to
responses to these outcomes which lies to their subdue negative psychological and spiritual forces
potential for a life that is both happy and fulfilled. that preclude a healthy existence. Self-mastery
requires ruthless candor.
Ten Golden Rules by Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas
6. Avoid excess. 9. Don’t do evil to others.
Live life in harmony and balance. Avoid Evildoing is a dangerous habit, a kind of
excesses. Even good things pursued or attained reflex too quickly resorted to and too
without moderation can become a source of easily justified that has a lasting and
misery and suffering. damaging effect upon the quest for the
7. Be a responsible human being. good life. Harming others claims two
Approach yourself with honesty and victims – the receiver of the harm and the
thoroughness. Maintain a kind of spiritual victimizer, the one who does harm.
hygiene. Stop the blame-shifting for your 10. Kindness towards others tends to be
errors and shortcomings. Be honest with rewarded.
yourself and be prepared to assume
responsibility and accept consequences. Kindness to others is a good habit that
supports and reinforces the quest for the
8. Don’t be a prosperous fool.
good life. Helping others bestows a sense
Prosperity by itself is not a cure-all against an of satisfaction that has two beneficiaries –
ill-led life and may be a source of dangerous the beneficiary, the receiver of the help,
foolishness. Money is necessary but not a
sufficient condition for the good life.
and the benefactor, the one who provides
the help.
Five ‘Schools of Thought’ to attain a happy and good life:
Materialism (Democritus and Leucippus). Theism
Matter is what makes attain happiness. For most The ultimate basis of happiness for theist is the
people, material wealth would seem to be the communion with God. Most people find the
primary source of the meaning of their existence. meaning of their lives using God as the fulcrum
of their existence.
Hedonism (Epicurus)
Life is about obtaining and indulging in pleasure Humanism
because life is limited and does not buy the notion
of afterlife. Their famous mantra is, ‘Eat, drink, and This school of thought espouses the freedom of
be merry for tomorrow we die.’ man to carve his own destiny and to legislate his
laws, free from the shackles of God to monitor
and control. For humanists, man is the captain of
Stoicism (Epicurus) his own ship. They see themselves not merely as
To generate happiness, one must learn to distance stewards of the creation but as individuals who
oneself and be apathetic. In this world, we should are in control of themselves and the world
adopt the fact that some things are not within our outside them.
Evaluation Question : Module 7

Write a short essay on the question:

Is living with happiness, means living a good life?

Defend your answer.
Evaluation Questions : Module 7

Write short essays on the following:

1. What constitutes a ‘good life’ to you?

2. To what extent do scientific advancements impact

your idea of a good life?
Key Take Aways
STS Instructional Module Week 8
When Technology and Humanity Cross
How do scientific and technological advancements affect our human principles,
moral values, and emotions?.
Our country, the Philippines, may not be as
Many scholars outside the S&T field technologically advanced as first world countries,
express concern that we may be losing our as our capacity to advance depends largely on our
sense of humanity to S&T advancements. economic capability.
The idea that a robot or a gadget becoming
“smart” (such as a smart phone) is an Finally, technology is a human activity and
indication of a nearing equality of humans humanity is a human concept.
with machines.
At present, there is an increasing reliance of
humans to machines; the life of machines Should we come to the point where they cross, we
still depends on humans. will always be reminded that both are manmade.
But in the future, it may be humans who
will rely completely on machines. When Therefore, no other being in the world would be
that happens, we may have to redefine what able to reconcile the two except for man himself.
being “human” means.

Let us then put our hope in the rationality and

positivity of humankind.

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