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अमृतादि गुग्गुलु

Guggulu has been used since ancient times in the various indian system of medicines.
Guggulu is considered as rasayana, and thus can be used to rejuvenate or attain the complete
potential of an individual in order to prevent diseases and degenerative changes.
Thus guggulu kalpana , have formed as a separate kind of formulation in Ayurveda and more
than 60 guggulu kalpas are mentioned in various texts.
Amrutadi guggulu is one of the guggulu preparation mentioned in conditions like pidika,
bhagandara, and sthoulya.
Amrutadyo guggulu: (Bha Ra/
अमृतात्रुटिवेल्लवत्सकं , कलिङगपथ्यामलकानि गुग्गुलम् ।
क्रमवृद्धमिदं मधुप्लुतं पिडिका स्थौल्य भगन्दरं जयेत् ॥
अमृता (गुडू चि) – 1 part
त्रुटि (क्षुद्र एला) – 2 part
वेल्ल (विडङ्ग) – 3 part
वत्सक (कु टज) – 4 part
कलिङ्ग (इन्द्रयव) – 5 part
पथ्या ( हरीतकि) – 6 part
आमलकि – 7 part
गुग्गुलु – 8 parts.
Method of preparation
all the ingredients are taken in an increasing order of quantity.
Make it into fine powder
Store it in an airtight container and use it with madhu as anupana.
Indicated in diseases like pidika, sthoulya and bhagandara.
2.Amruta guggulu ( Bha Ra/kushta/14)
अमृतायाः पलशतं दशमूल्यास्तथा शतम् । अष्टादशसु कु ष्ठेषु वातरक्तगदेषु च ।
पाठामूर्व्याबलातिक्तादार्वीगन्धर्वहस्तकाः ॥ कामलामामवातञ्च वह्निमान्द्यं भगन्दरम् ।
एषां दशपलान् भागान् विभीतक्याः शतं हरेत् । पीनसञ्च प्रतिश्यायं प्लीहानामुदरं तथा ॥
द्वे शते च हरीतक्या आमलक्यास्तथा शतम् ॥ एतान् रोगान् निहन्त्याशु भास्करतिमिरं यथा ॥
जलद्रोणत्रये पक्त्वा चाष्टभागावशेषितम् ।
प्रस्थं गुग्गुलुमाहृत्य प्रस्थार्द्धञ्च घृतं पचेत् ॥
पाकसिद्धौ प्रदातव्यं गुडू च्याः सत्वमेव च ।
पलद्वयं तथा शुण्ठ्याः पिप्पल्याश्च पलद्वयम् ।
ततो मात्रां प्रयुञ्जीत ज्ञात्वा दोषबलाबलम् ।
Ingredients: 10. Amalaki – 100 pala
1. Guduchi- 100 pala 11. Haritaki – 200 pala
2. Dashamoola -100 pala 12. Jala – 3 drona
3. Patha -10 pala 13. Guggulu – 1 prastha
4. Murva –10 pala 14. Ghrita – ½ prastha
5. Bala –10 pala 15. Guduchi satva – 2 pala
6. Tikta – 10 pala 16. Shunti churna – 2 pala
7. Daruharidra – 10 pala 17. Pippali churna – 2 pala
8. Eranda – 10 pala
9. Vibhitaki – 100 pala
Method of preparation
Ingredients from 1-11 are made into kashaya by adding 3 drona of jala and reducing it to 1/8 th.
Filter it and add guggulu and ghrita in the mentioned quality. Then again do paka.
When pakasidhi is attained, add guduchi satva, shunti churna and pippali churna are added.
It is indicated in kushta, vatarakta, kamala, aamavata, mandagni, bhagandara, peenasa,
pratishyaya, pliha roga and udara roga.
3.Amruthadi guggulu(Bha Pr/
प्रस्थमेकं गुडू च्याश्च अर्धप्रस्थं च गुग्गुलोः । तस्मिन्सुसिद्धं विज्ञाय कवोष्णे प्रक्षिपेद् बुधः॥
प्रत्येकं त्रिफलायास्तु तत्प्रमाणं विनिर्दिशेत् ॥ ततश्चाग्निबलं मत्वा खादेत्कर्षप्रमाणतः ।
सर्वमेकत्र संकु ट्य साधयेदुल्बणेऽम्भसि । वातरक्तं तथा कु ष्ठं गुदजान्यग्निसादनम् ॥
पादशेषं परिस्राव्य कषायं ग्राहयेद्भिषक् ॥ दुष्टव्रणं प्रमेहांश्च आमवातं भगन्दरम् ।
पुनः पचेत्कषायन्तु यावत्सान्द्रत्वमागतम् ॥ नाड्याढ्यवातं श्वयथुं सर्वानेतान्व्यपोहति ॥
दन्तीव्योषविडङ्गानि गुडू चीत्रिफलात्वचः ।
ततश्चार्द्धपलं चूर्णं गृह्णीयाच्च प्रतिप्रति ॥
कर्षन्तु त्रिवृतायाश्च सर्वमेकत्र चूर्णयेत् ।
Ingredients :
1. Guduchi – 1 prastha
2. Guggulu – ½ prastha
3. Triphala – 1 prastha each
4. Jala – 2 drone
5. Danti – 2 tola
6. Vyosha – 2 tola
7. Vidanga- 2 tola
8. Guduchi-2 tola
9. Triphala – 2 tola each
10. Twak – 2 tola
11. Trivrut – 1 tola
Method of preparation
Guduchi and triphala powders are mixed together and done paka in 2 drona of jala. When it is
reduced to 1/4th, add guggulu and add the remaining powders when the mixture becomes
When it is in proper consistency , turn off the flame.
Dose: 1 tola
Indication: vatarakta, kushta, arshoroga, agnimandya, dushtavrana, prameha, aamavata,
bhagandara, nadivrana, urusthambha, and shotha.
Another reference is available in Bhavaprakasha nighantu , named as Dwiteeya amrutadi
guggulu, with minor changes in ingredients.
METHOD 1 – with agni

Ingredients Classical quantity Practical

Quantity taken
1. Guduchi 1 prastha (768 g) 64 g
2. Guggulu ½ prastha (384 g) 32g
3. Triphala 1 prastha each (768*3=2304g) 64 g each
4. Jala 2 drona (12*2=24 l) 2l
2 tola (12 g*2=24 g) 12g
5. Danti 2 tola (24g) 12 g
6. Vyosha 2 tola(24 g) 12 g
7. Vidanga 2 tola (24g) 12g
8. Guduchi 2 tola each (24*3= 72g) 12 g each
9. Triphala 2 tola (24 g) 12 g
10. Twak 1 tola (12g) 1g
11. Trivrut
Method 2 – without agni
Drug Classical quantity Quantity taken for practical
अमृता (गुडू चि) 1 part 1g
त्रुटि (क्षुद्र एला) 2 part 2g
वेल्ल (विडङ्ग) 3 part 3g
वत्सक (कु टज) 4 part 4g
कलिङ्ग (इन्द्रयव) 5 part 5g
पथ्या ( हरीतकि) 6 part 6g
आमलकि 7 part 7g
गुग्गुलु 8 part 8g
With Agni Without agni
• Initially after adding guggulu, kashaya starts to • In the starting guggulu and powders didn’t mix
thicken together.
• When semisolid consistency is attained, powders • On continuous mardana, by adding little by little
are added. powder, it gradually start to mix together.
• Turn off the flame once the required consistency • With continuous trituration guggulu starts to
for pills are achieved. powder and mix together with remaining
• Initially it was sticky, so again heated until it powders.
becomes non sticky. • Final product obtained is brownish coloured
• Ghee is applied while making pills. homogenous mixture.
• Black coloured ,3 g sized pills are prepared. • Then packed and stored
• Kept for proper drying under shade. • Final weight : 36 g
• Final weight : yet to calculate ( not properly
Heating should be continued until the whole mixture becomes non sticky, and proper pills needs
to be rolled.
Pills should be crack free
Anagni siddha:
Powders should be added little by little to guggulu and continuous mardana has to be carried out.
Market availability
Deep Ayurveda
Uma Ayurveda
Maharshi Ayurveda
Previous researches done
Swati Sharma, Manoj Sharma, Sudarshan Kumar Thakur. A PHARMACEUTICO-ANALYTICAL
STUDY OF AMRITADYA GUGGULU. ayush [Internet]. 2020Jun.15 [cited 2022Dec.1];7(2):2581-5.
Available from:
50% weight loss was observed. The weight loss was due to removal of impurities present in
the Guggulu and handling loss.
Presence of low acid insoluble ash (1.08%) determines the presence of low adherent dirt as well
as sand particles
Presence of low moisture content (loss on drying 6.2%) decreases decomposition and enhances
the shelf life and therapeutic value of the drug.
Raina, T., Saini, S., & Sharma, D. (2018). MODE OF ACTION OF AMRITADYA GUGGULU IN THE
MANAGEMENT OF STHOULYA W.S.R TO OBESITY. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma
Research, 6(8). Retrieved from
Amritadya Guggulu possesses Rasa- Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Guna- Laghu,
Ruksha and Virya- Ushna, Vipaka- Katu, Dosha Karma- Kapha Vatashamaka is effective in the
management of Sthoulya.
By virtue of its Rasapanchaka, contents of drug are very well indicated in Kapha predominant
Due to this property, it breaks the Samprapti of Sthoulya

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