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Learning Alphapehts

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
What is evacuation?

Evacuation is when bombs get dropped in a city and

evacuated from city to the countryside. The people in the
city have to go somewhere safe,

Like the anderson shelter.

What is the anderson shelter?

The anderson shelter is an underground shelter which is

made from iron and that has 2 beds and 2 bunk beds and in
the morning when they are tired they can sleep another 30
How do we go to the countryside?

To get out we need supplies and food.

You have 2 min to discuss with your group what to take?

We need food, clothes, a gas mask, books, a teddy bear and

How do we go to the countryside

You will have a label with your name on it, birth, school
name and address. Then you will be taking the train to got
to the countryside. You will find your host family.
What will happen after the war ends?

After the war ends,. Children may return to their own real
And remember, Your host family might accept or reject you.

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