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Team Lead: Kaushik B 21ADR020

Team Members: Aarthi B 21ADR001
In association with:
Sivakarthik A T 21ADR047

Technology Readiness Level: TRL

Team Mentor with Designation and Department:
Dr. Rajadevi, Assistant professor, AI department

May 6, 2024
The Problem
 A company’s website has hefty amounts of webpages with lots and lots of
 Those contents are the main means of communication and mostly those
contents are written.
 Those contents can impact the sales of a product, refinement and
breakthrough of a company.
 But those are not given much care. Positive words and negative words can
impact a lot in terms of decision making for the customers.
 And they should be analyzed before getting officially posted on websites.

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The Solution
 A web application that can be subscribed by the companies which
sentimentally analyses the contents given and also does text analysis in order
to check the understandability and readability.
 This solution is unique and not an existing one.
 The main problem is content is not being analyzed properly before being
released and the web application can do both sentiment and text analysis
using NLP techniques and provide results within seconds.
 The algorithm is not the one that is pre existing in python but it is built on
our own, that is no sentiment analysis packages have been used.

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Flowchart / Product workflow

Text Main insight:

content Polarity score

Algorithm Pre

Main insight:
Fog index


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 Similar applications already exists in the form of social medias, such as
tweets analysis, Instagram securities and YouTube restriction systems.
Social media analysis Company website
1. They are used for 2. They are done for
protecting other user from promoting the company and
other user’s posts. boost their popularity.

2. This may not be 2. This process may end up

profitable to the company. subtly, yet widely impact the
profits of the company.

3. It does not necessarily 3. It improves the standard

improve the finesse of the and finesse of the company.

4. Texts are shorter and 4. Texts are longer and

easy to analyse lengthier.

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Uniqueness / IP & Value Proposition
 The distinctive feature is that our algorithm analyses in all possible ways and
analyses many insights, unique ones: Fog index, Polarity score and there is no
such widely applicable website existing in the market.

 Sometimes the company can lose customers because of their contents that they
post or articles that they release, even they can lose an order in the last bit
because of their improper product description and they need an inspector or an
analyst to avoid such happenings.

 Our products makes the company more efficient.

 Our product is a must have for companies that mainly rely on their contents
such as Times Of India, New York times. These are called heavy content

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Idea - Current Status / Future Plan
Timeline & Milestones

• The algorithm has been built using Python and is ready for web
• We require two to three months to build this into a full fledged product.
• The prize money will used to complete the project and make it into a
valuable product.

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Thank You !!

May 6, 2024

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