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ILOT6023_Industrial Automation
Module 3: Programmable Logic Controller

Faculty Name : Ramakant Patil


Week-6 & 7
Lecture 16 & 17 – Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC

Lecture 18 & 19 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process

Lecture 20 – SCADA introduction, brief history of SCADA 44

Lecture 16 & 17

Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced

PLC instructions
Data Transfer

• Data Manipulation allow the movement, manipulation or storage of data in one

data memory of PLC to another PLC or systems

• Involve the transfer of contents from one address to other

• Can address any location in the memory

• Data transfer instructions are output instructions

• Examples MOV MVM BTD FAL

4 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Data Transfer concept

Data Transfer
Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 202

5 Lecture 16 & 17- Data transfer & program control instructions &
Advanced PLC instructions
MOV Instruction

• Used to copy the value in one register or word

to another

• This instruction copies data from source

register to destination register

MOV Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 202

6 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions &

Advanced PLC instructions
MVM Instruction

MVM Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 202

7 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Data Compare Instruction

• Are called input instructions

• Used to compare numerical values

• Compare instructions are:


Compare Menu Tab

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 210

8 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
EQU & NEQ Instruction

• EQU - Tests whether two values are equal.

• NEQ - Tests whether one value is not equal to

a second value

EQU & NEQ Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 210

9 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
LES & GRT Instruction

• LES - Tests whether one value is less than

a second value

• GRT - Tests whether one value is greater than

a second value

LES & GRT Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 212

10 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Program Control Instructions

Allow for a greater program flexibility and efficiency in program scan

Useful to enable or disable a block of logic program

Move execution of a program from one place to another place

Program Control Menu Tab

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 177

11 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Instruction List

• JMP (Jump to Label) - Jump forward/backward to a corresponding label

• LBL (Label) - Specifies label location
• JSR (Jump to Subroutine) - Jump to a designated subroutine instruction
• RET (Return from Subroutine) - Exits current subroutine and returns to
previous condition
• SBR (Subroutine) - Identifies the subroutine program
• TND (Temporary End) - Makes a temporary end that halts program execution
• MCR (Master Control Reset) - Clears all set non-retentive output rungs between
the paired MCR instructions
• SUS (Suspend) - Identifies conditions for debugging and system

12 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
MCR Instruction

MCR Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 178

13 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC
JMP Instruction

JMP Instruction

Image Source / references: bookpetruzella pg 180

14 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions

Data Transfer

Program Control Instruction

15 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Advanced PLC instructions

Data Handling Instructions

•Timers, counters and individual relays are all concerned with the handling of individual bits,
i.e. single on-off signal. PLC operations involve blocks of data representing a value, such blocks
termed words.

•Data handling consists of operations involving moving or transferring numeric information

stored in one memory word location to another word in a different location, comparing data
values and carrying out simple arithmetic operations.

•A register is where data can be stored.

Each data register can store a binary word of usually 8 or 16 bits.
The number of bits determines the size of the number that can be stored (2n–1).

•4-bit register can store a positive number between 0 and +15.

8-bit: 0 and +255.
16-bit: 0 and +65535.

16 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC instructions
Advanced PLC instructions

Data movement instructions

•There are typically 2 common instruction “sets“.

•The single instruction is commonly called MOV (move) copies a value from one
address to another.

•The MOV instruction needs to know 2 things:

Source – where the data we want to move is located.
Destination – the location where the data will be moved to.

•Also, the data can be moved to the physical outputs.

17 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC instructions
Advanced PLC instructions

Data comparison
• The data comparison instruction gets the PLC to compare two data values.
• Thus it might be to compare a digital value read from some input device with a
second value contained in a register.
PLCs generally can make comparisons for:
less than (< or LESS),
equal to (= or EQU),
less than or equal to (<= or LEQ),
greater than (> or GRT),
greater than or equal to (>= or GEQ), and
not equal to ( NEQ).

18 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC
Advanced PLC instructions

•Typically the memory locations are 16-bit locations. If a result is greater than the
value that could be stored in a memory location then we get an overflow.
•The plc turns on an internal relay that tells us an overflow has happened.
•We get an overflow if the number is greater than 65535
•Depending on the plc, we would have different data in the destination location.
Some use 32-bit math which solves the problem.
•If we’re doing division, and we divide by zero the overflow bit turns on.

19 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC instructions
Advanced PLC instructions

Arithmetic (mathematical) Instructions

PLCs almost always include math functions to carry out some arithmetic operations:

• Addition (ADD) – The capability to add one piece of data to another.

• Subtraction (SUB) – The capability to subtract one piece of data from


• Multiplication (MUL) – The capability to multiply one piece of data by


• Division (DIV) – The capability to divide one piece of data from another.

20 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced PLC instructions
Advanced PLC instructions

Continuous control (PID Instruction)

Different formats are used by different manufacturers

• MC/MCR (master control/master control reset)

•MCS/MCR (master control set/master control reset)

•MCR (master control reset).

21 Lecture 16 & 17 - Data transfer & program control instructions & Advanced
PLC instructions
Lecture 18 & 19

PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process
PID Control using PLC.

Continuous control (PID Instruction)

•Continuous control of some variable can be achieved by comparing the actual
value of the variable with the desired set value and then giving an output
depending on the control law required.

•Many PLCs provide the PID calculation to determine the controller output as a
standard routine.

•All that is then necessary is to pass the desired parameters, i.e. the values of Kp,
Ki, and KD, and input/output locations to the routine via the PLC program.

23 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

Continuous control (PID Instruction)

•Control instructions are used to enable or disable a block of logic program or to
move execution of a program from one place to another place.

The control instructions include:

 Master Control instruction (MC/MCR)
 Jump to label instruction (JMP)
 Label instruction (LBL)
 Jump to Subroutine instruction (JSR)
 Subroutine instruction (SBR)
 Return from Subroutine instruction (RET)
 Shift Registers

24 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

Master Control/ Master Control Reset (MC/MCR)

•When large numbers of outputs have to be controlled, it is sometimes necessary for
whole sections of program to be turned on or off when certain criteria are realized.
•This could be achieved by including a MCR instruction. A MCR instruction is an
output instruction.
•The master control instruction typically is used in pairs with a master control reset.
•Different formats are used by different manufacturers:
o MC/MCR (master control/master control reset)
o MCS/MCR (master control set/master control reset) or
o MCR (master control reset).

25 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

 The zone being controlled begins with a rung that has the first MC instruction, which
status depends on its rung condition.

This zone ends with a rung that has the second MCR instruction only.

When the rung with the first MCR instruction is true, the first MCR instruction is high and
the outputs of the rung in the controlled zone can be energized or denergized acording to
their rung conditions.

When the this rung is false, all the outputs in the zone are denrgized, regardless their
rung conditions.

 Timers should not be used inside the MC/MCR block because some manufacturers will
reset them to zero when the block is false whereas other manufacturers will have them
retain the current time state.

Counters typically retain their current counted value.

26 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

Jump Instructions
 The JUMP instructions allow to break the rung sequence and move the program
execution from one
rung to another or to a subroutine.
The Jump is a controlled output instruction.
You can jump forward or backward.
You can use multiple jump to the same label.
Jumps within jumps are possible
 There are:
1. Jump to Label.
2.Jump to subroutine

27 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

A Return from Subroutine instruction marks the end of Subroutine instruction.

When the rung condition of this instruction is true, it causes the PLC to resume
execution in the calling program file at the rung following the Jump to Subroutine
instruction in the calling program.

 When a Return from Subroutine instruction is not programmed in a subroutine

file, the END instruction automatically causes the PLC to move execution back to the
rung following the Jump to Subroutine instruction.

A Jump to Subroutine instruction can be used either in a main application

program or a subroutine program to call another subroutine program.

28 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID Control using PLC.

Shift Registers

The shift register is a number of internal relays grouped together (normally 8, 16, or 32)
which allow stored bits to be shifted from one relay to another.

The grouping together of internal relays to form a shift register is done automatically by
a PLC when the shift register function is selected.

This is done by using the programming code against the internal relay number that is to
be the first in the register array.

Shift registers can be used where a sequence of operations is required or to keep track
of particular items in a production system.

The shift register is most commonly used in conveyor systems, labelling or bottling
applications, etc.

29 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID instruction

30 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PID instruction

Allen Bradley instruction

31 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Case study

Prepare a case study for following applications

1. Home Automation.
2. Elevators
3. Water Treatment
4. Food Industry
5. Bottle Filling

32 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Case study

Food Industry application

33 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Case study

Problem Solution
To detect burned chips light sensor are used. Light dependent resistors (LDR) are
used to detect the burned chips.
Blowers are used to throw away the burned chips from the conveyor whenever
burned chips detected.
Blowers are used to throw away burned chips from the conveyor. Here we used
two blowers, number of blowers depend on the size of the conveyor.
Time measurement is necessary for blower cycle. Here we measure time taken by
chips to reach from light source to blower.
Note:- Here we consider simple application for detecting burned chips on
the conveyor and remove them. We have taken here light source to detect
burned chips on the bases of darkness of the chips.

34 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Case study

Reference points for case study

1. Definition or problem statement.

2. List of hardware elements/components with the justification
3. General block diagram of the system
4. Program Sequence and I/O listing
5. Ladder logic
6. Explanation of logic
7. Future scope

35 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PLC selection criteria

The selection criteria are as listed below:

• Number of logical inputs and outputs.

• Memory
• Number of special I/O modules
• Scan Time
• Communications
• Software

36 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application

The troubleshooting steps are as follows:

1. Look at the process

2. PLC status lights
HALT - something has stopped the CPU
RUN - the PLC thinks it is OK (and probably is)
ERROR - a physical problem has occurred with the PLC
3. Indicator lights on I/O cards and sensors
4. Consult the manuals, or use software if available.
5. Use programming terminal / laptop.

37 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
PLC Application Video

38 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Application of PLC

39 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Application of PLC

40 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Application of PLC

41 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
Examples of other PLC Programming Software:

1. Allen-Bradley – Rockwell Software RSLogix500

2. Modicon - Modsoft
3. Omron - Syswin
4. GE-Fanuc Series 6 – LogicMaster6
5. Square D- PowerLogic
6. Texas Instruments – Simatic
6. Telemecanique – Modicon TSX Micro

42 PID control using PLC and PLC selection for any one process application
ILOT6023_Industrial Automation
Module 4: Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition System (SCADA)

Faculty Name : Ramakant Patil

Lecture 20

SCADA introduction, brief

history of SCADA
What is SCADA?

• Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System- SCADA

- In the process industry, many enterprises are going for Manufacturing Resource
Planning (MRP) systems in the business for
* Elimination of duplicate data systems throughout the enterprise.
* To provide preventive and cost-effective maintenance scheduling.
* To provide more accurate and timely data to support the business process.
* To implement uniform business strategies.
* To minimize the effective lifetime cost of the process control system.
- To achieve the above objectives the system design is called SCADA.
- It is not a full control system but rather it focuses on the supervisory level.
- It is the software package that is positioned on the top of the hardware to which it is
- Hardware is PLC or any modules.
- It is a central control system that monitors and controls the complete system spread
out over a long distance.

45 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

What is SCADA?

- The bulk operations of the site is controlled automatically by Remote Terminal Unit or by
- The host computer functions are almost restricted to basic site supervisory level
- For example, A PLC may control the flow of cooling water through part of the industrial
process, but a SCADA system may allow an operator to change the control set point for
flow and will allow alarm conditions such as loss of flow of high temperature to be
recorded and displayed.
- The feedback control loop is closed through the RTU or PLC.
- The SCADA system monitors the performance of the overall loop.
- The data are collected locally in the SCADA software database to allow trending and other
analytical work.

45 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Historical Background

Image Source / references: powersystemautomation

46 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Historical Background

Telemetry-based system
• The telephone wires were the key to the development of the first SCADA
system by the end of the 1950s

• The minicomputers, which used 8-bit or 16-bit processors, were able to
perform the functions that were previously done by operators from the
control panels installed in each station

• The continuous development of this technology allowed the system to

offer functions like data scanning, status monitoring, alarming, and
even data display

47 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA



• The development of transistors led to the appearance of

microprocessors, and furthermore, Discrete Control Systems (DCS)
were developed since then and were used to build supervisory control

Radio Communication

• By the 1970s better option for Radio communication was found due to
improved industrial design

48 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA


• System engineer or operator gets various measurement information

remotely about the system. It can store data or measurement values, but
cannot control them.

• So Telemetry is very useful for analysis purpose

• Needed to cover a larger area of plant

• Monitoring at the regular interval was required

• Required up gradation with new technologies

51 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA


• The SCADA concept was developed to be a universal means of remote

access to a variety of local control modules

• This could be from different manufacturers and allowing access through

standard automation protocols.

• Using multiple means of interfacing with the plant.

• They can control large-scale processes that can include multiple sites, and
work over large distances as well as small distances.

• It is one of the most commonly used types of industrial control systems

• SCADA systems are vulnerable to cyber war/ cyber terrorism attacks.

52 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

SCADA Invention

• The term SCADA emerged in the mid-1970s

• Westinghouse and North Electric Company (USA) to develop a

supervisory control system called Visicode, which can be considered
the beginning of the SCADA systems

• The rise of microprocessors and PLCs during that decade increased

enterprises’ ability to monitor and control automated processes

• Provide an interface between the sensors and the network

• A SCADA Analyst provides formal and in-formal end-user training and

support; designs, programs, installs, and maintains application

54 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Recent Control rooms

SCADA Control room

Image Source / references:

55 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Architecture and Block Diagram of SCADA System

56 Lecture 15 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Architecture and Block Diagram of SCADA System

• The SCADA system is used in industrial organizations, private as well as

government product manufacturers, mass traffic controlling systems, smart
travel agencies, etc.

• Level 0 (Sensors/ Actuators):

• The ground-level devices that actually interact with the physical environment
or work as technicians in a supervision system. Different types of sensors and
actuators come under this level.
• The actuator is a device that makes physical changes when an electrical or
electronic signal is applied to it.

• Level 1 (Programming Devices):

• Different types of programming devices such as PLC(Programmable Logic
Controller), and RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) come under this level. These are
the devices that directly control the ground-level devices such as sensors and
actuators. A SCADA system can be built with only local area networks or a
combination of both local and wide area networks.
57 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA
Architecture and Block Diagram of SCADA System

• Level 2 (Local Control and HMI):

• The supervisory computers come under this level. All the programming devices
that operate the ground-level devices are connected to these computers.
Supervisory computers are those from where the SCADA software starts
working. From these computers, the actual instructions and commands are given
to do the operations. The supervisory computer may be connected to a particular
machine or multiple same types of machines or a whole manufacturing plant.
These computers are operated by machine operators, plant supervisors, and
technicians of a manufacturing plant. The main functions of these computers are
to observe and control the production, errors, etc.

58 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Architecture and Block Diagram of SCADA System

• Level 3 (Coordination):
• Coordinating computers come under this level. Generally, these computers are
connected to multiple plants. So, it can help to gather data from different plants
in one place. At this level, the production planning, scheduling, and event timing
management are done by the plant in charge, managers, etc.

• Level 4 (Central Control):

• It is the top level of the SCADA System. At this level, a central computer is
connected to all the plants and machinery. Generally, this is operated and
controlled by the management team. All the data and information are collected
and stored here. Using these data and information they can take any decision.
From this computer, the management team can see all the actions and
operations, etc.

59 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

SCADA Platform

60 Lecture 20 SCADA Introduction, Brief History of SCADA

Thank You

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