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Azerbaijan state oil

and industry
Teacher: Guliyeva N
Student: Hasanov Vugar
Hasanov Vugar
What’s body language
Body language is a type of communication in which physical
behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey
information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture,
gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. The term body
language is usually applied in regard to people but may also be
applied to animals.The study of body language is also known
as kinesics.Although body language is an important part of
communication, most of it happens without conscious awareness.
A simple example of body language is a relaxed facial expression that
breaks out into a genuine smile – with mouth upturned and eyes
wrinkled. Equally, it can be a tilt of the head that shows you're thinking,
an upright stance to convey interest, or hand and arm movements to
demonstrate directions. It can also be taking care to avoid a defensive,
arms-crossed posture, or restlessly tapping your fee
“Body language is a very powerful
tool. We had body language before
we had speech, and apparently, 80%
what you understand in a
conversation is read through the
body, not the words”

—Deborah Bull
How to read people
Being aware of body language in others means that you
can pick up on unspoken emotions and reactions. It’s a
valuable form of feedback, but it can easily be missed if
you’re not aware of what to look out for.
So let’s explore the most important nonverbal clues –
some with negative interpretations, and others that are
positive signs.
Body language examples
Crossing arms across your chest
Your arms and legs are perhaps one of the first types of nonverbal communication people
tend to notice when they see you. Sitting or standing with your arms crossed across your
chest may be interpreted as defensive body language. When a person crosses their arms,
they are usually viewed as insecure, annoyed, or closed off. You may also appear angry or
If you see someone with their arms and legs crossed for a long period of time, you may
want to consider that it could also be a reaction to cold temperatures. It could mean the
person is tired or simply supporting their shoulders in an armless chair as well.
Smiles can mean different
things, depending on
the exact facial
expression. There can
be happy smiles, shy
smiles, warm smiles,
and ironic smiles, for
Tapping your fingers
When you tap your fingers, you may appear
impatient or nervous. If you’re a finger-tapper,
you might consider that this habit can grate
on others’ nerves at times.

Tilting your head to one side

When you tilt your head to the side, it may mean
you're listening intently and deeply interested
in the information you're hearing. It can also
mean you're concentrating very hard.
Rubbing or touching your nose
When you rub or touch your nose with your
index finger, you may appear dishonest. If
you do it in a conversation that requires
openness and honesty, you could have
trouble accomplishing your goals. If you see
someone else rubbing their nose, it could be
a sign to doubt the accuracy of their words.
Eye contact
You may need to make eye contact with the person you're talking
to if you want them to feel comfortable with the conversation
and accept what you have to say. In general, most people are
comfortable with eye contact with a stranger for about three
seconds at a time. Once you become a friend, they usually
don't mind maintaining eye contact with you for longer
periods of time.
Looking down
Looking at the floor or ground may make you appear weak and
unconfident. Unless there's something you need to discuss
down there, you may want to keep your eyes on the level of
the other person's face. When you break eye contact, as you
should every few seconds, consider looking to the side as
opposed to up or down.
Standing with your hands on your hips
This pose can be tricky. In some cases, it can
mean that you're feeling angry and may
behave aggressively. In others, it may simply
mean that you're enthusiastic and ready to
get something done. How someone
interprets the meaning of this stance may
have to do with your use of personal space.
For most casual acquaintances, a good
distance for personal space is about three
feet or about an arm’s length distance
between you if you’re standing shoulder to
shoulder. You can comfortably stand a bit
closer than that with good friends and family
Wearing micro-
Micro-expressions can be defined
as brief facial expressions that
happen in about 1/25th of a
second. They usually happen
when you're trying to hold back
your emotions. When you see
someone showing a micro-
expression, it could mean that
they're trying to conceal an
emotion from you.
Twisting your hair
Often, movies and TV shows use the
gesture of twisting the hair to show
flirting. That may be the meaning you
get when someone twists their hair,
especially if they look up at you
through their lashes while they do it.
However, if you're in a job interview,
you might look like you’re nervous and
uncomfortable as you idly twist your
Gesturing with your hands open
and palms up
What you do with your hands can make a
big difference in whether people trust
you or not. Holding your hands open
and gesturing with your palms up may
show that you have nothing to hide.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon and
infographics & images by Freepik

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