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Special Test For Mental Disabilities

Presented By: Seetal Devi

M.Sc Nursing 1st Year
 Outline of Presentation:
• Definition of mental disability • History of Good enough test
test • Advantages
• Purposes • Disadvantage
• Tasks • Administration
• Value of Denver II • Analysis.
• Number of items to be tested • Summary
• Scoring of DDST • Conclusion
• Interpretation of the DDST test • Research article
• Bibliography
 Specific Objectives:

• Define Mental disability

• Enlist the tests done for mental ability and disability of the client.
• State the tests done for mental ability and disability of the client.
• Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the mental disability test.

• Disability assessments are a type of assessment used to determine the

nature of an individual's mental limitations if any exist.
• They are used in occupational contexts to determine how a worker's
disability would affect his or her ability to perform a specific job.
 Definition

Mental disability is classified as a psychological or intellectual impairment

that affects a person's ability to perform activities of daily life.
Tests for mental disability

Denver Development Screening Test Goodenough Test

Denver Development Screening Test

• Commonly known as the Denver Scale, is a test for screening cognitive and
behavioral problems in preschool children.
• It was developed by William K. Frankenburg and first
introduced by him and Josiah.B. Dobbs in 1967.
• The DENVER II (1992) is a revision and update of the
Denver Developmental Screening Test, DDST (1967).
Child Development Assessment
• Developmental Milestones and Denver Developmental Screening Test.
• The most widely used tool for screening proper development in a child for a long
time was the Denver Developmental Screening Test (Denver scale)
• Which suggests milestones according to the age.
• Even today the tool is used in many countries. However, it is a rather old tool.
• It is important to remember that these are just screening tests. If any problem is
encountered, further evaluation is necessary.
• To identify the developmental delay in preschoolers.
• To assist neurological function and to detect neurological Problem like cerebral
• To detect problem in early infancy like growth and development.
• The general functions assessed through this test.
Consists of 125 tasks, or items.
 Includes four areas:
1. Personal-Social: Getting along with people and caring for personal needs
2. Fine Motor-Adaptive: Eye hand coordination, manipulation of small objects,
and problem solving
3. Language: Hearing, understanding, and using language
4. Gross Motor: sitting, walking, jumping, and overall large muscle movement
 Includes five "Test Behavior"
• Items to be completed after the test.
• Subjectively allows screener to assess the child's overall behavior.
• Designed to be used in a clinical setting by a variety of professionals.
• Must be administered in the standardized manner
What the Denver is not?

1. Not an I.Q Test Not a diagnostic tool

Value of the Denver II
• Provide an organized clinical impression of a child's overall development
• To alert the user to potential developmental difficulties.
• Used to determine how a child compares to other children
• It is not a predictor of later development
Test Materials
Test Form
• Locate four sections on far left: Personal - Social, Fine Motor, Language,
and Gross Motor.
• Locate the age scales on the top of the test form and at the bottom
• Each mark on the scale from the first mark to the 24 month mark
represents one month
• After 24 months, each mark equals 3 month intervals.
Sample of test form
Test Administration
Number of Items to be tested

Depends on age and ability of child

Step 1: in each sector, administer at least three items nearest to and totally to
the left of the age line and every item that is intersected by the age line
Step 2: if the child is unable to perform any item in step 1 (fails, refuses, has
had no opportunity) administer additional items to left in the appropriate
sector until child passes three consecutive items
• P = Pass-child successfully performs item, or caregiver reports that child does item
• F = Fail- child does not successfully perform item, or report from caregiver is that
child does not do item
• N O = No Opportunity-the child has not had the chance to perform the item, due to
restrictions from the caregiver or other reasons (May only be used on report items)
• R = For Refusal - the child refuses to attempt the item. You can minimize this by
telling the child to do rather than asking. Report items cannot be scored as refusals.
• Advanced Item
• Normal Items
• Caution Item
• Delayed Items
• No Opportunity Item
Interpretation of the Test
• Normal: No delays and a maximum of 1 caution
• Suspect: two or more Cautions and/or One or more Delays, Rescreen in 1-2
• Untestable: Refusal scores on one or more items completely to the left of
the age line or on more than one item intersected by the age line in the area
of 75% - 90% area
Referral Considerations
• After rescreening, test result is suspect or untestable Number of cautions and
• Clinical history, examination
• Availability of referral resources
Research Article
 A cross-sectional study of using Denver Developmental Screening test II for
detecting cerebral palsy early in young children and neonates at Patna medical
college and hospital, Patna, Bihar.
Abstract :
This study aimed to assess and identify developmental delays in infants using the
Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST-II), examining potential contributing
factors and offering recommendations for effective interventions.
Goodenough Test
• It is a psychological personality and cognitive test used to evaluate children and
adolescents for a variety of purposes (measuring nonverbal intelligence,
screening emotional and behavioral disorders).
• It is a test where the subject is asked to draw a picture of a man, a woman, and
themselves. No further instructions are given and the pictures are analyzed on a
number of dimensions.

• Developed by Florence Goodenough (1926).

• Goodenough first became interested in figure drawing
when she wanted to find a way to supplement the
(Stanford- Binet intelligence test) with a non- verbal
• She concluded that the amount of detail involved in a
child's drawing could be used as an effective tool
which led to the development of the first official
assessment using figure drawing, the draw- a- man Florence Goodenough
test. (1926).
• Easy to administer
• No strict formats
• Relevantly culture free
• Can assess people with communication problems.
• Restricted amount of hypothesis can be developed.
• Relevantly nonverbal, but may have some problems during inquiry.

• "I want you to make a picture of a person. Make the very best picture that you can. Take
your time and work very carefully. Try very hard and see what a good picture you can
make." (The administrator may ask the children to include the name, age, feelings or what
is his/her drawing is doing at the moment).
• TIME: No time limit. Usually 10 minutes will suffice with young children..
• Note: The drawings of bright children more than 10 years old or those who have had
drawing lessons will result in an invalid evaluation of the child's intellectual potential.
Details That Are Considered A Point
Mental disability is the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence
of mental unfitness. Individuals with learning disabilities require early
identification and timely & specialized assessment, and interventions
involving home, school, community and work place settings for their success.
• Sodhi.K.J.Comprehensive textbook of nursing education: continuing nursing
education.2nd edition. New Delhi: jaypee brothers medical publishers;2022. P-
• Sharma.S. Distance education ppt. Slideshare a scribd company [Internet];2018
JAN 28, Availablefrom; shiva 58/distance-

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