Forest Management Chapter 1

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Forest Management

Introduction and background


• Forest Management is defined as the practical application of the

scientific, technical and economic principles of forestry.
• Forest management is that branch of forestry whose function is the
organization of a forest property for management and maintenance,
by ordering in time and places the various operations necessary for
the conservation, protection and improvement of the forest on the
one hand, and the controlled harvesting of the forest on the other.
• The forest policies of many countries carry the following sentence:

“To manage the forest in such a way as to ensure a sustained yield of timber
• and other forest products in perpetuity.”

• The most celebrated principle of forest management all over the world is the
“Principle of Sustained Yield”.

• This being criticized as static one, was replaced by the “Principle of

increasing yield” in the recent past. But this new concept cover
• only those forests which are in the early stages of their development.
• Yet another concept known as “Principle of
Progressive Yield” emerged in Helsinki World Forestry
Congress in 1948, but this is applicable to fast
growing, short rotation species responding readily to
the scientific methods.

• Thus for long term forest the “Principle of Sustained

Yield” remains unchallenged.
General objectives of Forest Management

Raising the productive capacity of the soil and of the forest stands
consistent with the maximum site potential.
 Promoting the protective effect of the forest, against soil
erosion, avalanches floods and protection of the physical factors, such
as natural scenery, local flora and fauna.
 Execution of silvicultural operations and regulation of felling in
such a way so as to bring the forest to a condition of as near
normality as possible: in simple words, attainment of a normal forest
is one of the principle objects.
 Satisfaction of rights of the right holder in respect of
timber, firewood, grazing, etc. in particular, and to meet the
basic requirement of the local population in general

 Providing the maximum possible volume of valuable

timber for constructional and industrial proposes, and
other forest produces for meeting the market demands and
securing the highest possible financial results.
Objective of forest management in context of Pakistan

Stabilize the supply of timber, fuel wood, fodder and other forestry
products necessary for general people in their day to day lives.
Increase the productivity of forest products to ensure the supply of
raw materials to forest based industries, which contribute to the
national economy.
 Increase income from employment opportunities in the forestry sector
for underprivileged families.
Objective of forest management in context of Pakistan

Develop national parks, wildlife reserves and protected areas in order

to preserve biological diversity to maintain ecological processes and
ecosystems and create recreational areas.

Help maintain land fertility through the conservation of soil and other
watershed resources.

 Adopt proper land use practices.

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