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By Orlando Ponce
What is this disorder?
This disorder is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder also known as (ADHD). It is one of the
most common neurodevelopmental disorder from a
childhood and lasts in to your adulthood. They had
trouble controlling impulsive behavior( they may act
without thinking about the result of it). There are
three different types of ways to prevent ADHD itself.
What are the Symptoms of
The Symptoms of ADHD vary from many different

1. Daydream a lot
2. Forget or lose things a lot
3. Fidgeting a lot
4. Talk to much
5. Much careless mistakes
6. Having trouble taking turns
7. Having difficult getting along with people.

There are many more symptoms of ADHD.

How do people get ADHD
The cause of ADHD could be most likely other
common medical or psychiatric disorders. It is
influenced many multiply genes, non inherited
factors, and or other interplays. There is no single
cause of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
What are the statistics
The statistics of ADHD people in the world having
ADHD is 8%. It is more involving kids versus
adults. The statistics vary from many different
What does treatment for this
disorder involve
There are 5 types of medicine licensed for the
treatment of ADHD:

● methylphenidate
● lisdexamfetamine
● dexamfetamine
● atomoxetine
● Guanfacine

There is no cure and therapies can help you.

Is there a cure
There is no cure for Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Medications and
therapies can help you focus but NO CURE
currently out their.
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