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As You Like It

Pick Your Favourite Villain

Point Form Notes

- Identify who you think is the biggest villain

- Select 3 reasons why this character is a villain
Three Paragraph Write-up: Rough Copy

- Take your ideas from your point-form notes and put them into paragraphs
- Each paragraph will represent one idea as to why this character is a villain
- You must provide examples from the play to support your ideas: you do not need to
use direct quotes
- Discuss the downsides/impact this character has on self and others

- Have 2 people from class edit your write-up

- Editors: use your editing symbols to check the work of others
- Editors: include a written comment about what was done well and what can be
improved upon and sign your name
Good Copy

- Write out your good copy: be sure to go over your rough copy and decide on
necessary changes first
- Hand in point form notes and the rough copy with your good copy

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