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Gender: Beyond

The ongoing debates surrounding gender and sex highlight the complex and
nuanced nature of these concepts. While biological essentialism proposes that
gender differences are innate and determined by one's biological sex, the social
constructionist view argues that gender is a product of societal norms,
expectations, and performative acts. This SECTION explores the varying
perspectives on the relationship between sex and gender, drawing insights from
cultural and historical examples.

by Ansh Pandey
Cultural Variations in Gender and
Marriage Practices
Nagaland Tribes North Indian Hindu Weddings

In Nagaland, marriage customs are deeply rooted In contrast, North Indian Hindu weddings are
in tribal traditions, often involving exogamous characterized by elaborate rituals and ceremonies
principles where individuals do not marry within spanning several days. The groom's family plays a
their own clan. Unique practices include the significant role, and the bride moves to her
groom moving to the bride's family after husband's home after marriage, following the
marriage, a departure from the patrilocal tradition patrilocal residence tradition. These weddings are
commonly observed in other parts of India. Some known for their grandeur, with events like the
tribes in Nagaland also practice polygyny, where a Baraat (groom's procession), Varmala (exchange
man may have multiple wives. of garlands), and Saptapadi (seven vows around
the fire).
Challenging Gender Stereotypes: The
Story of Marion Donovan
Challenging Stereotypes 1
The stereotype of the Victorian woman
is often challenged by examples like
Marion Donovan's success. Despite 2 Perseverance and Ingenuity
the patriarchal norms that doubted Donovan's determination and
women's capabilities in innovation and entrepreneurial spirit allowed her to
business, Donovan earned 20 patents break through societal barriers and
and became one of the few prove that women could be successful
commercially successful female inventors and entrepreneurs. Her story
inventors of her era. is a testament to the power of
perseverance and the ability to
challenge stereotypes through
Legacy and Inspiration 3 innovative thinking.
Donovan's legacy continues to inspire
women to pursue their ideas and break
stereotypes, contributing to the gradual
shift in how women are perceived and
valued in their countries and beyond.
Her story highlights the importance of
challenging gender norms and
providing opportunities for women to
excel in traditionally male-dominated
Gender Fluidity and Intersexuality
1 Empathetic Distinction 2 Intersexuality
Women and men are not always Intersexuality is a case in point, where
empathetically distinguished from one an individual's sex characteristics,
another, as gender identities can exist on including chromosomes, hormones, and
a spectrum. organs, do not match their assigned
gender or societal expectations.

3 Challenging Binary Notions

Examples of intersexuality challenge the rigid binary notions of gender and highlight the
diversity and fluidity of gender expression and identity.
Gender as a Performative Act
Performative Acts Social Norms and Expectations
Gender is constructed through a series of The expectation that men should speak in a
performative acts, including the way we certain way and women should dress in a
dress, speak, and behave. These acts are certain way is not a reflection of inherent
repeated over time and become ritualized, gender differences but is a result of
creating the illusion of a stable gender societal norms that dictate how each
identity. gender should perform.

Social Rewards and Punishments

These gender performances are reinforced by social rewards and punishments; individuals who
conform to gender norms are often granted more social acceptance and legitimacy, while those
who do not conform may face various forms of marginalization.

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