Dessert Plate Present

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Each group will write at least 1 dessert which appropriate on
each kinds of sauce.

Rich Sauce Light Sauce Hot fudge Hot sauces Cold Sauces
How can you differentiate sauce from fudge?

What are the kinds and varieties of sauces?

What are the Thickening agents for sauces?

What are the things to consider when preparing and

storing a sauce?
What have you observed on the video?

After the what they have done to the dessert, are

there any changes?

If you preparing a dessert, what are the finishing

touches you can apply? And why?
1.1 Identify dessert accompaniments and
hygienic procedures.
Dessert accompaniments
and hygienic procedures.

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Chapter 1

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C l i c k h e r e to a d d th e te x t, th e te x t i s th e re fi n e m e n t o f
y o u r th o u g h t, a n d p l e a s e try to e x p l a i n th e p o i n t o f v i e w
a s s u c c i n c tl y a s p o s s i b l e .
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Click here to add the text, the text is the extraction of your thought, please try to explain your point
of view as succinctly as possible.
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I f y o u r c o n t e n t i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t a n d d i ff i c u l t t o s t r e a m l i n e , u s e s e g m e n t a t i o n t o s i m p l y s o r t
a n d r e f i n e t h e c o n t e n t , w h i c h w i l l m a k e t h e l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n o r d e r t o m a k e
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I f y o u r c o n t e n t i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t a n d d i ff i c u l t t o s t r e a m l i n e , u s e s e g m e n t a t i o n t o s i m p l y s o r t
a n d r e f i n e t h e c o n t e n t , w h i c h w i l l m a k e t h e l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n o r d e r t o m a k e
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If your content is really important and
d i ff i c u l t t o s t r e a m l i n e , u s e s e g m e n t a t i o n
to simply sort and refine the content,
which will make the logical framework
r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n o r d e r t o m a k e y o u
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of view as succinctly as possible.
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needs to be expressed in more words; but please refine the essence of your thought as much as
possible, and express your views appropriately, often with twice the result with half the effort.
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your thought, please try to explain your point of view your thought, please try to explain your point of view
as succinctly as possible. as succinctly as possible.
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Your text has been concise and well-written, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; but please refine the
essence of your thought as much as possible, and express your views
appropriately, often with twice the result with half the effort.
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In the same group. Each group will be having a role-playing activity about what
would be the effects on not following proper procedures and guidelines in
plating or presenting a dessert.
Criteria 20 Points - Mastery 15 Points - Proficient 10 Points - Needs Improvement

Student actively collaborates with Student collaborates with peers but Student shows minimal
Cooperation peers, shares ideas, and participates may not fully engage or share ideas collaboration or participation with
fully in all aspects of the activity. actively. peers.

Student demonstrates a
Student demonstrates an adequate
comprehensive understanding of Student shows limited
understanding of plating procedures,
plating procedures and guidelines, understanding of plating procedures
Mastery with minor inaccuracies in showing
clearly indicating the consequences of and guidelines, with significant
the consequences of not following
not following them through the role- inaccuracies.

The presentation communicates the

The presentation is rich in content, The presentation is lacking in
effects of not following proper plating
clearly communicates the effects of not content, clarity, or engagement
Content procedures with some clarity, but
following proper plating procedures, regarding the importance of proper
may lack detail or not fully engage
and engages the audience. plating procedures.
the audience.
If you are running a food business, how can you
handle a customer’s complain:
Confusion of garnishes if is it edible or not?
What are those procedures and guidelines in plating or
presenting dessert?

Why we should follow these guidelines?

What are the 5 accompaniments, garnishes and

decoration that are commonly apply to a dessert?

What are the tips or techniques to consider in food

plating that can affect the overall appearance of a
Direction: Identify dessert accompaniments and hygienic procedures. Choose the
correct answer.
1. What should be the consideration when choosing a plate for dessert plating?
a. Size, shape, and color b. Material and weight
c. Price and availability d. Number of compartments

2. Why is it important to keep things clean while plating desserts?

a. To save time b. To prevent contamination
c. To reduce flavor d. To increase portion size

3. How does color play a role in plate presentation of desserts?

a. Color has an impact on taste and texture
b. Color can enhance the visual appeal of the dessert
c. Color affects the taste of the dessert
d. Color should be avoided in dessert plating
4. What is the purpose of flavored simple syrup when used in desserts?
a. To dry out cakes
b. To make cakes more dense
c. To make cakes less sweet
d. To add moisture and add more taste

5. How is Pastry Cream different from regular custard?

a. It contains no eggs b. It is sweeter
c. It is thicker and more stable d. It is only used in pastries

Each group will prepare and finalized the

ingredients, tools/material and equipment that will
be used in preparation in making a cold dessert.

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