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and Structures
Presented by: Tagud, James lervy
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Differentiate the structure of Eukaryotic cell and Prokaryotic cell
2. Compare and contrast Eukaryotic cell and Prokaryotic cell
3. Will be able to Create a model of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell
structure with its corresponding parts.
4. State the importance of identifying how these cells functions and
relate it to future lessons
5. Appreciate the wonder of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells and how
this contributes in our daily life.
1. What is the basic 2. What does the 3. What are the two
unit of all living nucleus of a cell types of cell based on
forms/ life? contain? their classifications?
Answer: Cell Answer: Chromatins/ Answer: Eukaryotic cell
DNA Prokaryotic cell
Cell structure: Unscramble the following terms related to cell
structure. The first letter of every word is already in its proper








What is a cell?
Cells are the basic, fundamental unit of life. So, if we were to break
apart an organism to the cellular level, the smallest independent
component that we would find would be the cell.
What is a cell?
Cells are also the structural, functional, and biological units of all
living beings. A cell can replicate itself independently. Hence, they are
known as the building blocks of life.
So why are cells called the Building blocks/ unit of lif
if we were to base on the biological level of a complex.
In multicellular organisms (Eukaryotes) from the smallest unit to
largest unit:

cells → tissues → organs → organ systems → organism.

On the other hand, for all unicellular (prokaryotes) organisms,

the cell is their highest order of biological level.


Therefore all organisms are made up of cells. They may be made up of

a single cell (unicellular), or many cells (multicellular)
What does it mean to be a unicellular cell and
multicellular cell?
1. Unicellular cells are made 2. Multicellular on the other hand
up of only one cell that are made up of many different cells
carries out all the functions to function or also known as
to sustain its survivability organelles.
and reproduction.
Characteristics of a cell
Characteristics of a cell
1. Cells are complex and their components perform various functions in
an organism. Such as to why cells are different in sizes as this is due
to how different functions in the body

Example: RBC have spherical shapes, or some cells have bigger frame as
to how they consume energy to survive, or how they move

2. Cells comprise several cell organelles that perform specialized

functions to carry out life processes
3. Cells provide structure and support to the body of an organism.
The Two Types of Cell
1. Prokaryotic Cell
● Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus. Instead, have a
region within the cell where the genetic material
is freely suspended. This region is called the
● They all are single-celled microorganisms.
● Examples include archaea, bacteria, and
● The cell size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 µm in
● reproduce by binary fission (the process of one
cell simply dividing into two)
● They are also known to use conjugation (one
bacterium transfers genetic material to another
through direct contact).
Parts of Prokaryotic cell
1. Pillus- responsible for conjugation
2. Capsule- helps prokaryotes cling to each other and to
various surfaces in their environment, and also helps
prevent the cell from drying out.
3. Cell wall- composed of peptidoglycan that provides
structure to the cell wall.
4. Plasma Membrane- separates the interior of the cell
from the outside environment
5. Cytoplasm- the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of
a cell.
6. Nucleoid- an irregularly shaped space where the
genetic material of the cell is located.
7. Ribosomes- Where proteins are synthesized
8. Flagellum- movement of the cell
2. Eukaryotic Cell
● Eukaryotic cells are characterized by a true
● This broad category involves plants, fungi,
protozoans, and animals.
● The size of the cells ranges between 10–100
µm in diameter.
● The cell undergoes mitosis where (the parent
cell divides into the daughter cells). Thus, the
cells multiply and facilitate the growth in an
● The cell undergoes meiosis (a process where
a single cell divides twice to produce four
cells containing half the original amount of
genetic information)
Parts of Eukaryotic cell (animal)
1. Plasma Membrane- separates the cell from the
outside environment. Help in the exchange of
substances in and out of the cell.
2. Cytoskeleton- is present inside the cytoplasm,
which consists of microfilaments, microtubules, and
fibers to provide perfect shape to the cell, anchor
the organelles, and stimulate the cell movement
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum- It is a network of small,
tubular structures that divides the cell surface into
two parts: luminal and extraluminal. Endoplasmic
Reticulum has two parts:
○ Rough- Contains ribosomes
○ Smooth- lacks ribosomes
Parts of Eukaryotic cell (Animal)
4. Nucleus
○ The nucleoplasm enclosed within the nucleus contains
DNA and proteins.
○ The nuclear envelope contains two parts
○ inner and outer membrane
○ Ribosomes production also takes place inside the

5. Golgi Apparatus
● made up of flat disc shaped that are made up of cisternae
● absent in the red blood cells of humans yet hundreds in
plant cells
● they are arranged parallel and concentrically near the
● important site for glycoproteins and glycolipids

6. Ribosomes
● main site of protein synthesis where it is composed of
proteins and nucleic acid
Parts of Eukaryotic cell (Animal)
● known as “powerhouse of the cell” as it produces
● consist of outer and inner membrane
● The inner membrane is divided into folds called
● help in regulation of cell metabolism
9. Lysosomes
● known as “suicidal bags” due to its hydrolytic
enzymes to digest protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and
nucleic acids.
10. Vacuoles
● store food, water, and other waste materials in the cell.
11. Vesicles
● used to transport materials from one place to another.
Parts of Eukaryotic cell (Plants)
1. Nucleus
2. Cell wall- is a rigid structure present outside the plant cell.
It is, however, absent in animal cells. Provides shape to the
cell and helps in cell-to-cell interaction
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
5. Plastids
● Chloroplast- contains chlorophyll and is involved in
● Chromoplast- contains a pigment called carotene that
provides the plants yellow, red, or orange colors.
● Leucoplast are colorless and store oil, fats,
carbohydrates, or protein
Parts of Eukaryotic cell (Plants)

6. Golgi Bodies
7. Ribosomes
8. Mitochondria
9. Lysosomes/Peroxisome
Analyzing situations:
1. Are atoms made up of cells? How and why? Considering that all life forms
on our planet are made up of cells?

2. Why is it important for us to study the cell function, structure and its types as
a science student?
Test your Understanding:
1. What is the basic unit of life?
2. What are the two types of cell?
Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell
3. How do Eukaryotes produce?
● Binary Fission
1. How do Prokaryotes produce?
● Mitosis and Meiosis
1. responsible for carrying the genetic information of a living being specifically in a
Eukaryotic cell?
2. A region within the Prokaryotic cell where the genetic material is freely suspended.
This region is called?
Test your Understanding:
On your own definition what is a prokaryotic cell and its types?
● A unicellular organism and the earliest living organism
● Lacks organelles
● Does not have a true nucleus
● Genetic material is freely suspended
● Its types are bacteria and archaebacteria
● Reproduce in a form of binary fission
On your own definition what is a Eukaryotic cell and its types?
● It is a multicellular organism and a variant of prokaryotic cell
● It is a membrane bound organelle and has a true nucleus.
● Genetic material is within the nucleolus of the nucleus
● Its types are animal and plant cell
● Reproduce in a form of mitosis and meiosis division
Test your Understanding
What makes a Eukaryotic cell different from the Prokaryotic cell via parts and structure?
Test your understanding
What makes a Eukaryotic cell the same from a Prokaryotic cell via parts and
Test your Understanding
On a Prokaryotic cell:
a. how come animal cells tend to have indefinite in shape compared to how plant cells
have a definite shape?
■ The difference between plant cells and animal cells is that most animal cells
are round whereas most plant cells are rectangular. Plant cells have a rigid
cell wall that surrounds the cell membrane. Animal cells do not have a cell
b. Do animal cells' way of getting energy the same as plant cells? Yes or no? Why?

■ No, since animal cells break down the sugar (glucose) to the food they eat by the
mitochondria to make energy (ATP) for the cell. Because animals get sugar from
the food they eat, they do not need chloroplasts: just mitochondria.
■ While plant cells during photosynthesis, plants trap light energy with their
chloroplast and convert it into adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
■ Both undergoes cellular respiration
Test your understanding
Is it possible for Prokaryotes to undergo cellular division? Via mitosis and

a. Bacteria, as prokaryotes, cannot perform mitosis because they have no nuclear

membrane. So, prokaryotes perform binary fission to generate two daughter
cells which are genetically identical to the starting cell (unless a mutation
b. On the other hand prokaryotes are not capable of performing meiosis but they
are capable of Conjugation as this is the transfer of genetic material between
bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection
between two cells.
Activity Time!
Each of the designated groups will acquire each of the names of the cell parts of a
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cell. Each group must form a straight line facing across
the blackboard and must take turns one at a time in attaching the corresponding term
of the organelle of a Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell.

Remember each incorrect answer will cost the group minus 2 points.

Total Score: 100/100

Assessment: Test your knowledge
Test 1. Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer of the given questions.
1. How many pairs of chromosomes does an individual possess?
2. What is the type of cell also known to possess a nucleus and has membrane bound organelle?
3. What type of cell also known to have no true nucleus and are unicellular in nature?
Assessment: Test your knowledge
Test II. Identification

1. Is the site of ribosome synthesis. Also, it is involved in controlling cellular activities and cellular
2. Protects the nucleus by forming a boundary between the nucleus and other cell organelles.
3. Play a crucial role in determining the sex of an individual. Each human cell contains 23 pairs of it.
4. It plays a primary role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, synthesis of lipids, steroids and proteins.
5. Part of ER that contains ribosomes?
6. Part of ER that does not contain or lack ribosomes?
7. It Is called the cell’s post office as it is involved in the transportation of materials within the cell.
8. Are the protein synthesizers of the cell.
9. Is called “the powerhouse of the cell.” It is called so because it produces ATP – the cell’s energy
10. Protect the cell by engulfing the foreign bodies entering the cell and help in cell renewal. Therefore,
they are known as the cell’s suicide bags.
1. Nucleus
2. Nuclear Envelope/ Membrane
3. Chromosomes
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum
5. Rough ER
6. Smooth ER
7. Golgi bodies
8. Ribosomes
9. Mitochondria
10. Lysosomes
11. Chloroplast
12. Vacuole
13. Binary Fission
14. Eukaryotic Cell
15. Prokaryotic Cell

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