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At the end of the lesson, the students can:
● Discuss what is Elements of a story; and
● Identify the Elements of a story.
Elements of A Story
The "elements of the story" refer to the fundamental
components that make up a narrative or piece of fiction.
These elements typically include setting, character, plot,
conflict, theme, point of view, tone, style. These elements
work together to create a cohesive and engaging narrative
that resonates with readers or audiences.
What are the 8 Elements of a story?

• Setting • Theme
• Character • Point of View
• Plot • Tone
• Conflict • Style
Example story: Romeo and Juliet
Setting: Verona, Italy

 Setting Renaissance, 15th century

- Where and when is the story set?

- Setting represents both the physical
location but also the time ( i.e. past,
present, future) and the social and
cultural conditions in which the
character exist.
 Character
A person or animal or
really anything
There can be one main
character or many, and
often there are secondary
characters, but not
 Plot
The plot consist of the events that
happen in the story. In a plot, you
typically find an introduction,
rising action, a climax, the falling
action, and a resolution. The plot
is often represented as an arc.
Conflict: Fight Scene

 Conflict
Every story must have a
conflict, i.e. a challenge or
problem around which the plot
is based. Without conflict, the
story will have no purpose or
 Theme Theme: Love and Hate

Idea, belief, moral,

lesson or insight. It’s the
central argument that the
author is trying to make
the reader understand.
The theme is the ‘why’
of the story.
 Point of View Example story: Romeo and Juliet
Point of View: Third person omniscient point of view
Point of view (POV) is what the
character or narrator telling the story can
see (his or her perspective). The author
chooses “who” is to tell the story by
determining the point of view.
Depending on who the narrator is, he/she
will be standing at one point and seeing
the action.
 Tone Example story: Romeo and Juliet
Tone: Sympathetic

Tone is the expression of the

author's attitude. Like the tone
of voice in a character, the
tone of a story may
communicate amusement,
anger, affection, sorrow, or
Example of story: Romeo and Juliet
 Style Style: Prose and Verse

This is how things are said.

Word choices, sentence
structure, dialogue, metaphor,
simile, hyperbole. Style
contributes significantly to

The "elements of the story" are the fundamental components of a narrative,

including setting, character, plot, conflict, theme, point of view, tone, and style.
These elements work together to create a cohesive and engaging narrative that
resonates with readers or audiences. The story's setting represents the physical
location and time, while the character represents a person or entity. The plot
consists of events, with an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and
resolution. Conflict is a crucial element, and the theme is the central argument the
author aims to make the reader understand.

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