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Mornin English 8
Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in

which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help us to
focus our hearts and minds now on what we are
about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as
we listen and write. Guide us by your eternal
light as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
Verse Voyage!
Directions: The teacher will provide a poem that
consists of subordinating conjunctions. The students
will practice it in groups to prepare for a group poem
recital. Students can incorporate actions or body
gestures to enhance the presentation of the poem. The
twist here is that each student group will compose
one additional stanza for the ending, incorporating
subordinating conjunctions that express time,
condition, and contrast.
One Thing Causes Another to
by Woodrow Turner
Although you might be sad and inside bad pain
you keep going and never turn around.
Although you have a fear of going insane
keep the truth of what you are feeling now.
True that one day you might just be reborn
please do not worry about disaster.
You could continue to run, run forward on
young one remember to run faster.
One Thing Causes Another to
by Woodrow Turner
Although your dreams and fantasies may be crushed
you may feel better with a single hug.
Believing the people you have always trusted
treat the nightmares as a little small bug.
Although you may not always trust your friend
we yell, dance, eat, sleep, and think together.
We are true friends therefore we will never end
Together we will stay here forever.
Criteria Description
Accuracy of Subordinating Evaluate the students' ability to
Conjunctions Usage correctly identify and use
subordinating conjunctions in the
poem and additional stanza.
Clarity and Coherence Assess how well the additional
stanza integrates with the original
poem in terms of maintaining theme
and coherence.
Creativity and Originality Consider the uniqueness and
creativity of the additional stanza
while effectively incorporating
subordinating conjunctions.
Direction: Read the statements carefully and choose the
best answer.
1. Which of the following defines an independent clause?
a) A group of words that cannot stand alone as a
complete sentence.
b) A group of words that contains both a subject and a
predicate and can stand alone as a complete sentence.
c) A group of words that depends on another clause to
form a complete sentence.
d) A group of words that is always introduced by a
subordinating conjunction.
2. Which of the following is an example of a
subordinating conjunction expressing time?
a) Although b) Before c) Though d) Whether

3. What is the function of subordinating conjunctions

expressing condition?
a) To connect actions or events to a point in time.
b) To describe contrasting situations.
c) To express the conditions under which something
may or may not happen.
d) To introduce dependent clauses.
4. Which subordinating conjunction is commonly used to
introduce conditional clauses?
a) After b) Until c) Whether d) If

5. In the sentence "That man is one of the greediest

people though he is far wealthier than others," what
function does "though" serve?
a) Expressing time
b) Expressing condition
c) Expressing contrast
d) Introducing an independent clause
6. ____ you finish your homework, you can play video games
7. We'll go for a picnic _________ the weather clears up.
8. You can borrow my umbrella _________ it rains.
9. _________ it's raining, I'll still go for a walk.

10._________ I don't agree with her, I respect her opinion.

Answer Key

• b) A group of words that contains both a

subject and a predicate and can stand alone as
a complete sentence.
• b) Before
• c) To express the conditions under which
something may or may not happen.
• d) If
• c) Expressing contrast
Answer Key
6. If
7. once
8. if
9. Even
10. though
nk english 8

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