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Hazards and
Form 5 Geography MVAA
Presented by Josine John
Topics to be covered
1. Distinguish between a natural hazard and a natural disaster.

Natural hazard – risk resulting from processes associated with the lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere.

Natural disaster – effects of the event on the physical and human landscapes, especially in areas of high
population density.

2. Describe the impact of earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, landslides, and flooding on the physical and human
environments in the Caribbean.

The effects of natural hazards and disasters – short term and long term.

3.Explain the responses of individuals, national and regional agencies in the Caribbean to reduce the effects of the
natural hazards and disasters.

Responses of individuals, national and regional agencies to the risk of the hazards and the effects of natural
disasters in the Caribbean – the stages in the hazard/disaster management cycle.
Natural Hazards

+ Natural hazards are unpredictable threats arising in the physical,

climatic or biotic environment.
Natural Disaster

Natural disaster has catastrophic consequences,as a result of the

event. Which can include death, injuries or major damage to
When a natural hazard impacts an area, causing damage to property
and/or loss of life, this is known as a natural disaster.
Natural hazards affecting the
+ Hurricanes
+ Volcanic eruptions
+ Earthquakes
+ Landslides
+ Flood and storm surges
+ Pandemics
Impact of hurricane on the
+ Wind damage
+ Wave damage
+ Flooding
+ Storm surge
+ Land slides
+ Heavy rain fall
Impact of volcanoes on the
+ Lava flows
+ Pyroclastic flows
+ Ashfall
+ Mudflows and lahars
+ landslide
Impact of earthquakes on the
+ Tremors
+ Ground fissure
+ Liquefication
+ Landslides
+ Floods
+ Fire
+ Tsunamis
The effects of natural hazards and disasters – short term and
long term.

Short term responses occur in the first few hours and days after the
event and involve local communities helping themselves. Long
term responses take place in the following weeks and months.
Short-term responses

+ The first few hours, those who survived will concentrate on

search and rescue. They will try to find other people who are
alive but who may be buried or trapped.
+ Medical attention and surplus of water, food and shelter are all
short-term considerations
+ Emergency help will probably arrive from both national and
international sources.
Long-term responses

+ Long term responses involves reconstruction, such as repairing houses or

building new ones. The new houses will be built sing strict building codes
so that they can withstand a similar event in the future.
+ Infrastructure, such as roads, and railways, may need repair.
+ Services such as water, electricity and sanitation, may need to be restored.
+ Businesses that have been destroyed may need financial help to enable
them to start up again.
Disater management cycle
Disaster management cycle

+ Mitigation involves minimizing the effects of the disaster,

mitigation activities eliminates or reduce the probability of a
disasters occurrence or reduce the effects of unavoidable

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