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Connections and associations

between forces and objects

Astronauts use relationships between

energy transfers for space travel

Change from one form to

The capacity to do work
Which of these is the fastest? How do you
measure speed?
Designing an experiment to measure speed

How can we calculate the speed of an object moving down a


You are going to design an experiment of an object or different

objects moving down a ramp and calculate its average speed.

You will need to source some different materials in order to

design a fair test and then measure this.

What are you changing? – Independent variable

(have a range of at least 5-6)

What are you measuring and how will you measure it? – Dependent

What do you need to keep the same? – Control variables

(describe at least 3)
Designing your investigation

Research question:

How does the_______________

Independent variable affect the ___________
Dependent variable

as measured by ___________________?
Dependent variable- how measured

How does concentration of Hydrochloric Acid affect the mass of marble chips as
measured by the weighing the marble chip, using a top pan balance, before and
after being in the acid for 30 seconds?
List of equipment and materials

What equipment will you need to conduct your


Include a diagram/photo of the set up.

Think about what you are going to change (your

IV) and what you will measure (your DV) and
what you will keep the same (your CV) so you
will need some measuring devices to keep this
constant and make accurate measurements.
Step-by-step instructions to carry out your

Include a diagram/photo of the set up.

Must be detailed enough so another student can

carry out the same investigation and get the
same results.

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