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The Principles of Image

The principles of image formation have various applications, enabling the viewing of
objects that are unperceivable to the unaided eye. These applications make accurate
use of the principles of geometric optics, which depend on the reflection and
refraction of light using mirrors and lenses, respectively. Understanding the human
eye and its components is crucial for appreciating how lenses function in vision.

by Jade langpi
The Human Eye and Its Components

1 Cornea 2 Pupil
The transparent outer covering of the eye that The dark, circular opening at the center of the eye
serves as the primary refractive surface, bending that regulates the amount of light entering the eye
light rays as they enter the eye. by adjusting its size in response to varying light

3 Iris 4 Crystalline Lens

The colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil The lens located behind the iris that is responsible
that controls the size of the pupil by contracting for fine-tuning the focusing of light onto the
or dilating its muscles, thereby regulating the retina. It can change its shape, a process called
amount of light entering the eye. accommodation, to focus on objects at different
The Retina and the Optic Nerve
Retina Ciliary Muscles Optic Nerve

The innermost layer of the eye, These muscles are responsible for A bundle of nerve fibers that
analogous to the film in a camera. controlling the shape of the carries visual information from the
It contains light-sensitive cells crystalline lens during the process retina to the brain, where it is
called photoreceptors (rods and of accommodation. When the eye processed and interpreted as
cones) that convert incoming light needs to focus on nearby objects, images.
into electrical signals, which are the ciliary muscles contract,
then transmitted to the brain via causing the lens to thicken.
the optic nerve. Conversely, when focusing on
distant objects, the muscles relax,
allowing the lens to flatten.
Correcting Vision Defects
1 Myopia (Nearsightedness)
Myopic individuals can see nearby objects clearly but struggle with distant vision because the images
are focused in front of the retina. Corrective lenses for myopia are concave (diverging) lenses, which
diverge incoming light before it enters the eye, thus shifting the focal point back onto the retina.

2 Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
Hyperopic individuals can see distant objects more clearly than near objects because the images are
focused behind the retina. Corrective lenses for hyperopia are convex (converging) lenses, which
converge incoming light before it enters the eye, bringing the focal point forward onto the retina.

3 Lens Power Calculation

The lens power for correcting vision defects is calculated using the formula: Lens Power = 1/f, where f
is the focal length of the corrective lens in meters. The lens power is expressed in diopters (m^-1).
Correcting Myopia
Joey's Case Lens Power Calculation
Joey is a nearsighted individual who struggles with The lens power for correcting myopia is calculated
seeing distant objects clearly. To calculate the lens using the formula: Lens Power = 1/f, where f is the
power needed to correct his vision, we use the focal length of the corrective lens in meters. The lens
formula: 1/f = 1/p + 1/q, where p is the object power is expressed in diopters (m^-1).
distance (very large, practically zero) and q is the
image distance (80 cm). The resulting lens power is
approximately -1.25 diopters.
Correcting Hyperopia
Rita's Case Lens Power Calculation
Rita is a farsighted individual who struggles with The lens power for correcting hyperopia is also
nearby vision. To determine the lens power required calculated using the formula: Lens Power = 1/f,
for her to read texts at a comfortable distance of 25 where f is the focal length of the corrective lens in
cm, we use the formula: 1/f = 1/p + 1/q, where p is meters. The lens power is expressed in diopters (m^-
the object distance (25 cm) and q is the image 1).
distance (-75 cm). The resulting lens power is
approximately 2.67 diopters.
The Compound Microscope

Objective Lens Eyepiece Lens Final Image

The first lens in a compound The second lens in a compound The resulting image seen through
microscope, responsible for the microscope, which further the eyepiece is virtual, erect, and
initial magnification of the magnifies the image formed by magnified.
specimen. the objective lens.
Magnification in Microscopes

Objective Lens Eyepiece Lens Magnification

The focal length of the objective The eyepiece lens also contributes The magnification of a microscope
lens is a key factor in determining to the overall magnification, as it is given by the equation:
the overall magnification of the magnifies the image formed by the Magnification = (distance from the
microscope. objective lens. objective lens to the image it forms)
/ (focal length of the objective lens).
Applications of Image Formation
Viewing Small Objects Microscopes allow us to observe and study small
objects that are not visible to the naked eye, such as
cells, microorganisms, and the intricate structures of

Astronomical Observations Telescopes, which use the principles of image

formation, enable us to observe distant celestial
objects, such as stars, planets, and galaxies, that are
too far away to be seen with the unaided eye.

Medical Imaging Imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, and MRI

scans rely on the principles of image formation to
create detailed images of the human body, allowing
for the diagnosis and treatment of various medical
The Versatility of Image Formation

Microscopy Astronomy Medical Imaging

Microscopes use the principles of Telescopes, which also rely on the Imaging techniques like X-rays, CT
image formation to magnify small principles of image formation, allow scans, and MRI scans utilize the
objects, enabling the study of cells, us to observe distant celestial principles of image formation to
microorganisms, and the intricate objects, expanding our create detailed images of the human
structures of materials. understanding of the universe. body, aiding in the diagnosis and
treatment of various medical

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