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Personal hygiene, entry

& exits procedure

Personal Hygiene Procedure
Personal Hygiene: 个人卫生:
⮚ Before enter need ensure compliance to Daily Personal ⮚ 进入前需要确保符合日常个人卫生检查清单
Hygiene Inspection Checklist
⮚ 所有工人都需要遵守个人卫生习惯:
⮚ All workers need compliance to personal hygiene practices:
❖ 一次性发网
✔ Disposable hair net
❖ 干净的制服
✔ Clean uniform
❖ 干净的鞋子
✔ Clean shoes
✔ Face mask ❖ 口罩
✔ Disposable hand gloves (for processing staffs only) ❖ 一次性手套(仅限加工人员)
⮚ Proper hand wash especially: ⮚ 正确洗手尤其是:
✔ After toilet ❖ 上厕所后
✔ After break ❖ 休息后
✔ Touch body part ❖ 触摸身体部位
✔ Handle rubbish ❖ 处理垃圾
✔ After touch machine ❖ 触摸机器
✔ After smoking
❖ 吸烟后
✔ Enter Production
❖ Enter production
Personal Hygiene Procedure
Personal Hygiene: 个人卫生:
⮚ No eating, smoking, drinking, gum chewing during ⮚ 工作期间禁止进食、吸烟、饮酒、嚼口香糖
⮚ 所有储物柜都应清洁
⮚ All lockers shall be clean
⮚ 没有不卫生的做法。如果发生,请立即洗手。
⮚ No unhygienic practices. If happens, wash hand
immediately. ⮚ 不卫生的做法。
⮚ Unhygienic practice: ⮚ 生产区禁止携带个人物品。
⮚ No personal belongings at production area. ⮚ 离开生产时,脱掉所有 PPE (手套、发网、外
⮚ When leaving production, remove all PPE (gloves,
hairnet, coat). ⮚ 主管每天检查个人卫生,并记录在日常个人卫
⮚ Supervisor check personal hygiene daily and record 生检查表中。
in Daily Personal Hygiene Inspection Checklist. ⮚ 手套和发网需要每天处理和更换。
⮚ Glove and hairnet need dispose and change daily. ⮚ 外套每天清洗。
⮚ Coat wash daily.
Personal Hygiene Procedure
Daily Personal Hygiene Inspection Checklist (BRD/ P04/ F01 Rev 0)
Personal Hygiene
• Into Production
• Out from production
Personal Hygiene
Into Production
Out from production
Employee Change Over Into Production

1. Walk into 2. Take working boot 3. Put the street shoes 4. Put in personal items 5. Wear hairnet. Ensure all
Changing Room and wear it onto shoe rack into personal locker hair covered
1. 走进更衣室
2. 穿上工作靴 3. 将街头鞋放在鞋架上 4. 将个人物品放入个人 5. 戴发网。确保所有头
储物柜 发都被覆盖

6. Take coat from the 7. Wear the coat and 8. Wash hand according
personal locker to correct steps 9. Dry the hand using 10. Take hand glove to
ensure the Velcro stacked wear
7. 穿上外套并确保 hand dryer
6. 从个人储物柜中取 Velcro 叠放 8. 按正确步骤洗手 10. 拿手手套戴
出外套 9. 使用干手器擦干手
Employee Change Over Into Production

5. Wear hairnet. Ensure all 6. Wash hand according to correct steps 7. Dry the hand using hand dryer
hair covered
5. 戴发网。确保所 6. 按正确步骤洗手 7. 使用干手器擦干手
Employee Change Over Into Production

8. Take coat from the 9. Wear the coat and 10. Take hand glove
personal locker ensure the Velcro stacked to wear
8. 从个人储物柜中取 9. 穿上外套并确 10. 拿手手套戴
出外套 保 Velcro 叠放
Employee Workplace Attire
Hairnet & Face Mask

Hand Glove

Outer Coat (Blue)

MUST button all

Worker Boot Velcro button

Correct Workplace Attire

Employee Change Over Out of

1. Dispose hand glove into 2. Put back coat into 3. Throw away hairnet & facemask 4. Take back personal item
dustbin in Mixing Area personal locker into dustbin in Changing Room from the personal locker

1. 将手套放入混 2. 将背大衣放入 3. 将发网和口罩扔进更衣 4. 从个人储物柜

合区的垃圾箱 个人储物柜 室的垃圾桶 取回个人物品
Employee Change Over Out of

5. Put back worker shoes back to 6. Wear personal 7. Ready to leave

shoe rack
street shoes production area
5. 将工鞋放回鞋架 6. 穿个人街头鞋 7. 准备离开生产

Personal Hygiene Procedure
Control of Health Status and Disease 健康状况和疾病控制
⮚ Typhoid vaccine before start work and once every ⮚ 开始工作前和每 3 年一次的伤寒疫苗
3 years ⮚ 工作期间需要身体健康
⮚ During work need to be healthy ⮚ 生病时,向主管报告
⮚ When sick, report to supervisor ⮚ 用石膏覆盖伤口,并在伤口上戴上手套。根据
⮚ Cover wounds with plaster and wear gloves over 工作性质定期或每天更换
wounds. Change periodically or daily depend on ⮚ 患有疾病和传染病的人员不得在生产区工作
nature of work
⮚ Personal suffer from illness and contagious
disease shall not be working in production area

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