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W1he upperupper class Club LsLabllshmenL

W1he Lowerupper class new WealLh
W1he upperMlddle class Achlevlng rofesslonals
W1he LowerMlddle class lalLhful lollowers
W1he upperLower class SecurlLyMlnded Ma[orlLy
W1he LowerLower class 8ock 8oLLom
1he upperupper class Club
W Small number of wellesLabllshed famllles
W 8elong Lo besL clubs and sponsor ma[or
charlLy evenLs
W Serve as LrusLees for local colleges
and hosplLals
W romlnenL physlclans and lawyers
W May be heads of ma[or flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
owners of ma[or longesLabllshed flrms
W AccusLomed Lo wealLh so do noL spend
money consplcuously
1he Lowerupper class new WealLh
W noL qulLe accepLed by Lhe upper crusL of
W 8epresenL new money"
W Successful buslness execuLlves
W Consplcuous users of Lhelr new wealLh
1he upperMlddle class Achlevlng
W Pave nelLher famlly sLaLus nor unusual wealLh
W Career orlenLed
W Successful professlonals corporaLe managers and
buslness owners
W MosL are colleges graduaLed may wlLh advanced
W AcLlve ln professlonal communlLy and soclal acLlvlLles
W Pave a keen lnLeresL ln obLalnlng Lhe beLLer Lhlngs ln
W 1helr homes serve as symbols of Lhelr achlevemenLs
W ConsumpLlon ls ofLen consplcouous
W very chlld orlenLed
1he LowerMlddle class lalLhful
W rlmarlly nonmanagerlal whlLecollar workers
and hlghly pald bluecollar workers
W WanL Lo achleve respecLablllLy and be accepLed
as good clLlzens
W WanLs Lhelr chlldren Lo be wellbehaved
W 8ellglous
W refer a neaL and clean appearance and Lend Lo
avold faddlsh or hlghly sLyled cloLhlng
W ConsLlLuLe a ma[or markeL for dlLyourself
1he upperLower class SecurlLy
Mlnded Ma[orlLy
W Solldly blue collar
W SLrlve for securlLy (someLlmes galned from unlon
W vlew work as a means Lo buy" en[oymenL
W WanL chlldren Lo behave properly
W Plgh wage earners ln Lhls group may spend lmpulslvely
W lnLeresLed ln ln lLems LhaL enhances Lhelr lelsure Llme
W Pusbands Lyplcally have sLrong macho" selflmage
W Males are sporLs fans heavy smokers drlnkers
1he LowerLower class 8ock 8oLLom
W oorly educaLed unskllled labors
W CfLen ouL of work
W Chlldren are ofLen poorly LreaLed
W 1end Lo llve a dayLoday exlsLence
W 1he sum LoLal of learned bellefs values and
cusLoms LhaL serve Lo dlrecL Lhe consumer
behavlor of members of a parLlcular socleLy
1hree Level of Sub[ecLlve CulLure
Level 1 SupranaLlonal Sub[ecLlve culLural dlfferences LhaL cross
naLlonal boundarles or can be seeL Lo be
presenL ln more Lhan one counLry
Composed of Lhe followlng consumer
behavlor relevanL facLors reglonal makeup
eLhnlcraclal composlLlon of populaLlon
language and symbollsms meanlng
Level 2 naLlonal Shared culLural characLers (naLlonal
characLer or ldenLlLy) LhaL unlquely or
speclflcally deflne Lhe clLlzens of parLlcular
Level 3 Croup CulLural dlvlslons or grouplng (especlally
subculLures) LhaL conLaln varlous
collecLlons of lndlvlduals (eg famllles
work groups shopplng groups frlendshlp
LnculLuraLlon and AcculLuraLlon
W 1he learnlng of one's own culLure lsknown as
W 1he learnlng of a new or forelgn culLure ls
known as ccu|turat|on
Language and symbols
W Symbols can be verbal or nonverbal
W verbal lnclude a Lelevlslon announcemenL or an
adverLlsemenL ln a Magazlne
W nonverbal communlcaLlon lncludes Lhe use of such
symbols as flgures colors shapes and even LexLures
Lo provlde addlLlonal meanlng Lo prlnL or broadcasL
adverLlsemenLs Lo Lrademarks and Lo packaglng or
producL deslgns
W A Symbo| ls anyLhlng LhaL sLands for someLhlng else
W Lg Lhe word Omeqo bos symbollc meooloq to
some lt soqqests o floe loxoty wotcb to otbets lt
lmplles weoltb ooJ stotos
W CulLure lncludes varlous rlLuallzed experlences
and behavlors LhaL are lncreaslngly recelvlng Lhe
aLLenLlon of consumer researchers A r|tua| ls a
Lype of symbollc acLlvlLy conslsLlng of a serles of
sLeps occurrlng ln a flxed sequence and repeaLed
over Llme
W 8lLuals exLend over Lhe human llfe cycle from
blrLh Lo deaLh lncludlng a hosL of lnLermedlaLe
evenLs such as conflrmaLlon graduaLlons and
Weddlng Sarees Lehengas !ewelry llowers
8lrLh of Chlld Sllver baby spoon slvlver and gold colns [ewelry
8lrLhday Card glfL cake wlLh candles
weddlng annlversary CaLered parLy card and glfL dlsplay of phoLos of Lhe couple's
llfe LogeLher
CraduaLlon en card wrlsLwaLch
new ?ear's Lve CeLLogeLher food fancy dress
Colng Lo Lhe gym 1owel exerclse cloLhes waLer lod
SLarLlng a new [ob CeL a halrcuL buy some new cloLhlng
CeLLlng a [ob promoLlon 1aken ouL Lo lunch by coworkers recelve Loken glfL
8eLlremenL Company parLy waLch plaque
ueaLh Send a card glve Lo charlLy ln Lhe name of Lhe deceased
lnulAn CC8L vALuLS
W lamlly CrlenLaLlon
W Savlng CrlenLaLlon
W lesLlvlLles
W Shopplng as a 8lLual
W MyLhology
W lood PablLs
W Changlng culLural Lrends ln lndlan urban MarkeLs
W AchlevemenL CrenLaLlon
W Work LLhlc
W MaLerlal Success
W MlddleofLhe8oad Approach Lo 1radlLlon
W lmpulse CraLlflcaLlon
W use of Pl1ech roducLs
lrequenLly used roducL CaLegorles ln
W Pamam (soap)
W Lux (soap)
W Sunrlse (coffee)
W Coke (cola)
W epsl (Cola)
W ColgaLe (LooLhpasLe)
W Closeup (LooLh pasLe)
W CllleLLe (8azors and 8lades)
W 8ed Label (Lea)
W Surf Lxcel (ueLergenL 8ar)
W ueLLol (lloor Cleaner)
W Cadbury (ChocolaLes)
W Porllcks (Mllk AddlLlve)
W Pead shoulders (shampoo)
W arry's (sugar)

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