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The Sound
Engineering of

Acoustical Acoustician
Engineering Scientist who
The application works in the
of acoustics in field of
Technology acoustics

Production Classification Sabine’s Factors

Characteristics The sound
& of Sound Properties of Formula for affecting
of Sound intensity
Propagation of waves Based Sound waves reverberation acoustics of
waves measurement
Sound on Frequency time buildings
Production and Propagation of Sound

v B

We should Know……..
• We can listen 10 -16 W/cm2 sound intensity minimum which is known
Infrasonic waves
(1 – 17 Hz)

Classification of Audible waves

Sound (18 Hz – 20kHz)

Ultrasonic waves
> 20kHz
Classification of waves
• A wave can be classified by the way it disturbs the medium through
which it propagates.
• Transverse waves:- The displacement is at right angles to the direction
of propagation - light waves.

Direction of propagation
Transverse waves
wave particles vibrate
in an up-and-down motion.
Classification of waves
Longitudinal waves:-The displacement is in the same direction as the
wave propagates - sound waves.


Direction of propagation
Longitudinal Wave
wave particles vibrate back
and forth along the path that
the wave travels.
Compressional Wave
Waves transfer energy without
transferring matter.

Frequency= waves/time
of Sound

Pitch Timber – Loudness -

Determines subjective
(Frequency) quality of Sound perception
Pitch & Timber: Characteristics of Sound

• Depends on frequency :High frequency

Pit means High Pitch
Ti • Determines the Quality of Sound:
m Subjective perception
• Loudness is a physiological sensation
• determined by its intensity
• Lowest Sound Intensity limit for Human: 10-16 W/cm2
The Loudness measurement
L0  log I 0 L1  log I1

L1  L0  L  log  I1   log  I 0   log  1 

 I0 

I 
L  10 log  1  dB
 I0 

 10 I 0 
L  10 log10   dB 10 dB
 I0 

 100 I 0 
L  10 log10   dB  10 log10 10  dB  20 log10 10  dB  20 dB

 I0 
Different Intensity Levels
Source Intensity Level of No. of Times
(W/m2) Intensity greater than the
(in dB) threshold of
audibility (dB)
Audibility threshold 1×10-12 0 100

Rustling Leaves 1×10-11 10 101

Whisper 1×10-10 20 102

Normal Conversation 1×10-6 60 106

Busy Street Traffic 1×10-5 70 107

Vacuum Cleaner 1×10-4 80 108

Large Orchestra 1×10-3 98 109.8

Walkman at Maximum Level 1×10-2 100 1010

Front Rows of Rock Concert 1×10-1 110 1011

Threshold of Pain 1×101 130 1013

Military Jet Takeoff 1×102 140 1014

Instant Perforation of Eardrum 1×104 160 1016



Properties Exhibited Transmission

by Sound



• Multiple Echo
• prolonged reflection of sound from the walls, floor and ceiling of a
• persistence of audible sound after the source has stopped to emit
• Time taken by sound to reduce to one millionth of its original intensity
just before the source is cut off – Reverberation Time
Sound energy absorbed by the surface
Absorption Coefficient (a) =
Total sound energy incident on the surface

Unit : Open Window Unit (O.W.U.) OR Sabine

Material Absorption
co efficient

Plaster walls 0.01 - 0.03

6 mm cork sheet 0.1 - 0.2

Curtain in heavy folds 0.40-0.75

25 mm sprayed asbestos 0.6 – 0.7

Open Window 1.00

Sabine’s formula for reverberation time
0.161V 0.161V
T 
A  aS
T – Reverberation Time in sec.

V – Volume of the Hall

A – Absorption of sond

a – Absorption coefficient

S – Surface area of the Hall

• Assumptions of theory

• The absorption rate of sound energy

• The growth and decay of sound in the hall

Assumptions of theory

• the closed volume is vary large so that the sound energy can be
uniformly distributed in it

• Sound absorption by air is neglected

• Standing wave formation is neglected

• Sound travels in all directions uniformly

The absorption rate of sound energy
• T = 0.161V/A
• A is the total absorption coefficient
• Σas =average ab coefficient
• a = a1s1+a2s2+a3s3/S1+S2+S3
Ultrasonic waves
•The sound waves of frequency greater than 20 KHz are
called ultrasonic waves.

 Small wave lengths, as a result high penetrating power.
 Can travel long distance has a highly directional beam.
 High enrergy content.
 Their speed of propogation increases with increase in frequency
Generation of Ultrasonic waves
• Based on frequency range and power output, the ultrasonic wave
generators are divided into two groups.
i. Mechanical generator and ii. Electrical generator

•The electrical generators are subdivided into two categories

1. Magnetostriction generator
2. Piezoelectric Generator
Magnetostriction Effect
• When a ferromagnetic material in the form of rod is subjected to an
alternating magnetic field parallel to its length, the rod undergoes
alternate contractions and expansions at a frequency equal to the
frequency of the applied field . This is….
• Frequency of the vibrating rod =

Piezoelectric Effect

• When pressure is applied to one pair of opposite faces of

crystals like quartz, tourmaline, cut with their faces
perpendicular to its optic axis, equal and opposite charges
appear across its other faces. This phenomenon is known as
Piezoelectric effect.
Piezoelectric Method

Determination of the velocity of ultrasonic waves
(Acoustic Grating method)
• Principle
• When ultrasonics are passed through transparent liquid medium in a container,
the waves get reflected. The reflected and the direct wave superimpose to form the
stationary wave pattern.
• These waves gives rise to a periodic variation in the density of liquid.This change in
the density leads to the change in RI of liquid. The density of the liquid would be
maximum at nodal planed and minimum at antinodal planes.
• Such a liquid column subjected ultrasonic waves behaves like a grating. Under this
condition if a parallel beam of light is passed through the liquid at right angles to the
wave, the liquid acts as a diffraction grating. Such a grating is known as Acoustic
• Construction and Working:

• The liquid is taken in a glass tube. The Piezo-electric crystal is fixed at one side of the wall inside the cell
and ultrasonic waves are generated. The waves travelling from the crystal get reflected by the reflector
placed at the opposite wall. The reflected waves get superimposed with the incident waves producing
longitudinal standing wave pattern called acoustic grating.

If light from a laser source such as He-Ne or diode laser is allowed to pass through the liquid in a
direction perpendicular to the grating, diffraction takes place and one can observe the higher order
diffraction patterns on the screen. The angle between the direct ray and the diffracted rays of different
orders (θn) can be calculated easily.

According to the theory of diffraction,

• d sin θn = n λ -----(1)

where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, … is the order of diffraction, λ is the wavelength of light used and d is the distance
between two adjacent nodal or anti-nodal planes.
• Knowing n, θn and λ, the value of d can be calculated from eqn. (1). If λu is the wavelength of the
ultrasonic waves through the medium, then
• d = λu/2 or
• λu = 2d -------(2)

• Substituting the value of d in Bragg’s equation

• λu/2 Sinθ = n λ
• λu = 2n λ/Sinθ
• If the resonant frequency of the ultrasoncs generator is f, then the velocity of ultrasonic waves is
give by v = fλ

This method is useful in measuring the velocity of ultrasonic waves through liquids and gases at
various temperatures. From these measurements, many parameters of the liquid such as free
volume, compressibility, etc., can be calculated.
Applications of Ultrasonics
1. Find the depth of sea – Fathometer or Echometer
2. Cavitation – When high frequency sound waves are passed in a solution, it
produces disturbances in the liquid. This results in the formation of minute
vacumn bubbles. This process of bubble formation and its collapse is known as
•Ultrasonic processor is used for emulsification of immiscible liquids, disruption and
killing of micro-organisms
•The ultrasonic cleaner is used to clean semiconductor components, PCB, switches,
moulds, casting, gears, ball bearings, jewelleries, coins, surgical and scientific
instruments etc.
• 3. Ultrasonci Cleaning –
• - Environmnetally pollution free, low cost, higher quality, high safety, less space, less
labour, speedy
• 4. Ultrasonic Drilling and Cutting
• 5. Ultrasonic wielding
• 6. Science and Engineering
• -detect cracks in metals
- Acts like a catalytic agent and accelerates chemical reactions
•7. Medicine
- Remove kidney stones, broken teeths,
- For sterilizing milk and killing bacteria
- To study the blood flow velocities in blood vessels of our body
- To detect tumours
- sonography
Aula Magna (UCV)
Sydney Opera House
Aula Magna, in “Universidad
Central de Venezuela” it was
design by Carlos Raul

In the 80´s this concert hall was

catalogued like one of the 5
rooms with better acoustics of the
All the details, materials, forms, elements and the design were choose
for create a good acustical in the space.

For this, Villanueva asked help from some Acustical consultans: “Bolt,
Beranek and Newman Inc”. The selection of types of wood, the model of the
armchairs and services were carefully chosen.
Even the fabric of the carpet (casimire)
was selected to contribute with the acusticals

The tapestry in Aula Magna has

absorption capacity, when the room is empty
does not distort the sound.

The material of the doors, and some

elements ubicated in the hall are design to
prevent the echo and noise.
The distinguished element
of this famous hall, are their
clouds also called flying subjects.

This elements were not in

the original design, but structure
of the hall didn´t allow a good

For that reason, Villanueva

asked help from Alexander Calder
who was the designer of this

The clouds moved to adapt to

the acoustical requirement, then were
fixed in its ideal position.

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