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Pair Share: Quick Draw

 What is the word/words that can be associated with the

word “Friction”?
 Do in a sheet of paper.
Friction and Gravity

 What is Friction?
 Friction is the resistance to the sliding, rolling, or flowing motion of an
object due to its contact with another object.
 When a moving object comes in contact with another object, friction is
the opposing force that slows or stops the moving object.
 . Without friction, an object would continue to move at
constant speed forever.
 The strength of the force of friction depends on the type of
surfaces and how hard the surfaces push together.
 Rough surfaces produce greater friction than smooth surfaces.
Three Types of Friction
 Static Friction
 Sliding Friction
 Rolling Friction
 Fluid Friction
Sliding Friction •

 A resistance to movement that is

created when two things rub together.
Rolling Friction

 When an object rolls over a surface. Skateboard

 The wheels and ball bearings in the wheels are
used to reduce friction between the floor and the
 The skateboard will slow and stop due to the
friction between the floor and the skateboard.
Fluid Friction

 The force that tries to slow objects down when they

move through a liquid or a gas. It's also known as
"drag", or "air resistance".
 All gases and liquids are fluids. • An airplane and a
swimmer both experience fluid friction.
Ways to Reduce Friction

 Smooth the surface

 Put ball bearings in wheels
 Replace rolling with sliding
 Add oil or another type of lubricant
 What force opposes the motion of an object?
 Why is friction important in our daily life?
 How can friction be helpful or harmful?
Activity Time

 Do page 136

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