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Site ID: SL0166 and SL0346

Site Name: Fudia Terrace and Country Lodge
Work Order: 31
Date: 7th/03/2024
Technician: Joseph Melvin Kanu

DG Board Gateway Installation and Configuration


• For both sites the port in the DG Board do not communicate with the gateway, so no data is transmitted from the board
to the gateway.
• Theory- DG Board communication ports are faulty.

• Photos are attached in the next slides.

Country Lodge
Fudia Terrace

There was data transmission between the There was data transmission between the
board and the Gateway board and the Gateway
A modbus poll test was carried out to see if data was transmitting, instead it was stating that
there was a server device failure.
When configuration and all connections are done, this is what is shown in the GUI of the gateway, stating that data is being
transmitted from the DG Board to the Gateway. (Photo Barne Lane site) For Country Lodge and Fudia terrace it’s blank, it
does not display data as shown in the picture above, meaning there was no transmission of data between the board and the
Gateway. Hence my theory in the pervious slide.

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