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Internship on Web Development


Under the Supervision of

Internshala Web Devlopment Ms. Neena Jha

Training Program Associate Lecturer, Computer Science and
Sl. No. Topic Name Slide Number
1 Certificate of Internship 3

2 Overview of the company 5

3 Introduction 7

4 Analysis 9

5 Requirements 10

6 Setting up project 11

7 Screens 12

8 Conclusion 19
About Internshala (Web Development Training )

• Internshala is a renowned web development organization that provides

comprehensive training and internship opportunities in web development.
With a focus on practical learning, Internshala equips students with in-
demand skills and industry experience through their carefully designed
programs. Through their platform, students can access a wide range of web
development projects and gain hands-on experience under the guidance of
experienced mentors. Internshala's initiatives contribute to nurturing talent
and bridging the gap between academia and industry, making it a popular
choice among aspiring web developers.
• Hands-on Experience
⚬ As an intern working on this project, I learned about full-stack web development course provides
comprehensive training in both front-end and back-end technologies. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript for
front-end, along with server-side languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and frameworks like Node.js and
Django. Database management, version control, and deployment techniques are also included, enabling
learners to build complete web application
• Problem-Solving Skills
⚬ As I encountered challenges during development, I developed problem-solving skills and learned how to
create reports , debug and troubleshoot issues.
• Networking opportunities
⚬ Internships allows you to build connections within the industry. Networking with professionals can lead to
future job opportunities or mentorship possibilities.
• Code Review and Feedback
⚬ During internship, my code was reviewed by experienced developers. This feedback is
invaluable as it helped me understand best practices and improve the quality of my code.

• As an intern working on this project, we highlight the comprehensive training offered in

various web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The report
emphasizes the hands-on experience gained through real-world projects and mentorship.
It also mentions the focus on Agile development methodologies, responsive design
principles, version control systems like Git, and testing techniques. Overall, the report
highlights how Internshala prepares learners for successful careers in web development by
equipping them with practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge.
⚬ Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it's the work that happens behind the
scenes to make a website look great, work fast, and perform well with a seamless user experience.

⚬ Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too-making development a great
career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields as you do not need a traditional
university degree to become qualified.

⚬ A web developer, also known as a programmer, converts a web design into a functional website by
writing complex code in various languages and frameworks. They create visually appealing layouts,
user-friendly designs, and interactive elements using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front-end.
Back-end developers ensure smooth server, application, and database functioning, using languages like
PHP, Ruby, Python, or Java. They analyze company needs and provide efficient programming
solutions. Web development encompasses front-end and back-end roles, while full-stack developers
handle both aspects, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the web to establish client-server
relationships for optimal functionality.
System Analysis
• System overview: PG Life is a website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and
React. It offers a system overview showcasing various features like user profiles,
interactive pages, and dynamic content. The combination of these technologies enables an
engaging and responsive web experience for users.

• System Requirements: The System will need to be able to:

⚬ The website provide a platform were students can find PG anywhere in there location
registered on the website
⚬ Takes user input helps finding a desired PG according to the requirements of the
⚬ Display all the PG registered on the website in a simple and presentable manner.
Software Requirements

Visual Studio is a widely used HTML (HyperText Markup

integrated development environment ReactJS is a JavaScript library used PHP is a server-side scripting language
Language) is a markup language used for building user interfaces. It
(IDE) developed by Microsoft. It for structuring the content of web widely used for web development. It is
provides developers with a allows developers to create reusable
pages. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) embedded within HTML code and
comprehensive set of tools for coding, UI components that efficiently
is a styling language that controls the update and render data-driven executed on the server to generate
debugging, testing, and deploying
software applications. With support visual appearance of HTML views. React follows a component- dynamic web content. PHP can interact
for multiple programming languages, elements. JavaScript is a based approach, providing a with databases, handle form data, and
it enables efficient development programming language that adds declarative and efficient way to perform various server-side tasks. It is
across various platforms and promotes interactivity and dynamic behavior to build complex web applications. It known for its simplicity, versatility, and
collaboration among team members. web pages, allowing for user is widely adopted for its extensive community support.
interactions and dynamic content performance, flexibility, and robust
updates. ecosystem.
Setting up Environment
• Selecting and installing a suitable code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) is one of the initial steps.

These tools provide developers with a feature-rich interface to write, edit, and manage their code efficiently.

• Implementing version control systems like Git is essential for collaborative development. Version control allows developers

to track changes to their code, work in parallel with others, and easily revert to previous versions when needed.

• Dependencies: These are the packages that your app relies on during runtime. They are essential for the proper functioning

of your app. Examples include UI libraries like material design components, HTTP clients for making API requests, and

image caching libraries for better performance

• Collaboration and Communication Tools: Employ communication and collaboration tools like Skype, Microsoft Teams, or

Asana to coordinate with team members effectively.


• Figure 1: Index Page


Figure 2: Cities

Figure 3: Database Table


Figure 4: Signup form


Figure 5: Login form


Figure 6: Properties List Page


Figure 6: Properties Details Page

• The very first thing is we need to design the web interface with the help of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. We
need to create an index page which works as index for all the pages, then we need to create login and
signup page which slides on the index page when click on the login/signup button.
• We also need to create property list page which shows the properties of the selected city, followed with
property list page, we also need to create property details page which gives the detailed structure of
particular property and at last we need to design dashboard page. This page will be accessible only if the
user logs in. We will check if the user logged in or not with the help of PHP sessions. 4 After this,
JavaScript takes the role to add the functionalities of hover and On Click event handlers. We also need to
create database, for this, we are using PhpMyAdmin. We need 7 tables to store the varies of information
which we will get from the user.
• This course has been helpful to me. Also, my confidence in web development developed because of the
organized material, which included educational modules, assessments, hands-on practice, and assistance.
• This web development training included instructive videos, tasks, projects, and a practice environment
where I could put what I learned into reality. This helped to solidify my comprehension and application of
the topics, and it was a pleasure to work on the project.
• Web designing or web development is a short-term professional job-oriented course. There are huge
opportunities available for the students who want to work in this field. Many private and public
organizations hire web designer for their online work and website development. With the rapid advent of
online industry. the demand of web development professionals is increasing, and this has created a huge
job opportunity for the aspirants in the upcoming days.

• Also, an experienced person in this field can also work as a freelancer; there are many online companies
which provide online projects to the individuals.

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