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​How To

Expressing Opinion
List of members
Muhammad Nazwan (2222025)

Adryan Usfirahiman (2222011)
Frengki Simatupang (2222004)
Veranny Arianti Putri (2222045)


Expressing Opinion adalah sebuah ungkapan dalam Bahasa
Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan atau mengungkapkan
sebuah pendapat.
Expressing Opinion is an expression in English that is used to
express or express an opinion.

Asking for Opinion
Giving an Opinion
Explaination and Example
•Asking for Opinion: Bertanya tentang sebuah gagasan, ide, pendapat kepada orang lain.
Exa: What do you think about current technological developments?
Exa: Apa pendapat Anda tentang perkembangan teknologi saat ini?

Giving an Opinion: Memberikan sebuah gagasan, ide, pendapat kepada orang lain.
Jim: From my point of view, technology gives us lots of advantages in our daily life. In
the communication sector and in the transportation sector. I’ll give you specific
information. In communication, as you can see, a long time ago, people only used letter
and telegram for communication, then the telephone came into their life. People used the
telephone to say “hello”.


• Tujuan dan penggunaan Expressing Opinion adalah untuk
mengungkapkan pendapat, ide atau gagasan dari sudut pandang
orang lain tentang sebuah fenomena (topik bahasan) yang terjadi.
• The purpose and use of expressing opinion is to express
opinion,ideas or ideas from another person’s point of view about a
phenomenon (discussion topic) that occurs.

Asking and Giving Opinion yang dapat kalian
terapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

• nazwan: It is always a good idea to justify your opinions.

Don’t just say ‘I agree’ or ‘I disagree’, but say ‘I agree
because I think that … (explain your reason)’, etc.
Jangan hanya sekedar mengatakan setuju atau tidak setuju,
tetapi cobalah untuk memberikan alasan.

• Exa: The technology of this day, most of the young generation use the internet for communication.
It’s easier to share the information. What do you think about that, Jim?
Exa: Teknologi hari ini, sebagian besar generasi muda menggunakan internet untuk komunikasi.
Lebih mudah untuk berbagi informasi. Apa pendapatmu tentang itu, Jim?
• Jim: Yes, you are absolutely right. We can’t hide from technology. But there are lots of
negative impacts of the internet, especially for us as the students.
Jim: Ya, kamu benar sekali. Kita tidak bisa bersembunyi dari teknologi. Tapi ada banyak dampak
negatif dari internet, terutama bagi kita sebagai siswa.

Giving an Opinion
• In my opinion…
•Some people say that…
• In my experience… •Many/Most people think/believe that…
• Speaking for myself… •Everybody knows that…
•According to scientists…
• Personally, I think…
•The thing is that…
• I (strongly) believe that… •The point is that…
• I really feel that…
• If you ask me…

Giving an Opinion
Checking if they understand Explaining things better
•What I mean is…
•Do you know what I mean?
•What I’m trying to say is that…
•Does it make sense?
•I don’t know if I’m explaining
it correctly.

Asking for an Opinion
•What’s your idea (on…)?
•What do you think about it?
•Do you agree with that?
•Is that what you think?
•Have you got an opinion about it?
•How do you feel about it?
•Do you have anything to say about it?
•And you? What do you think?
•Is that right?

•Of course •That’s true.
•You’re absolutely right •That’s just what I was
•Yes, I agree. thinking.
•I think so too. •I couldn’t agree more.
•That’s a (very) good point. •That’s exactly what I think.
•Oh yes, that’s right. •I think you’re right.
•Exactly. •I hear you.
•I don’t think so either. •Yes, me too / me neither.

Protesting Politely and Rudely
Protesting Politely Protesting Rudely
•That’s not what I mean/said. •You’re not listening, are you?
•No, what I’m trying to say is that… •Did you hear a word I said?
•You got me wrong. •Can you understand what I say?
•I’m probably not making myself very •But who said that?
•That’s not exactly what I was trying to say

Disagreeing Politely
•I see, but that’s different.
•Sorry, I don’t agree with you. •I think that’s not the same thing at all.
•I don’t see it that way. •On the contrary…
•That’s not entirely true. •Well, I’m not so sure about that.
•That’s partly true but… •Sorry, I think that’s wrong.
•I see your point but… •Yeah, but the problem is that…
•I’m sorry to disagree with you but… •Well, I think it’s not as simple as that
•Yes, but don’t you think…?

Showing Empathy before
•Yes, I agree with you but… •Well, that sounds very good but…
•I can see your point, but… •I partly agree, but…
•That’s very true, but… •Yeah, that’s true, but on the other
•Of course, you’re right, but… hand…
•I know what you mean but… •You could be right but I think that…
•I can understand that but… •You are probably right but…

Disagreeing in Rude Way
•Are you crazy or what? •How can you even say that?
•You must be kidding, right? •I think you’re totally wrong.
•I can’t believe you’re saying that. •Oh, come on, where’s your logic?
•No way! •That doesn’t make any sense.
•I can’t buy that. •Absolutely wrong.
•You can’t be serious. •That’s totally B.S. (=bullshit)

Agreeing Strongly (colloquial)
•Oh yea, you said it. •I totally agree with you
•But of course! •You’re so very right!
•Who can disagree with that? •You’re reading my mind.
•Now you’re talking.
•Yes, yes, that’s the point!

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kata ini sangat penting, dan sangat umum, ketika
kalian ingin tidak setuju dengan sopan atau ketika kalian ingin
memperbaiki tanpa menyinggung orang lain.


Example dialog
Mrs Anne: They want to start using uniforms in my son’s school. What a stupid thing!
Ny. Anne: Mereka ingin mulai menggunakan seragam di sekolah anakku. Bodoh sekali!
Mrs Lawson: Well, actually I think it’s a good idea. Social differences won’t be so obvious
Ny. Lawson: Sebenarnya saya pikir itu ide yang bagus. Perbedaan sosial tidak akan begitu jelas.

Thank you Being simple is pure.

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