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Liquid flows on surfaces:

the boundary condition

University of Lyon, France


The no-slip boundary condition (bc):
a long lasting empiricism regularly questionned

Some examples of importance of the b.c. in nanofluidics

Pressure drop in nanochannels
Elektrokinetics effects
Dispersion & mixing

Theory of the h.b.c. for simple liquids

Slippage effects in macroscopic flows ?


…nanochannels 500 nm

Miniaturization increases surface to volume ratio:

importance of surface phenomena

The description of flows requires

constitutive equation (bulk property of fluid)
+ boundary condition (surface property)
Yesterday we saw that N.S. equation for simple liquids is very
robust constitutive equation down to (some) molecular scale.

What about boundary condition ?

Hydrodynamic boundary condition (h.b.c.)
at a solid-liquid interface

VS = 0

Usual b.c. : the fluid velocity vanishes at wall

 Phenomenological : derived from experiments on low molecular
mass liquids

 OK at a macroscopic scale and for simple fluids

The nature of hydrodynamics bc’s has been widely debated in 19th century

Goldstein S. 1969. Fluid mechanics in the first half of this century. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech 1:1–
Lauga & al, in Handbook of Experimental Fluid Dynamics, 2005

M. Denn, 2001 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 33:265–87

Batchelor, An introduction to fluid dynamics, 1967

Goldstein 1938
But wall slippage occurs in polymer flows…

Shark-skin effect in
extrusion of polymer melts
Pudjijanto & Denn 1994
J. Rheol. 38:1735

… and some time suspected on non-wetting surfaces

And also
Bulkley (1931),Chen & Emrich (1963), Debye & Cleland (1958)…
Drainage experiments with SFA




C. Chan and R. Horn no-slip flow with liquid monolayer

J. Chem. Phys. (83) 5311, 1985 sticking at wall
various organic liquids/mica
J.N. Israelachvili
J. Colloid Interf. Sci. (110) 263, 1986 Water on mica: no-slip within 2 Å

George et al., no-slip flow w. monolayer sticking at wall

J. Chem. Phys. 1994 various organic liquids/ metal surfaces
N.V. Churaev, V.D; Sobolev and A.NSomov
J. Colloid Interf. Sci. (97) 574, 1984


Water slips in hydrophobic capillaries

slip length 70 nm
Partial slip and solid-liquid friction
Navier 1823
z Maxwell 1856

b VS ≠ 0
Tangentiel stress at interface
σS = η = λ VS
VS : slip velocity
S : tangential stress at the solid surface
 : liquid viscosity VS = b
€ ∂z
 : liquid-solid friction coefficient
b : slip length η
∂V =  € b=
∂z : shear rate λ
Interpretation of the slip length

From Lauga & al, Handbook of Experimental Fluid Dynamics, 2005

Some properties of the slip length

 No-slip bc (b=0) is associated to very large liquid-solid friction

 The bc is an interface property.

The slip length has not to be related to an internal scale in the fluid

On a mathematically smooth surface, b=∞ (perfect slip).

 The hydrodynamic b.c. is fully characterized by b()

 The hydrodynamic bc is linear if the slip length does not depend on

the shear rate.
The no-slip boundary condition (bc):
a long lasting empiricism regularly questionned

Some examples of importance of the b.c. in nanofluidics

Pressure drop in nanochannels
Elektrokinetics effects
Dispersion & mixing

Theory of the h.b.c. for simple liquids

Slippage effects in macroscopic flows ?

Pressure drop in nanochannels

Slit z
d x


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Exemple 1 d=1 µm %error on permeability : 12%
b=20 nm

Exemple 2 r = 2 nm Error factor on permeability : 80

tube b=20 nm (2 order of magnitude)

Exemple 3 Forced imbibition of hydrophobic mesoporous medium

mesoporous silica: MCM41


B. Lefevre et al, J. Chem. Phys 120 4927 2004

Water in silanized MCM41
The intrusion-extrusion cycle of water in
of various radii (1.5 to 6 nm)
hydrophobic MCM41

quasi-static cycle, does not depend on

frquency up to kHz
Porous grain

L ~ 2-10 µm
Dispersion of transported species - Mixing

Taylor dispersion

t=0 time t
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Without molecular diffusion: décompresseur TIFF (non compressé)
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Molecular diffusion spreads the solute through the width within sont visionner cette

Solute motion is analogous to random walk:

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With partial slip b.c.

t=0 time t
With partial slip b.c.

t=0 time t QuickTime™ et un

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Same channel, same flow rate sont requis pour visionner cette image.

Hydrodynamic dispersion is significantly reduced if b ≥ d

b = 0.15 d reduction factor 2
b = 1.5 d reduction factor 10
Electrokinetic phenomena
Colloid science, biology, …

Electrostatic double layer

nm 1 µm
Electric field
electroosmotic flow

Electro-osmosis, streaming potential… are determined by interfacial

hydrodynamics at the scale of the Debye length
E vos

+ +
+ + x
+ + + + + +
- - - - - - - - -
E vos

no-slip plane
+ +
+ + x
+ + + + + +
- - - - - - - - -
Case of a no-slip boundary condition:

zeta potential
E vos

+ +
+ + x
+ + + + + +
- - - - - - - - -

Case of a partial slip boundary condition:

 At constant s the electroosmotic
velocity depends on Debye length.

Pb for measuring surface charges 

 Possibility of very large el-osmotic

flow by decreasing 

Example: b=20nm
 = 3nm at 10-2M
os increased by 800%

Churaev et al, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2002

L. Joly et al, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2004
The no-slip boundary condition (bc):
a long lasting empiricism regularly questionned

Some examples of importance of the b.c. in nanofluidics

Pressure drop in nanochannels
Elektrokinetics effects
Dispersion & mixing

Theory of the h.b.c. for simple liquids

What about macroscopic flows ?

Effect of surface roughness

Fluid mechanics calculation :

Far field flow : no-slip

locally: perfect slip

Richardson, J Fluid Mech 59 707 (1973),

Janson, Phys. Fluid 1988

roughness « kills » slip

Slip at a microscopic scale :
molecular dynamics on simple liquids

Robbins (1990)
Barrat, Bocquet (1994, 1999)
Thomson-Troian (Nature 1997)

q = 2 
Thermodynamic equilibrium determination of b.c.
with Molecular Dynamics simulations
Bocquet & Barrat, Phys Rev E 49 3079 (1994)

Be j(r,t) the fluctuating momentum density at point r

Assume that it obeys Navier-Stokes equation

And assume boundary condition

Then take its <x,y> average

And auto-correlation function

C(z,z’,t) obeys a diffusion equation

with boundary condition b

and initial value given by

thermal equilibrium

2D density

C(z,z’,t) can be solved analytically and obtained as a function of b

b can be determined by ajusting analytical solution to data
measured in equilibrium Molecular Dynamics simulation
Slip at a microscopic scale : linear response theory

Green-Kubo relation for the hydrodynamic b.c.:

Liquid-solid canonical
total force exerted equilibrium
Friction coefficient
by the solid on the liquid

(assumes that momentum fluctuations in fluid obey Navier-Stokes

equation + b.c. condition of Navier type)

Friction coefficient (i.e. slip length) can be computed at equilibrium from

time decay of correlation function of momentum tranfer
Slip at a microscopic scale : molecular dynamics

Barrat, Bocquet, PRE (1994)

 « soft sphere » liquid

interaction potential  (r) = (r)12
molecular size : 

 hard wall u
corrugation z=u cos qx
q = 2 
 attractive wall
interaction potential z)= sf (1/z9-1/z3)
u/ b/
 very small surface corrugation is
0 ∞
enough to suppress slip effects
0.01 40
 Strong wall-fluid attraction induces >0.03 0
an immobile fluid layer at wall >0.03 -2
sf =15
Effect of liquid-solid interaction
Barrat et al Farad. Disc. 112,119 1999

Simple Lennard-Jones fluid

with fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interactions

⎡⎛σ ⎞12 ⎡⎛σ ⎞6 ⎤⎤ D

vα β (r) = 4ε⎢⎜ ⎟ − cα β ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎥⎥
⎣⎝ r ⎠
⎢ ⎣⎝ r ⎠ ⎦⎥

 = {fluid,solid}
c parameter controls wettability

Wettability is characterized by contact angle (c.a.)

cFS=1.0 : =90°
cFS=0.5 : =140°
cFS=0 : =180°
Two types of flow

Couette flow Poiseuille flow



z/ z/

Here : =140°, P~7 MPa

Slip length b=11 is found (both case)
Slip at a microscopic scale: liquid-solid interaction effect

 essentially no (small) slip in

b/ =140° partial wetting systems ( < 90°)

 substantial slips occurs on

strongly non-wetting systems

 slip length increases with c.a.

 slip length increases stronly as
pressure decreases

P0~MPa Po ~ MPa

 Linear b.c. up to ~ 108 s-1

fluid density profile across the cell

Soft spheres on hard repulsive wall Lennard-Jones fluid  = 137°

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Slip increases with reduced fluid density at wall.

However slippage does not reduce to « air cushion » at wall.
Slip at a microscopic scale: theory for simple liquids

Analytical expression for slip length Barrat et al Farad. Disc. 112,119 1999

molecular size

density at wall, wall corrugation

fluid struct.factor
depends on a exp(q// • R//)
parallel to wall
wetting properties

Depends only on structural parameters, no dynamic parameter

Intrinsic b.c. on smooth surfaces : conclusion

 at moderate shear rate ( < 108 s-1 ) essentially no slip in wetting systems

 substantial slips occurs in strongly non-wetting systems

slip length increases with c.a.
slip length depends strongly on pressure

 slip length amplitude is moderate (~ 5 nm at  )

 slip length is not expected to depend on fluid viscosity (≠ polymers)

 non-linear slip develops above a (high) critical shear rate (~ 109 s-1 )

Thomson-Troian Nature 1997

The no-slip boundary condition (bc):
a long lasting empiricism regularly questionned

Some examples of importance of the b.c. in nanofluidics

Pressure drop in nanochannels
Elektrokinetics effects
Dispersion & mixing

Theory of the h.b.c. for simple liquids

Slippage effects in macroscopic flows ?

Duez, Ybert, Clanet, Bocquet
Nature Physics 3, 180, 2007

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U static contact angle

z LV SV SV - SL = LV cos e
d dynamic ‘ ‘
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Tangential stress on L/S surface diverges at c.l. sont requis pour visionner cette image.

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Adds a dynamic force at c.l.:

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The dynamic c.a. increases QuickTime™ et un

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with flow velocity: sont requis pour visionner cette image.

Above threshold Ca > Cac, d = 180° Capillary number

the c.l. destabilizes, a fluid film is trapped QuickTime™ et un
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De Gennes, Brochart et Quéré,

Gouttes bulles perles et ondes, 2005

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Duez & al Nature Physics

3, 180, 2007
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3, 180, 2007

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