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 This walking stick is an alternative to the traditional walking stick. Here,

Arduino mega, ultrasonic sensor, Water sensor, Flame sensor, voice
playback module, RF transmitter and receiver and buzzer.
 Arduino is a microcontroller which can do all the calculations very fastly
and quickly with great accuracy.
 Ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the object in the front of the person by
measuring the distance between the object and the stick.
 Water sensor objective is to detect water existence regardless its
level .Three wire probes fit at the bottom of the stick to sense obstacle like
water pits, puddles and water spread. Once wires touch water, the circuit
is shorted, this interrupts the microcontroller, and beep sound is produced
by the speaker to warn the blind person about the puddle.
 The voice playback module will assist the blind person to reach the
destination through the command or microphone.

 Visually impaired people are the people who find it difficult to

recognize the smallest detail with healthy eyes
 To design an assistive technology for visually impaired people
that can detect obstacles and provide alternative routes for
the blind
 To alarm the user through vibration to determine the obstacles
direction sources
 To help the user find his stick when he mistakenly loses it
somewhere. Through this smart blind stick, visually
impaired people will have so much of assistance.
 In case of any problem, with the function of Global
Positioning System (GPS), we can track their whereabouts.
 The Arduino microcontroller is an easy to use yet powerful single board
computer that has gained considerable traction in the hobby and
professional market. The Arduino is open source, which means hardware
is reasonably priced and development software is free. In order to start
the programming the Pins has to be assigned to the components.
Then Ardiuno enables the USB wired camera attached to it. When the
camera is activated, it captures the image appeared across it. The
captured image is also sent to the Ardiuno at the same
time. Ardiuno keeps the image dataset which consists a lot of collected
samples of the different obstacles. The images which were sent from
the camera are compared with the images stored in the dataset using the
image processing.
 Then open source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code
and upload it to the board . This software can be used with any Arduino.
The given picture is shows the installation of IDE software.

 The working behind this blind stick is that it is used for special purpose as
a sensing device for the blind people. In this blind stick there are four
sensors ultrasonic sensor, light, flame and water sensing. All the sensors
and other components are connected with microcontroller (Arduino
mega). If Ultrasonic sensor detect any obstacles ahead using ultrasonic
waves. On sensing obstacles, sensor passes this data to the
microcontroller and other sensors (water sensor and heat flame sensor)
work as same as ultrasonic sensor. Then microcontroller processes this
data and calculates if the obstacle is close enough. If the obstacle is not
that close the circuit does nothing. If any object is found nearer, it sends
the command to the user through the speaker or microphone. The
command is already stored in the voice playback module which sends
alert message to the user about the object

 This project is an automatic system that uses

Ultrasonic sensors to be detect the obstacles in front
by a microcontroller.
 Adding security features for the disabled (blind).
Facilitate the people with disabilities to move freely.
 This project to help all of the blind people in the
world to make them easier to walk everywhere

 The Blind Walking Stick has been finally made into prototype which
can be used to guide the blind. Its aims to solve the problems faced by
the blind people in their daily life. The system also takes the measure
to ensure their safety. Smart blind Stick will operate to help all the
blind people in the world to make them easier to walk everywhere they
want. It's safe and affordable. This results in effective obstacle
detection within one and half meters of the user's direction. It offers
low cost, reliable, lightweight, low power and efficient navigation with
fast, quick response times. The computer is hardwired, but light
weight, with sensors and other features [44]. Wireless connectivity
between components of the device will enhance the additional features
of this instrument and increase the range of ultrasound sensors and
incorporate technologies to measure the intensity of obstacles

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