Chapter2 Drug-Receptor Interactions and Pharmacodynamics

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Principles of Drug Therapy

Chapter 2
Drug-receptor interactions
and Pharmacodynamics
Main contents
 Overview

 Signal transduction

 Dose-response relationships

 Agonists

 Antagonists

 Quantal dose-response relationships

Ⅰ. Overview

 Pharmacodynamics describes the action of a

drug on the body and the influence of drug
concentrations on the magnitude of the

Mechanisms of drug action

 (1) Physical and chemical reaction

 (2) Joining or interfering with cell metabolism
 (3) Affecting transportation of physical substances
 (4) Affecting enzyme activity
 (5) Affecting ion channels on the cell membrane
 (6) Affecting immunology function
 (7) Affecting nucleotide
 (8) Drugs and receptors
Drugs and receptors
 A (specific) receptor can be defined as many
biologic target macromolecule in cells that
interacts specifically with extracellular signal,
e.g., a drug, the drug-receptor complex
initiates alterations in biochemical and / or
molecular activity of a cell by a process called
signal transduction, finally converts it into
intracellular effects.
 Receptor determine the maximum effect of a
drug, i.e., the response extent is proportional
to the number of drug-receptor interaction.
Ⅱ. Signal transduction
The drug-receptor complex

 Each type of receptor is specific for a particular

ligand and produces a unique response
 The magnitude of the response is proportional
to the number of drug-receptor complex
 Drug + receptor→ drug-receptor complex
→ biologic effect
The drug-receptor complex
 Features of drug-receptor interaction:
specificity of the receptor for a given ligand
 Receptor recognizes the ligand

 Receptor binds the ligand

 Receptor can transduce the binding into a

response by causing a conformational changes
or a biochemical effect
Receptor states

Classically: the induced-fit model

• Inactivate state (R)→ activated state (R*)

• The activated R then interact with

intermediary effector molecules to produce a
biologic effect
Receptor states
• inactivate (R) activate (R*)
• In reversible equilibrium
• In the absence of an agonist, the equilibrium
favors the inactive state
• Drugs occupying the R can stabilize the R in a
given conformational state
• Some drugs shift the equilibrium from R to R*
• Other drugs shift the equilibrium from R* to R
Major receptor families

The type of receptor a ligand will interact with

depends on the chemical nature of the ligand
Transmembrane ligand-gated
ion channels
• Be responsible for regulation of
the flow of ions across cell
• Response to the receptors is very
rapid, only a few milliseconds
• Mediate diverse functions, e.g.
neurotransmission, cardiac
conduction, muscle contraction
• Nicotinic receptor, GABA receptor
Transmembrane G protein-
coupled receptors
• The most abundant type of
• Account for the actions of most
therapeutic agents
• Response to the receptors last
several seconds to minutes
• Mediate functions such as
neurotransmission, olfaction,
Enzyme-linked receptors
• Response to the receptors last
minutes to hours
• Mediate functions such as
metabolism, growth,
• EGF-R, PDGF-R, Insulin-R
Intracellular receptors
• The receptor is entirely
• Ligand must have sufficient lipid
• Response to the receptors is hours
to days
• Targets of these receptors include
transcription factors, structural
proteins, enzymes, RNA, etc.
• Receptors of steroid hormones
Some characteristics of signal

Two important features of signal transduction

• The ability to amplify small signals
• Mechanisms to protect the cell from
excessive stimulation
Signal amplification
• To amplify signal duration and intensity
• Amplification can be mediated by:
1. A single ligand-receptor complex can
interact with many G proteins
2. The activated G proteins persist for a longer
duration than the original ligand-receptor
3. The interaction of G proteins and their
respective intracellular targets
Signal amplification

Spare receptors
• Only a fraction of the total R for a specific
ligand may need to be occupied to elicit a
maximal response
• 99% of the insulin R are spare → an
immense functional reserve
• 5-10% of the β-R in the healthy heart are
spare, but little functional reserve exists in
the failing heart
Desensitization and down-
regulation of receptors

• Repeated of continuous administration of an

agonist or an antagonist may lead to changes
in the responsiveness of the receptor
Desensitization and down-
regulation of receptors
Continuous stimulation of receptor may
lead to:
① Receptors unresponsive to the ligand
② Receptors down-regulated (R may be
endocytosed and sequestered within
the cells)
• Then repeated administration of a
drug results in a diminished effect,
that is tachyphylax
• Can be recovered
Ⅲ. Dose-responsive
• An agonist is defined as an agent that can
bind to a receptor and elicit a biologic
• Mimics the action of the original
endogenous ligand on the receptor
• The magnitude of the drug effect depends
on the drug concentration at the receptor
Graded dose-response relations

The response is a graded effect, meaning that the

response is continuous and gradual
• Potency is a measure of the
amount of drug necessary to
produce an effect of a given
• EC50 is the concentration of
drug producing an effect that is
50 percent of the maximum,
and is used to determine the
• Therapeutic preparations of
drugs will reflect the potency
• Candesartan and Irbesartan
Efficacy (Emax)

• Efficacy is the ability of a drug

to elicit a response when it
interacts with a receptor
• Dependent on the number of
drug-receptor complexes
formed and the efficiency of
the coupling of receptor
activation to cellular responses
• A drug with greater efficacy is
more therapeutically beneficial
than one that is more potent
Ⅳ. agonists
• An agonist is defined as an agent that can bind
to a receptor and elicit a biologic response
• Mimics the action of the original endogenous
ligand on the receptor
• May elicit a different response from the
receptor and its transduction mechanism
• Full agonists
• Partial agonists
• Inverse agonists
Full agonist
• Binds to the receptor and
produces a maximal biologic
response that mimics the
response to the endogenous
• Binds to a R and stabilizes the R in
its active conformational state
• Have actions on intracellular
molecules, cells, tissues, intact
• Strong affinity for the receptor and
good efficacy
Partial agonist
• Efficacy greater than 0 but less
than that of full agonist
• Affinity > < = that of the full
• Act both as an agonist and an
Inverse agonist
• Stabilize the inactive R form
• Force all the constitutively
active R into the inactive state
• Decrease the number of
activated R to below that
observed in the absence of drug
• Reverse the constitutive activity
of R and exert opposite
pharmacological effects of
Ⅴ. antagonists
• Drugs that decrease or oppose the actions of
another drug or endogenous ligand
• With strong affinity to receptors, while no
intrinsic activity
• Act on the same R as the agonist
• Have no effect if an agonist is not present
• Competitive antagonists
• Irreversible antagonists
• Functional and chemical antagonism
Competitive antagonists
• Bind to the same site of R
with agonist
• Prevent agonist from binding
to its R and maintain the R in
inactive conformational state
• Cause a shift of the agonist
dose-response curve to the
right, maximum response can
be obtained by increasing
amount of agonists
• Reduce agonist potency
Irreversible antagonists
• Cause a downward shift of
the maximum, with no shift
of the curve on the dose axis
• Maximal response of is not
observed even with
increasing dose of agonist
• The effects can not be
overcome by more agonists
Irreversible antagonists
• Two mechanisms of irreversible antagonist:
① Irreversibly bind to the active site of R, reduce
the amount of R available to the agonist
② Bind to an allosteric site other than the agonist
binding site, then prevent the R from being
Irreversible antagonists
• A maximum response is not
observed even with increasing
dose of agonist
• Reduce agonist efficicy

reversible antagonists
• A maximum response can be
obtained by increasing dose of
• Result in an increase in EC50
value, but maintenance of
agonist efficacy
Functional and chemical antagonism
Functional antagonism
(physiologic antagonism):
• Act at a completely separate R, initiating
functionally opposite effects of agonist
• E.g. epinephrine—histamine on bronchial SM
Functional and chemical antagonism
Chemical antagonism
• Chemical antagonists modify or sequester
agonist so that it can not bind and active its R
• E.g. protamine sulfate—heparin

Pharmacokinetic antagonism
• Antagonism reduce active drug concentration
Receptor Interactions

Lock and key mechanism

Agonist Receptor

Receptor Interactions

Induced Fit


Perfect Fit!
Receptor Interactions


Antagonist Receptor

Receptor Interactions

Non-competitive Antagonist

Agonist Receptor

Ⅵ. Quantal dose-response
Drug responses
• Graded response: can be expressed by
continuous increase of decrease
• E.g. the decrease of BP or BG

• Quantal response: for any individual, the

effect either occurs or not

• Graded response can be defined as quantal if

a predetermined level of the graded response
is designated as the point at which a
response occurs or not
Drug responses
• Graded response: can be expressed by
continuous increase of decrease
• E.g. the decrease of BP or BG

• Quantal response: for any individual, the

effect either occurs or not

• Graded response can be defined as quantal if

a predetermined level of the graded response
is designated as the point at which a
response occurs or not
TI  Therapeutic Index (TI)
 A measure of a drug’s safety
 The larger value indicates a wide margin between
doses that are effective and doses that are toxic
 Digitalis has a TI of 2
 Penicillin has TI of >100

 LD50=the drug dose that produces a lethal effect

in half the population
 ED50=the drug dose that produces a therapeutic
or desired response in half the population
Determination of
Therapeutic Index
 Be determined using drug trials and
accumulating clinical experience
 To calculate the doses that produce the
therapeutic effect (ED50) and the toxic
effect (TD50) in 50% of the population
 Usually reveal a range of effective doses and
a different range of toxic doses
Determination of
Therapeutic Index
Drugs with narrow TIs
 are routinely used to treat certain diseases
like some lethal diseases
 The effective and toxic concentrations are
 Variations in patient response are most
likely to occur
 Dose is critically important

Drugs with large TIs

 are safe and common to give doses in excess
Time Response Relationships

Maximal (Peak) Effect


Latency Duration of Response

Time Response Relationships


Dose Response Relationships


Which drug has the lower threshold dose? AA

Which has the greater maximum effect? BB

Dose Response Relationships

 Potency
 Absolute amount of drug required to produce an effect
 More potent drug is the one that requires lower dose to cause same


Which drug is more potent?
Dose Response Relationships

 Threshold (minimal) dose

 Least amount needed to produce desired effects
 Maximum effect
 Greatest response produced regardless of dose used
Dose Response Relationships

 Loading dose
 Bolus of drug given initially to rapidly reach therapeutic levels
 Maintenance dose
 Lower dose of drug given continuously or at regular intervals to
maintain therapeutic levels
Factors Altering Drug Responses

 Age
 Pediatric or geriatric
 Immature or decreased hepatic, renal function
 Weight
 Big patients “spread” drug over larger volume
 Gender
 Difference in sizes
 Difference in fat/water distribution
Factors Altering Drug Responses

 Environment
 Heat or cold
 Presence or real or perceived threats
 Fever
 Shock
Factors Altering Drug Responses

 Pathology
 Drug may aggravate underlying pathology
 Hepatic disease may slow drug metabolism
 Renal disease may slow drug elimination
 Acid/base abnormalities may change drug absorption or elimination
Influencing factors

 Genetic effects
 Lack of specific enzymes
 Lower metabolic rate
 Psychological factors
 Placebo effect
Pediatric Patients

 Higher proportion of water

 Lower plasma protein levels
 More available drug
 Immature liver/kidneys
 Liver often metabolizes more slowly
 Kidneys may excrete more slowly
Geriatric Patients

 Chronic disease  Dietary

states deficiencies
 Decreased plasma  Use of multiple
protein binding medications
 Slower  Lack of
metabolism compliance
 Slower excretion

Drug actions:
 The cellular processes involved in the drug and
cell interaction

Drug effect:
 The physiologic reaction of the body to the drug
 The time it takes for the drug to elicit a
therapeutic response

 The time it takes for a drug to reach its maximum
therapeutic response
 The time a drug concentration is sufficient to elicit
a therapeutic response
Mechanisms of Action
The ways by which drugs can produce therapeutic effects:
 Once the drug is at the site of action, it can
modify the rate (increase or decrease) at which
the cells or tissues function.
 A drug cannot make a cell or tissue perform a
function it was not designed to perform.
Mechanisms of Action
 Receptor interaction
 Enzyme interaction
 Nonspecific interactions
Types of Therapies
 Acute therapy
 Maintenance therapy
 Supplemental therapy
 Palliative therapy
 Supportive therapy
 Prophylactic therapy
 The effectiveness of the drug therapy must be evaluated.
 One must be familiar with the drug’s
 intended therapeutic action (beneficial)
 and the drug’s unintended but potential side effects (predictable,
adverse drug reactions).
 Therapeutic index
 Drug concentration
 Patient’s condition
 Tolerance and dependence
 Interactions
 Side effects/adverse drug effects
Therapeutic Index
 The ratio between a drug’s therapeutic benefits
and its toxic effects
 A decreasing response to repetitive drug doses
 A physiologic or psychological need for a drug
Interactions may occur with other drugs or food
 Drug interactions: the alteration of action of
a drug by:
 Other prescribed drugs
 Over-the-counter medications
 Herbal therapies
 Additive effect
 Synergistic effect
 Antagonistic effect
 Incompatibility
Medication Misadventures

Adverse drug events

 ALL are preventable
 Medication errors that result in patient harm

Adverse drug reactions

 Inherent, not preventable event occurring in the normal
therapeutic use of a drug
 Any reaction that is unexpected, undesirable, and occurs
at doses normally used
Some adverse drug reactions are classified as side effects.
 Expected, well-known reactions that result in
or no change in patient management
 Predictable frequency
 The effect’s intensity and occurrence is related to

the size of the dose

Adverse Drug Reaction

An undesirable response to drug therapy

 Idiosyncratic
 Hypersensitivity reactions
 Drug interactions
Iatrogenic Responses

Unintentional adverse effects that are treatment-induced

 Dermatologic
 Renal damage
 Blood dyscrasias
 Hepatic toxicity
Pharmacotherapeutics: Monitoring

Other Drug-Related Effects

 Teratogenic
 Mutagenic
 Carcinogenic

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