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Types of Wastes

1. Solid waste / refuse

2. Excreta / night soil

3. Sullage

4. Sewage
Sources of Refuse
1. Street refuse

2. Market refuse

3. Stable litter

4. Industrial refuse

5. Agricultural refuse

6. Domestic refuse
Health Hazards Due to the Accumulation
of Refuse

1. The organic portion of solid wastes

ferments, it favours for fly breeding, vermin
and pests breeding.
2. The garbage in the refuse attracts rats.

3. Wastes create intolerable nuisance of sight

and smell.

4. Dust may harbour tubercle bacilli and other

germs, causes diseases if inhaled.
5. Pollution of soil with night soil may be rich
in tetanus spores.

6. Possibilities of rain water passes through

deposits of fermenting refuse.

7. Risk of air pollution, if there is accidental /

spontaneous combustion of refuse.

8. Pathogens may be conveyed to man

through flies and dust.
Separation of Solid Wastes
 Waste paper can be pulped and used in
manufacture of boards and some other type
of papers.

 Ferrous metals can be compressed into

bales and reuse in steel industries.

 Some waste food can be used as animal

food after heating under pressure.
 Glass can be melted back and reused.
 Even bones can be processed to make
grease, in fertilizer and in animal food.
Sorted by mechanical / hand operation.
1st step
Use screens of selected aperture size to
remove dust.

Next step
By using electromagnets / moving belts, can
lift some materials (food cans, ferrous metal).

Last step
Unsorted refuse burn in modern mechanical
Methods of Refuse Disposal
1. Dumping
2. Controlled tipping / sanitary land fill
3. Incineration
4. Composting
a) Anaerobic method
(i) Bangalore method
(ii) Indore method
b) Aerobic method
(i) Mechanical composing
5. Manure pits
6. Burial
1. Most economical.
2. Easy method of disposal.


1. The refuse is exposed to flies and rodents.

2. It is a source of nuisance of smell and sight.

3. The louse refuse is dispersed by the action
of wind. There is chances of catching fire.

4. Drainage from dumps contribute to the

pollution of water (surface and ground).
Controlled tipping / Sanitary land fill
1. Trench method
Trench of 6-10 ft. deep
12-36 ft. wide

2. Ramp method
3. Area method
Used – Land depressions, clay pits
and disused land.
1. No nuisance to the sight and smell.
2. Prevents infestation by flies.
3. Decomposition of organic matter.

1. Requires supplemental earth.
2. More expensive.
1. Hygienically method or choice.
2. No need of land.
3. No nuisance to the community.

1. Method is not possible, if refuse
contained fine ask.
2. It involves heavy expenditure.
3. Process is difficult.
Incineration Process Has Following

1. Drying

2. Heating to ignition (8300C)

3. Airing to supply oxygen

4. Supply of auxiliary fuel if the refuse

is moist.

“Is a process of mixing up of various decaying

organic substances, dead leaves”.

- “Manure” – Useful for fertilizing land.

Methods of Composting
(A) Anaerobic method
(Hot fermentation method)
Bangalore Method
Trench - 3 ft. deep
5-8 ft. broad
15-30 ft. long
1. Alternate layers of refuse (6 inch) and night
soil (2 inch) till one foot above the ground
2. Help should cover with excavated mud.

Is a method of disposal of both refuse and

night soil / sludge, where organic matter
breakdown under bacterial action resulting in
the formation of compost, which has manorial
value for the soil.
(B) Aerobic method
(Mechanical composting)

1st step
Clear all materials – rags, bones, metal, glass
which interferes with grinding operation.

Sorted refuse now subjected to pulverization.
It reduces the size of particles to <2 inches.
Pulverized refuse then mixed with sewage and
sludge in rotation machine, then subject it to
incubation. Here controlled factors are – N2:C
ratio Rx temperature moisture etc.

1. Less attractive to flies and rodents.

2. Provides better condition for bacterial

Disposal of Hospital Wastes

- Incineration
Use of incinerator.

- Sharp things discarded by using cardboard

boxes labeled – “Sharpack” “Safeguard”
Mercury Disposal

- Waste Hg should be collected and stored in

well-sealed containers.

- While triturating amalgam with Hg water

spray and suction should be used.

- While working with Hg, use disposable

mask, protect eyes and nose.
Disposal of Radioactive Substance
Krypton-85, strontium-89, zirconium-95. These
– radio isotopes can enter body through food

Exposure to ionizing radiation develops cancer

and genetic disorders.

- Should follow the below mentioned

principle while disposal of radioactive
waste. Dilute and disperse, decay and delay,
concentrates and contain.
Water : Presence of offensive
Pollution matter
Contaminati : Presence of infectious
on agent
18% rural Access for
population potable water
18% urban population

Potable - Both safe and wholesome

Safe - Does not harm the consumer
water even if taken prolonged
Whole - Pleasant taste or appeance.
- Free from pathogenic
- Free from harmful chemicals
- Pleasant to taste
- Usable for domestic purposes
Hydrologic cycle is a
process of
- Transfer of moisture from atmosphere to
earth in the form of precipitation
- Conveyance of precipitated water by
streams and rivers to oceans and lakes
- Evaporation of water back to atmosphere.

Evaporation And
- Evaporation from sea, river, lakes
- Transpiration from leaves of plants.
Precipitatio Fall of moisture from
n : atmosphere to earth.
Liquid precipitation Rainfall
Frozen precipitation snow, hail

Runoff Portion of precipitate that

: is not evaporated.
- Surface Runoff
Over the land to river, stream and
to ocean.
- Inter flop or sub surface runoff
Infiltrates into soil depending on
etiology, runs sub surface and
reaches ocean.
- Ground flow or base flow
After infiltration, per collates
down and joins the ground water
reservoir to ocean.

Precipitati= Evaporation + Run off.
Sources of water

1. Rain water
2. Surface water
- Ponds and tanks
- Lakes
- Rivers and streams
3. Ground water
a. Wells - Shallow
- Deep
- Artesian
b. Springs

- Deep
- Inter mittant
- Hot or sulpher springs
Sanitary Well
1. Location
Soft away from source of contamination.

2. Living
6 mts below the ground (water enters
from bottom of the well and not from
sides) 2-3 ft above the ground
3. Parapet wall
Sloping in all directions 0.5 to 1 mt is height.
4. Platform
Concrete platform 1 m in all direction
5. Drain
Away from the area of drainage of the
well (30 to 50 mt long)
6. Covering
Improves bacterial quantity of water.

Sanitary Well
Located and constructed to provide
adequate prevention from pollution of
Water Borne Diseases

Bacterial Typhoid
- Para typhoid
Bacillary dysentery
E.colli diarrhoea

Viral -Hepatitis A &


Protozoa -Amoebiasis
Helmenthic Round worm
- Hook worm
Hydatid disease

Leptospiral Weils disease

Cyclops Guinea worm
- Tape worm

Snail Schistosomiasis
Water Quality Standards
1. Physical
a) Turbidity
- mud, sand, clay, organic matter
- 5 units (Jackson – Candle

b) Colour
- 0.5 unit (on hazen scale)
c) Taste & odour
- Nil
2. Chemical

- PH - 7.0 to 8.5
- Total solids - 500 ppm
- Hardness - 100 (CaCO2 eq)
- Chloride - 200 mg / lt.
- Sulphate - 200 mg / lt.
- Nitrate - 45 mg / lt.
- Fluoride - 1.5
3. Biological

- No sample should have E.Colin 100 ml.

- No sample should have > 3 coliforms

- Not more than 5% of samples throughout

year should have coliforms is 100 ml.

- No two consequentive sample should have

coliforms is 100 ml.
Sources of Pollution / Contamination
By Human Activity
Urbanization & Industrialization

- Sewage
Decomposable organic matter and
pathogenic agents

- Industrial & Trade waste

Toxic agents – Metal salts and
synthetic chemicals.
- Agricultural waste
Fertilizers and pesticides

- Physical pollutants
Heat and radioactive substances.
Purification of Water
- On a large scale
- On a small scale

On a Large Scale
a – Storage
b – Filtration
c – Chlorination

a. Storage or Natural
Settling of suspended impurities
within 24 hrs. It allows penetration of
Decrease in ammonia concentration by
oxidization of organic matter with the
aid of oxygen dissolved.

Decrease 90% of bacterial count within
5-7 days.
10-14 days – Max. limit for storage
(Algae growth - Bad odor & colour to the
b. Filtration
Biological or slow sand filters
Mechanical or rapid sand filters

Purification on a Small Scale

- House hold purification
- Disinfections of wells

Chemical disinfections
a. Boiling

- Satisfactory method

- ‘Rolling boil’ for 5-10 mm

- Kills bacteria, cysts, ova
- Removes temporary hardness

- Water should be boiled in the same container

in which it is stored to avoid contamination
during storage.
b. Chemical disinfections

Bleaching powder
Chlorine solution
High test hypo chloride
Chlorine tablets
Potassium permanganate
Bleaching Powder (25-35%)
- Chlorinated lime (CaOCl2)
- Unstable compound
Mixed with excess lime,
It regains its strength.
- Principle is to ensure free residual chlorine of
0.5 mg / lt. At the time of 1 hr. contact.
- For 10 M3 of water, add 23 gms.
Chlorine solution
- If 4 kg. (25%) of bleaching powder is mixed
with 20 lts. Of water, it gives a 5% solution of
Disinfections of Wells
- Incase of epidemics of cholera and enteritis
- Steps
- Find out volume in well

3.14 x d2 x h
V= x 1000

d = diameter of well
h = depth of water ______
- Find out amount of bleaching powder
‘Horrocks Apparatus’
2.5 gms / 1000 lts.

- Dissolve bleaching powder

- Make paste
- Sediment for 5-10 min. (lime)

- Delivery of chlorine
Agitate water by moving
vertically and laterally.
- Contact period – 1 hour.
- Ortho tolvdene test
Double Pot Method (By Neeri)

- Outer pot (outer upper portion)

- Inner pot (above 4 cm from bottom)
1 kg of bleaching
powder + 2 kg of cades
- Mouth is closed with polythene foil.
- Immerse the pot 1 mt. Below the water level.

For wells containing

4500 lts.
Slow Sand
- Supernatant water
1.5 mt.

- Sand bed
Diameter 0.2 to 0.3
Height 1 mt.

- Gravel 30-40 cm. deep

- Perforating pipes
Vital Layer or Biological Layer
Schmutzdecke or Zoological Layer
Slimy, gelatinous layer consists of
algae, plankton, diatoms, bacteria
Formation Ripening of filter
- Removes organic matter, bacteria, oxidizes
NH3 to nitrates
- Loss of head or bed resistance ‘Venturi meter’

- Cleaning by scraping 1-2 cm.

- After 30 scrapings, new bed is constructed (24
Rapid Sand or Mechanical
- Coagulation
Alum 5-40 mg / lt.
- Rapid mixing
Quick dissemination of alum
- Flocculation
Gentle mixing by paddles. (2-4 rpm)
AL2 (SO4)3 + 3 Ca Co3 + 3 H2O

2 A1 (OH)3 + 3 Ca2SO4 + 3 CD2

‘Alum Floc’ a precipitate of aluminium
hydroxide contains all suspended,
colloidal organisms forms floc balls
which being heavy settles down.

- Sedimentation (2-6 hrs.)

Precipitate or sludge settles down.
Alum floc which escapes settling is held
at the top of the sand bed by
sedimentation holds bacteria and forms
slimy layer.
Sand diameter – 0.4 to 0.7
Loss of head 6-8 ft

Back Washing by Water / Air

(15 Min)
- No need to stop water supply for longer time.

- Rate of filtration 2 m.g.a.d.

Comparison of Slow and Rapid Sand Filters

Slow Rapid
1. Size of sand 0.2 to 0.3 mm 0.4 to 0.7 mm
2. Rate of filtration 2-3 m g d 200 m g d
3. Preliminary treatment
Sedimentation coagulation
4. Washing Scraping Back washing
5. Operation Less skilled Highly skilled
6. Loss of head 4 ft 6-8 ft
7. Removal of bacteria 99.99 % 98-99 %
8. Removal of colour Fair poor
Chemical should satisfy the following
1) Should be capable of destroying the
pathogenic organisms present.

2) Should not leave products of reaction which

render the water toxic or impart colour or make
it un potable.
3) Available at reasonable cost permitting
convement, safe and accurate application to
4) Be amenable to detection by rapid, practical
and simple analytical techniques.
Principles of Chlorination

1. Water should be clean and free from turbidity.

2. Chlorine demand
“It is the difference between the
amount of chlorine added to water
and the amount of residual chlorine
remaining at the end of a specific
period of contact at a given
temperature and PH of the water”
3. Contact period
The presence of free residual chlorine
for a contact period of at least one
hour is required to kill bacteria and
4. Correct dose of chlorine to be applied
The sum of chlorine
+ free residual chlorine (0.5 mg / lt)
Methods of chlorination
Chlorine gas

Chlorine gas
Cheap, quick in action, efficient it is
irritant to the eye. Chlorination
equipment is required.
Petersons chloronome for measuring
gaseous chlorine to water.
Have slower action have
tendency to change taste.

Perchloron (HTH)
Calcium compound with 60 - 70%
available chlorine.

- It is a supplement, not substitute

- Chlorine kills all pathogenic bacteria

- It destroys some taste and odor producing


- It controls algae.
Mechanism of Action

1. H2O + Cl2 HOCL + HCL

(Hypochlorous Acid)
(Hypochlorite ion)
Free residual chlorine kills bacteria.

2. Combines with iron, manganese to form

3. Reacts with ammonia to form chloramines.
NH4OH+ Cl2 NH2Cl + H2O
Have slow and prolonged germicidal
and bacterial action.
Break Point
Presence of free residual
Maintain 0-5 ppm after break point.

NH3 + Chlorine
In swimming pools.
- High hydrochloride (HTH) perchloron
- Calcium compound which contains 60-70%
of the available chlorine.
- For 10m3 of water, 10 gms is required.

- Chlorine tablets (halo zone)

- Neeri, Nagpur has developed a tablet which
is cheap.
- A tablet of 0.5 gms is sufficient for
disinfecting 20 lts of water
- Iodine
- 2 drops of 2% ethanol solution is sufficient
for disinfecting 1 lt of water.
- Contact time required is 20-30 min.
- Advantages : It stays in its active form for
longer time since it does not react with
ammonia or other organic compounds.

- Disadvantages : High cost, thyroid activity.

- Potassium permanganate
- It may kill vibrio cholera but does not kill
other organisms.
- It alters colour, taste and odor.
- Chamber land filter Porcelain
- Birf field filter Kieselgurh or
- Katadyn filter earthcatalyst

(silver ions are liberated into the water

through oliigd dynamic action, kills B)
- Only clean inater should be used
- Should be cleaned with hard brush and boiled
at least once in a week.
Super chlorination
High doses of chlorine (20 min)
+ Sodium Sulphate / taiosulphate

Orthotoledene test
O’ toledene dissolved in 10% solution of Hcl.
The water turns yellow.
The intensity increase with increase
Add 0.1 ml of the reagent 1 ml of water.
Yellow colour produced is matched.
Against standards.

Disadvantages of chlorine compounds

Bye products of chlorination such as
trihalomethane (THM) are known or
suspected carcinogens.
Alternatives to chlorination
(Bromine, iodine, chl-dioxide)
1) Ozone
- Has powerful oxidizing action.
- Has powerful virusidal action.
- > 1000 water plants are using oldest France
- Acts very fast
(in seconds) (0.2 – 0.5 mg/lt)

- No residual germicidal effect.
Combined treatment
Pretreatment with ozone
- Kills viruses and bacteria.
- Decomposes products that are precursors of
2) Ultra violet radiation
- Kills viruses
- No residual effect
- It is a costly.
- Disinfections potential reduces.
- When used with coloured and turbid
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